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For the last several years, real estate has been in a pricing bubble. Prices have been substantially higher than historical relationships to incomes and rents would justify. While prices have started to decline, they are still abnormally high compared to these core fundamentals. This website is focused on analyzing the housing bubble, its aftermath, and real estate in general as it pertains to the Greater Boston Area.
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Boston-Specific Info

  • Boston Futures: For Greater Boston real estate prices from 1987 through the present and looking several years into the future, see the latest S&P/Case-Shiller Boston snapshot with futures (both before and after inflation). The futures markets are probably the most unbiased predictor of where housing prices are headed.
  • Price/Income: For a gauge of how overpriced the market is, see the latest report on the Greater Boston price to income ratio.
  • Inflation Adjusted: See the latest report on Massachusetts single family home prices for prices as typically reported by the local media but adjusted for inflation.
  • Price/Rent: Comparing prices to rents can help illuminate an overpriced market since many hypothetical justifications for higher home prices should raise rents as well. See the latest report on the Boston MSA price to rent ratio.
  • The population of the Greater Boston Area was declining as the housing market posted its most exceptional gains during the bubble. One of the fallacious arguments which was used to contest the existence of a housing bubble was that a growing population was pushing up the natural price of property. While that argument is flawed in general, it is especially wrong when the population is declining. [Boston Globe] [Boston Bubble]
  • The Wall Street Journal has identified Boston as one of the metropolitan areas in the US where it is cheaper to rent than to buy. Their data goes from 2001, when it was already cheaper to rent, to 2004 when the difference was even more pronounced. The Economist also published an article showing that renting is cheaper, and although it does not focus on Boston, it is very thorough about including various expenses and tax benefits that the Wall Street Journal left out. [Wall Street Journal] [The Economist]
  • Consumer Reports has rated real estate in the Boston market as "Overpriced" and pegged it at 24% over the affordable price as of Q4 2004. [Consumer Reports]
  • The number of homes sold in Massachusetts has been plummeting. For the third quarter of 2006 (the most recently reported quarter as of this writing), home sales have fallen 23% compared with the same quarter one year earlier. This despite the fact that home sales were already on the decline in 2005. [Worcester Telegram] [WCVB] [Milford Daily News]
  • Foreclosures are rising sharply in Greater Boston and Massachusetts. There were more foreclosures in the first nine months of 2006 than in all of 2005, and as of this writing (in November 2006), Massachusetts is on track to break the all time record in 2006. [Boston Globe] [Lowell Sun]
  • Boston and Massachusetts are the typical exceptions that people use to qualify their statements when they say that real estate prices don't fall. Boston and Massachusetts prices have fallen in the past, even in nominal terms (when adjusted for inflation, the fall is even more pronounced). Bear in mind that even if prices decline merely by the same percent that they have in the past, the leverage (a.k.a., margin or mortgage) used to purchase the homes must be taken into consideration - the substantially higher number of zero down and negative amortization loans will leave a lot of people with heavy losses and negative equity. [BusinessWeek] [Wall Street Journal (sub)]
  • To compensate for property that fails to sell, real estate agents in Boston are falling back on the deceptive practice of canceling the listing in MLS and then creating a new listing so that the property appears as new to the market. There were 10,606 MLS cancellations in the first six months of 2005, up from 9,722 cancellations in the first six months of 2004 and 3,736 in 2001. "The number of canceled listings in Massachusetts has nearly tripled since 2001... In a recent spot check of houses for sale on MLS in Middlesex County, Barry Nystedt, president of the Massachusetts Association of Buyer Agents, said one in four listings canceled between May 25 and June 25 was recreated by the same firm with a new MLS number." [Boston Globe]
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National (US) Info

  • Visit the Wikipedia article on the United States housing bubble for another excellent overview of the bubble on a national scale.
  • It is actually now cheaper to rent than to buy in many areas even after you factor in accumulated equity and tax savings. [The Economist]
  • Yale professor Robert J. Shiller released the first edition of his prophetic book warning of a stock market bubble weeks before the stock market began its epic crash in 2000. He recently released an updated second edition in late February, 2005 with similar warnings of froth in the real estate market. This book is very highly recommended and is quite readable despite the complexity of the subject. [Irrational Exuberance] []
  • The current nationwide housing boom has been fueled in large part by historically low interest rates and an increase in the use of risky mortgages. Buyers may find that their monthly payments will skyrocket once the introductory period of their mortgage ends and the adjustable rate kicks in. In 2005, only $83 billion, or 1 percent, of mortgage debt will switch to an adjustable rate. In 2007, this number will leap to $1 trillion, or about 12 percent. [Herald Tribune]
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Legend: Info/Broken? Info/Broken? Discuss Discuss
Info/Broken? - The real estate industry on trial
Discuss - The real estate industry on trial
The real estate industry on trial
Info/Broken? - Mortgage buydowns are the hot new thing helping the housing market
Discuss - Mortgage buydowns are the hot new thing helping the housing market
Mortgage buydowns are the hot new thing helping the housing market
Info/Broken? - Home sellers are basically throwing money at buyers right now
Discuss - Home sellers are basically throwing money at buyers right now
Home sellers are basically throwing money at buyers right now
Info/Broken? - Crypto Mortgages Let Homebuyers Keep Bitcoin, Put Down Nothing
Discuss - Crypto Mortgages Let Homebuyers Keep Bitcoin, Put Down Nothing
Crypto Mortgages Let Homebuyers Keep Bitcoin, Put Down Nothing
Info/Broken? - Zillow Seeks to Sell 7,000 Homes for $2.8 Billion After Flipping Halt
Discuss - Zillow Seeks to Sell 7,000 Homes for $2.8 Billion After Flipping Halt
Zillow Seeks to Sell 7,000 Homes for $2.8 Billion After Flipping Halt
Info/Broken? - Rent Prices Are Falling in East Boston - Sort Of
Discuss - Rent Prices Are Falling in East Boston - Sort Of
Rent Prices Are Falling in East Boston - Sort Of
Info/Broken? - Renter's Market in Boston
Discuss - Renter's Market in Boston
Renter's Market in Boston
Info/Broken? - JPMorgan Chase to raise mortgage borrowing standards as economic outlook darkens
Discuss - JPMorgan Chase to raise mortgage borrowing standards as economic outlook darkens
JPMorgan Chase to raise mortgage borrowing standards as economic outlook darkens
Info/Broken? - Boston's housing market hits a tepid patch
Discuss - Boston's housing market hits a tepid patch
Boston's housing market hits a tepid patch
Info/Broken? - Boston home price futures, Nov 2019 update
Discuss - Boston home price futures, Nov 2019 update
Boston home price futures, Nov 2019 update
Info/Broken? - Trading activity on BOS Case Shiller home price index futures
Discuss - Trading activity on BOS Case Shiller home price index futures
Trading activity on BOS Case Shiller home price index futures
Info/Broken? - Boston housing futures drop ~3% for Nov 2020
Discuss - Boston housing futures drop ~3% for Nov 2020
Boston housing futures drop ~3% for Nov 2020
Info/Broken? - Thousands line up for zero-down-payment, subprime mortgages
Discuss - Thousands line up for zero-down-payment, subprime mortgages
Thousands line up for zero-down-payment, subprime mortgages
Info/Broken? - Nouriel Roubini: We are due a recession in 2020 - and we will lack the tools to fight it
Discuss - Nouriel Roubini: We are due a recession in 2020 - and we will lack the tools to fight it
Nouriel Roubini: We are due a recession in 2020 - and we will lack the tools to fight it
Info/Broken? - Boston home price futures, Jun 2018 update
Discuss - Boston home price futures, Jun 2018 update
Boston home price futures, Jun 2018 update
Info/Broken? - Bezos, Buffett, Dimon health venture will be based in Boston
Discuss - Bezos, Buffett, Dimon health venture will be based in Boston
Bezos, Buffett, Dimon health venture will be based in Boston
Info/Broken? - 2018 Q1 Boston Housing Futures Update - Slowing Appreciation Expected - ~Zero Real Appreciation in 2020?
Discuss - 2018 Q1 Boston Housing Futures Update - Slowing Appreciation Expected - ~Zero Real Appreciation in 2020?
2018 Q1 Boston Housing Futures Update - Slowing Appreciation Expected - ~Zero Real Appreciation in 2020?
Info/Broken? - MassHousing reintroduces zero down mortgages
Discuss - MassHousing reintroduces zero down mortgages
MassHousing reintroduces zero down mortgages
Info/Broken? - Boston home price futures, Dec 2017 update
Discuss - Boston home price futures, Dec 2017 update
Boston home price futures, Dec 2017 update
Info/Broken? - Urban Institute: Boston May Be In A Real Estate Bubble
Discuss - Urban Institute: Boston May Be In A Real Estate Bubble
Urban Institute: Boston May Be In A Real Estate Bubble
Info/Broken? - Tax plan could hit Boston-area homebuyers. If it happens
Discuss - Tax plan could hit Boston-area homebuyers. If it happens
Tax plan could hit Boston-area homebuyers. If it happens
Info/Broken? - Boston home price futures, Oct 2017 update
Discuss - Boston home price futures, Oct 2017 update
Boston home price futures, Oct 2017 update
Info/Broken? - Boston's broken real estate market is getting worse
Discuss - Boston's broken real estate market is getting worse
Boston's broken real estate market is getting worse
Info/Broken? - BurkeyLoan to offer 120% LTV mortgage that also pays student loans
Discuss - BurkeyLoan to offer 120% LTV mortgage that also pays student loans
BurkeyLoan to offer 120% LTV mortgage that also pays student loans
Info/Broken? - Why Trump's Immigration Crackdown Could Sink U.S. Home Prices
Discuss - Why Trump's Immigration Crackdown Could Sink U.S. Home Prices
Why Trump's Immigration Crackdown Could Sink U.S. Home Prices
Info/Broken? - Fannie, Freddie shares dive after U.S. appeals court ruling
Discuss - Fannie, Freddie shares dive after U.S. appeals court ruling
Fannie, Freddie shares dive after U.S. appeals court ruling
Info/Broken? - HUD suspends FHA mortgage insurance rate cut an hour after Trump takes office
Discuss - HUD suspends FHA mortgage insurance rate cut an hour after Trump takes office
HUD suspends FHA mortgage insurance rate cut an hour after Trump takes office
Info/Broken? - Prepare Your Portfolio Now For "Trumpflation"
Discuss - Prepare Your Portfolio Now For "Trumpflation"
Prepare Your Portfolio Now For "Trumpflation"
Info/Broken? - Treasury yields plunge to all-time lows
Discuss - Treasury yields plunge to all-time lows
Treasury yields plunge to all-time lows
Info/Broken? - Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Mar 2016
Discuss - Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Mar 2016
Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Mar 2016
Info/Broken? - Updated graph of Boston home price futures (nominal)
Discuss - Updated graph of Boston home price futures (nominal)
Updated graph of Boston home price futures (nominal)
Info/Broken? - Top broker warns Boston-area homebuyers to stop making "crazy offers"
Discuss - Top broker warns Boston-area homebuyers to stop making "crazy offers"
Top broker warns Boston-area homebuyers to stop making "crazy offers"
Info/Broken? - Boston suburban home prices are down in 2016
Discuss - Boston suburban home prices are down in 2016
Boston suburban home prices are down in 2016
Info/Broken? - Forbes: Boston 3rd most overpriced US city
Discuss - Forbes: Boston 3rd most overpriced US city
Forbes: Boston 3rd most overpriced US city
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North 2015 Recording Statistics
Discuss - Middlesex North 2015 Recording Statistics
Middlesex North 2015 Recording Statistics
Info/Broken? - Mortgage Rate Watch: Farewell, 3 Percent
Discuss - Mortgage Rate Watch: Farewell, 3 Percent
Mortgage Rate Watch: Farewell, 3 Percent
Info/Broken? - Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Nov 2015
Discuss - Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Nov 2015
Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Nov 2015
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Nov 2015 vs Nov 2014 - MAR: nominal median up 4.5%, volume up 8.1%
Discuss - MA SFH Nov 2015 vs Nov 2014 - MAR: nominal median up 4.5%, volume up 8.1%
MA SFH Nov 2015 vs Nov 2014 - MAR: nominal median up 4.5%, volume up 8.1%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Nov 2015 vs Nov 2014 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2.2%, volume up 10.3%
Discuss - MA SFH Nov 2015 vs Nov 2014 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2.2%, volume up 10.3%
MA SFH Nov 2015 vs Nov 2014 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2.2%, volume up 10.3%
Info/Broken? - Boston-area real estate stocks disappoint in 2015
Discuss - Boston-area real estate stocks disappoint in 2015
Boston-area real estate stocks disappoint in 2015
Info/Broken? - Surging house prices almost entirely responsible for growing returns on capital
Discuss - Surging house prices almost entirely responsible for growing returns on capital
Surging house prices almost entirely responsible for growing returns on capital
Info/Broken? - Fed raises rates for 1st time in nearly a decade
Discuss - Fed raises rates for 1st time in nearly a decade
Fed raises rates for 1st time in nearly a decade
Info/Broken? - Boston among metros that experts worry are headed toward a housing bubble
Discuss - Boston among metros that experts worry are headed toward a housing bubble
Boston among metros that experts worry are headed toward a housing bubble
Info/Broken? - Cancellation of expensive MBTA Green Line extension remains on the table for MassDOT
Discuss - Cancellation of expensive MBTA Green Line extension remains on the table for MassDOT
Cancellation of expensive MBTA Green Line extension remains on the table for MassDOT
Info/Broken? - Home prices are jumping in Boston suburbs that border even pricier towns
Discuss - Home prices are jumping in Boston suburbs that border even pricier towns
Home prices are jumping in Boston suburbs that border even pricier towns
Info/Broken? - Priced Out: Boston's Real Estate Boom And What We Lose If Only The Rich Can Buy In
Discuss - Priced Out: Boston's Real Estate Boom And What We Lose If Only The Rich Can Buy In
Priced Out: Boston's Real Estate Boom And What We Lose If Only The Rich Can Buy In
Info/Broken? - Home Sellers Are Losing Their Market Advantage
Discuss - Home Sellers Are Losing Their Market Advantage
Home Sellers Are Losing Their Market Advantage
Info/Broken? - Fannie & Freddie (& taxpayers) to back larger mortgages in 5 MA counties
Discuss - Fannie & Freddie (& taxpayers) to back larger mortgages in 5 MA counties
Fannie & Freddie (& taxpayers) to back larger mortgages in 5 MA counties
Info/Broken? - Considering when the yuan will rival the dollar, leading to higher interest rates
Discuss - Considering when the yuan will rival the dollar, leading to higher interest rates
Considering when the yuan will rival the dollar, leading to higher interest rates
Info/Broken? - Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Oct 2015
Discuss - Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Oct 2015
Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Oct 2015
Info/Broken? - MAR October 2015 Reports by Town
Discuss - MAR October 2015 Reports by Town
MAR October 2015 Reports by Town
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Oct 2015 vs Oct 2014 - MAR: nominal median up 3%, volume up 8%
Discuss - MA SFH Oct 2015 vs Oct 2014 - MAR: nominal median up 3%, volume up 8%
MA SFH Oct 2015 vs Oct 2014 - MAR: nominal median up 3%, volume up 8%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Oct 2015 vs Oct 2014 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~2%, volume up 16.3%
Discuss - MA SFH Oct 2015 vs Oct 2014 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~2%, volume up 16.3%
MA SFH Oct 2015 vs Oct 2014 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~2%, volume up 16.3%
Info/Broken? - All-cash sales fall to 18.8% of transactions in Massachusetts
Discuss - All-cash sales fall to 18.8% of transactions in Massachusetts
All-cash sales fall to 18.8% of transactions in Massachusetts
Info/Broken? - The most (and least) affluent communities in Massachusetts
Discuss - The most (and least) affluent communities in Massachusetts
The most (and least) affluent communities in Massachusetts
Info/Broken? - Forbes: Cambridge-Newton-Framingham 5th most overpriced MSA in US
Discuss - Forbes: Cambridge-Newton-Framingham 5th most overpriced MSA in US
Forbes: Cambridge-Newton-Framingham 5th most overpriced MSA in US
Info/Broken? - Boston Globe recommends buying a home you cannot afford
Discuss - Boston Globe recommends buying a home you cannot afford
Boston Globe recommends buying a home you cannot afford
Info/Broken? - Report: Construction Costs Make It Prohibitive To Build Middle Class Housing In Greater Boston
Discuss - Report: Construction Costs Make It Prohibitive To Build Middle Class Housing In Greater Boston
Report: Construction Costs Make It Prohibitive To Build Middle Class Housing In Greater Boston
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts real estate attorney convicted for mortgage fraud conspiracy
Discuss - Massachusetts real estate attorney convicted for mortgage fraud conspiracy
Massachusetts real estate attorney convicted for mortgage fraud conspiracy
Info/Broken? - Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Sep 2015
Discuss - Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Sep 2015
Boston housing inventory trends Apr 2007 - Sep 2015
Info/Broken? - New Appeals Court foreclosure case
Discuss - New Appeals Court foreclosure case
New Appeals Court foreclosure case
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North October recording stats, 2015 vs 2014: foreclosure deeds down 10%, orders of notice up 48%
Discuss - Middlesex North October recording stats, 2015 vs 2014: foreclosure deeds down 10%, orders of notice up 48%
Middlesex North October recording stats, 2015 vs 2014: foreclosure deeds down 10%, orders of notice up 48%
Info/Broken? - Mark Hanson: A Housing Mega-Bubble No Doubt. It's not different this time...
Discuss - Mark Hanson: A Housing Mega-Bubble No Doubt. It's not different this time...
Mark Hanson: A Housing Mega-Bubble No Doubt. It's not different this time...
Info/Broken? - Housing futures slip slightly after release of latest Case-Shiller numbers
Discuss - Housing futures slip slightly after release of latest Case-Shiller numbers
Housing futures slip slightly after release of latest Case-Shiller numbers
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Sep 2015 vs Sep 2014 - Warren Group: nominal median up 3.1%, volume up 25.3%
Discuss - MA SFH Sep 2015 vs Sep 2014 - Warren Group: nominal median up 3.1%, volume up 25.3%
MA SFH Sep 2015 vs Sep 2014 - Warren Group: nominal median up 3.1%, volume up 25.3%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Sep 2015 vs Sep 2014 - MAR: nominal median up 4.8%, volume up 17.9%
Discuss - MA SFH Sep 2015 vs Sep 2014 - MAR: nominal median up 4.8%, volume up 17.9%
MA SFH Sep 2015 vs Sep 2014 - MAR: nominal median up 4.8%, volume up 17.9%
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North September recording stats, 2015 vs 2014: foreclosure deeds up 24%, orders of notice up 35%
Discuss - Middlesex North September recording stats, 2015 vs 2014: foreclosure deeds up 24%, orders of notice up 35%
Middlesex North September recording stats, 2015 vs 2014: foreclosure deeds up 24%, orders of notice up 35%
Info/Broken? - 2013 was first year since the 2008 credit crisis that MA saw drop in income among most affluent residents
Discuss - 2013 was first year since the 2008 credit crisis that MA saw drop in income among most affluent residents
2013 was first year since the 2008 credit crisis that MA saw drop in income among most affluent residents
Info/Broken? - Boston housing futures contracts consistent with continued, small, nominal price increases through 2017
Discuss - Boston housing futures contracts consistent with continued, small, nominal price increases through 2017
Boston housing futures contracts consistent with continued, small, nominal price increases through 2017
Info/Broken? - Boston housing inventory trends Jan 2011 - Aug 2015
Discuss - Boston housing inventory trends Jan 2011 - Aug 2015
Boston housing inventory trends Jan 2011 - Aug 2015
Info/Broken? - Providence as alternative to Boston?
Discuss - Providence as alternative to Boston?
Providence as alternative to Boston?
Info/Broken? - Multiple employment stats at odds with housing market; Redfin chief economist: "Something's gotta give"
Discuss - Multiple employment stats at odds with housing market; Redfin chief economist: "Something's gotta give"
Multiple employment stats at odds with housing market; Redfin chief economist: "Something's gotta give"
Info/Broken? - Global benchmarks suggest every $1M of residential mortgages backed by just $30K capital
Discuss - Global benchmarks suggest every $1M of residential mortgages backed by just $30K capital
Global benchmarks suggest every $1M of residential mortgages backed by just $30K capital
Info/Broken? - Fed expects 10 year Treasuries to return to ~4% by 2018
Discuss - Fed expects 10 year Treasuries to return to ~4% by 2018
Fed expects 10 year Treasuries to return to ~4% by 2018
Info/Broken? - US Sales of new homes plunge 6.8% in June; May revised significantly down
Discuss - US Sales of new homes plunge 6.8% in June; May revised significantly down
US Sales of new homes plunge 6.8% in June; May revised significantly down
Info/Broken? - Strong housing on verge of reversal: Redfin
Discuss - Strong housing on verge of reversal: Redfin
Strong housing on verge of reversal: Redfin
Info/Broken? - Analyst: Housing bubble not a question of if but when - As in, when is it going to implode?
Discuss - Analyst: Housing bubble not a question of if but when - As in, when is it going to implode?
Analyst: Housing bubble not a question of if but when - As in, when is it going to implode?
Info/Broken? - $600K: Sold as is,should be torn down. Must go thru Historical... Unsafe owner...
Discuss - $600K: Sold as is,should be torn down. Must go thru Historical... Unsafe owner...
$600K: Sold as is,should be torn down. Must go thru Historical... Unsafe owner...
Info/Broken? - $84,500 salary needed to leverage into Boston area housing
Discuss - $84,500 salary needed to leverage into Boston area housing
$84,500 salary needed to leverage into Boston area housing
Info/Broken? - Bay State Foreclosure Activity Posts Gains In October - 91.5% YOY Increase
Discuss - Bay State Foreclosure Activity Posts Gains In October - 91.5% YOY Increase
Bay State Foreclosure Activity Posts Gains In October - 91.5% YOY Increase
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Oct 2014 vs Oct 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 1.6%, volume up 0.4%
Discuss - MA SFH Oct 2014 vs Oct 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 1.6%, volume up 0.4%
MA SFH Oct 2014 vs Oct 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 1.6%, volume up 0.4%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Oct 2014 vs Oct 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2.1%, volume up 1.4%
Discuss - MA SFH Oct 2014 vs Oct 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2.1%, volume up 1.4%
MA SFH Oct 2014 vs Oct 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2.1%, volume up 1.4%
Info/Broken? - A very strange housing recovery in Mass.
Discuss - A very strange housing recovery in Mass.
A very strange housing recovery in Mass.
Info/Broken? - The hottest housing markets in Massachusetts in Q3; let the price cutting begin
Discuss - The hottest housing markets in Massachusetts in Q3; let the price cutting begin
The hottest housing markets in Massachusetts in Q3; let the price cutting begin
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Sep 2014 vs Sep 2013 - MAR: nominal median unchanged, volume down 3.3%
Discuss - MA SFH Sep 2014 vs Sep 2013 - MAR: nominal median unchanged, volume down 3.3%
MA SFH Sep 2014 vs Sep 2013 - MAR: nominal median unchanged, volume down 3.3%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Sep 2014 vs Sep 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median down 1.5%, volume down 1.0%
Discuss - MA SFH Sep 2014 vs Sep 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median down 1.5%, volume down 1.0%
MA SFH Sep 2014 vs Sep 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median down 1.5%, volume down 1.0%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Aug 2014 vs Aug 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 1.4%, volume down 6.9%
Discuss - MA SFH Aug 2014 vs Aug 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 1.4%, volume down 6.9%
MA SFH Aug 2014 vs Aug 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 1.4%, volume down 6.9%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Aug 2014 vs Aug 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~2.0%, volume down 6.6%
Discuss - MA SFH Aug 2014 vs Aug 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~2.0%, volume down 6.6%
MA SFH Aug 2014 vs Aug 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~2.0%, volume down 6.6%
Info/Broken? - U.S. Home Prices Are Now Just 6.4% Below (nominal) All-Time High
Discuss - U.S. Home Prices Are Now Just 6.4% Below (nominal) All-Time High
U.S. Home Prices Are Now Just 6.4% Below (nominal) All-Time High
Info/Broken? - Lexington Living: The real reason your home isn't selling
Discuss - Lexington Living: The real reason your home isn't selling
Lexington Living: The real reason your home isn't selling
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jul 2014 vs Jul 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 2.9%, volume down 6.3%
Discuss - MA SFH Jul 2014 vs Jul 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 2.9%, volume down 6.3%
MA SFH Jul 2014 vs Jul 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 2.9%, volume down 6.3%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jul 2014 vs Jul 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 1.7%, volume down 4.2%
Discuss - MA SFH Jul 2014 vs Jul 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 1.7%, volume down 4.2%
MA SFH Jul 2014 vs Jul 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 1.7%, volume down 4.2%
Info/Broken? - RIP HousingTracker
Discuss - RIP HousingTracker
RIP HousingTracker
Info/Broken? - Boston 4th riskiest housing market in US
Discuss - Boston 4th riskiest housing market in US
Boston 4th riskiest housing market in US
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jun 2014 vs Jun 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 4%, volume down 1.5%
Discuss - MA SFH Jun 2014 vs Jun 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 4%, volume down 1.5%
MA SFH Jun 2014 vs Jun 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 4%, volume down 1.5%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jun 2014 vs Jun 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2.8%, volume up 3.7%
Discuss - MA SFH Jun 2014 vs Jun 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2.8%, volume up 3.7%
MA SFH Jun 2014 vs Jun 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2.8%, volume up 3.7%
Info/Broken? - Welcome to the Everything Boom, or Maybe the Everything Bubble
Discuss - Welcome to the Everything Boom, or Maybe the Everything Bubble
Welcome to the Everything Boom, or Maybe the Everything Bubble
Info/Broken? - MA SFH May 2014 vs May 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 5%, volume down 10%; MAR: nominal median up 7%, volume down 10%
Discuss - MA SFH May 2014 vs May 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 5%, volume down 10%; MAR: nominal median up 7%, volume down 10%
MA SFH May 2014 vs May 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 5%, volume down 10%; MAR: nominal median up 7%, volume down 10%
Info/Broken? - Boston inventory explodes into double digit YOY increase (25.7%)
Discuss - Boston inventory explodes into double digit YOY increase (25.7%)
Boston inventory explodes into double digit YOY increase (25.7%)
Info/Broken? - "Generation rent" raising demand for multifamily housing
Discuss - "Generation rent" raising demand for multifamily housing
"Generation rent" raising demand for multifamily housing
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Apr 2014 vs Apr 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 0.6%, volume down 2.3%; MAR: nominal median up 2.3%, volume down 7.2%
Discuss - MA SFH Apr 2014 vs Apr 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 0.6%, volume down 2.3%; MAR: nominal median up 2.3%, volume down 7.2%
MA SFH Apr 2014 vs Apr 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 0.6%, volume down 2.3%; MAR: nominal median up 2.3%, volume down 7.2%
Info/Broken? - Boston housing inventory finally higher than 1 year earlier
Discuss - Boston housing inventory finally higher than 1 year earlier
Boston housing inventory finally higher than 1 year earlier
Info/Broken? - Lack of pricing transparency makes "bidding wars" conduits for collusion, market manipulation, and buyer swindling
Discuss - Lack of pricing transparency makes "bidding wars" conduits for collusion, market manipulation, and buyer swindling
Lack of pricing transparency makes "bidding wars" conduits for collusion, market manipulation, and buyer swindling
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North April recording stats, 2014 vs 2013: deeds down 15%; mortgages down 48%; orders of notice up 41%
Discuss - Middlesex North April recording stats, 2014 vs 2013: deeds down 15%; mortgages down 48%; orders of notice up 41%
Middlesex North April recording stats, 2014 vs 2013: deeds down 15%; mortgages down 48%; orders of notice up 41%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Mar 2014 vs Mar 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 9%, volume down 8%; MAR: nominal median up 8%, volume down 12%
Discuss - MA SFH Mar 2014 vs Mar 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 9%, volume down 8%; MAR: nominal median up 8%, volume down 12%
MA SFH Mar 2014 vs Mar 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 9%, volume down 8%; MAR: nominal median up 8%, volume down 12%
Info/Broken? - 41% of Massachusetts residents want to leave the state
Discuss - 41% of Massachusetts residents want to leave the state
41% of Massachusetts residents want to leave the state
Info/Broken? - Housing Secretary: "the worst rental affordability crisis that this country has ever known"
Discuss - Housing Secretary: "the worst rental affordability crisis that this country has ever known"
Housing Secretary: "the worst rental affordability crisis that this country has ever known"
Info/Broken? - Lending Drops to 17-Year Low as Rates Curb Borrowing
Discuss - Lending Drops to 17-Year Low as Rates Curb Borrowing
Lending Drops to 17-Year Low as Rates Curb Borrowing
Info/Broken? - Mass. pending home sales up 15% YOY in March
Discuss - Mass. pending home sales up 15% YOY in March
Mass. pending home sales up 15% YOY in March
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North March recording stats, 2014 vs 2013: deeds down 8%; mortgages down 52%
Discuss - Middlesex North March recording stats, 2014 vs 2013: deeds down 8%; mortgages down 52%
Middlesex North March recording stats, 2014 vs 2013: deeds down 8%; mortgages down 52%
Info/Broken? - Blackstone may shop its (commercial) Boston portfolio in bulk
Discuss - Blackstone may shop its (commercial) Boston portfolio in bulk
Blackstone may shop its (commercial) Boston portfolio in bulk
Info/Broken? - US: Slumlord Wannabe Blackstone Violates Local Housing Laws by Making Tenants Maintain Rentals
Discuss - US: Slumlord Wannabe Blackstone Violates Local Housing Laws by Making Tenants Maintain Rentals
US: Slumlord Wannabe Blackstone Violates Local Housing Laws by Making Tenants Maintain Rentals
Info/Broken? - Wanted: Employed 25- to 34-Year-Olds to Buy Houses
Discuss - Wanted: Employed 25- to 34-Year-Olds to Buy Houses
Wanted: Employed 25- to 34-Year-Olds to Buy Houses
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Feb 2014 vs Feb 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2%, volume down 4.1%
Discuss - MA SFH Feb 2014 vs Feb 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2%, volume down 4.1%
MA SFH Feb 2014 vs Feb 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2%, volume down 4.1%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Feb 2014 vs Feb 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 7.3%, volume down 5.9%
Discuss - MA SFH Feb 2014 vs Feb 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 7.3%, volume down 5.9%
MA SFH Feb 2014 vs Feb 2013 - MAR: nominal median up 7.3%, volume down 5.9%
Info/Broken? - MAR Realtor Market Confidence Index Down 13% YOY
Discuss - MAR Realtor Market Confidence Index Down 13% YOY
MAR Realtor Market Confidence Index Down 13% YOY
Info/Broken? - Map of home ownership by state from 2003 - 2013
Discuss - Map of home ownership by state from 2003 - 2013
Map of home ownership by state from 2003 - 2013
Info/Broken? - Boston 2nd-most expensive city in United States
Discuss - Boston 2nd-most expensive city in United States
Boston 2nd-most expensive city in United States
Info/Broken? - Officials can't decide whether there's a mountain lion in Winchester
Discuss - Officials can't decide whether there's a mountain lion in Winchester
Officials can't decide whether there's a mountain lion in Winchester
Info/Broken? - Blackstone's Home Buying Binge Ends as Prices Surge: Mortgages
Discuss - Blackstone's Home Buying Binge Ends as Prices Surge: Mortgages
Blackstone's Home Buying Binge Ends as Prices Surge: Mortgages
Info/Broken? - Fed reduces QE to $55B, will probably end it in fall, and may start raising rates 6 months later
Discuss - Fed reduces QE to $55B, will probably end it in fall, and may start raising rates 6 months later
Fed reduces QE to $55B, will probably end it in fall, and may start raising rates 6 months later
Info/Broken? - Homebuyers: Will feeling blue morph into feeling misled?
Discuss - Homebuyers: Will feeling blue morph into feeling misled?
Homebuyers: Will feeling blue morph into feeling misled?
Info/Broken? - MBTA Late-Night Service Begins March 28
Discuss - MBTA Late-Night Service Begins March 28
MBTA Late-Night Service Begins March 28
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds reports sudden drop in mortgages recorded
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds reports sudden drop in mortgages recorded
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds reports sudden drop in mortgages recorded
Info/Broken? - Wells Fargo cuts 700 more mortgage jobs, bringing total cuts near 7,000
Discuss - Wells Fargo cuts 700 more mortgage jobs, bringing total cuts near 7,000
Wells Fargo cuts 700 more mortgage jobs, bringing total cuts near 7,000
Info/Broken? - Wolf Richter: The Smart Money Quietly Abandons The Housing Market
Discuss - Wolf Richter: The Smart Money Quietly Abandons The Housing Market
Wolf Richter: The Smart Money Quietly Abandons The Housing Market
Info/Broken? - Shiller: Signs housing is weakening
Discuss - Shiller: Signs housing is weakening
Shiller: Signs housing is weakening
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jan 2014 vs Jan 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 13%, volume up 5%; MAR: nominal median up 14%, volume up 1%
Discuss - MA SFH Jan 2014 vs Jan 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 13%, volume up 5%; MAR: nominal median up 14%, volume up 1%
MA SFH Jan 2014 vs Jan 2013 - Warren Group: nominal median up 13%, volume up 5%; MAR: nominal median up 14%, volume up 1%
Info/Broken? - Boston 4th for income gap between rich and poor
Discuss - Boston 4th for income gap between rich and poor
Boston 4th for income gap between rich and poor
Info/Broken? - MA REALTORS(R) felt confident about prices in January, but not as positive about the market
Discuss - MA REALTORS(R) felt confident about prices in January, but not as positive about the market
MA REALTORS(R) felt confident about prices in January, but not as positive about the market
Info/Broken? - US housing construction down 16% in January
Discuss - US housing construction down 16% in January
US housing construction down 16% in January
Info/Broken? - Somerville sellers deluded?
Discuss - Somerville sellers deluded?
Somerville sellers deluded?
Info/Broken? - Micro-Apartments: Boston's Housing Solution Or Developers' Cash Cow?
Discuss - Micro-Apartments: Boston's Housing Solution Or Developers' Cash Cow?
Micro-Apartments: Boston's Housing Solution Or Developers' Cash Cow?
Info/Broken? - Boston weakest market for expected house price appreciation based on Feb 14/15 calendar spreads for S&P/Case-Shiller futures
Discuss - Boston weakest market for expected house price appreciation based on Feb 14/15 calendar spreads for S&P/Case-Shiller futures
Boston weakest market for expected house price appreciation based on Feb 14/15 calendar spreads for S&P/Case-Shiller futures
Info/Broken? - Mass. Pending Home Sales Up 1.4% YOY in January
Discuss - Mass. Pending Home Sales Up 1.4% YOY in January
Mass. Pending Home Sales Up 1.4% YOY in January
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North January recording stats, 2014 vs 2013: deeds up 3%; mortgages down 59%
Discuss - Middlesex North January recording stats, 2014 vs 2013: deeds up 3%; mortgages down 59%
Middlesex North January recording stats, 2014 vs 2013: deeds up 3%; mortgages down 59%
Info/Broken? - Fed continues taper as Bernanke's term ends
Discuss - Fed continues taper as Bernanke's term ends
Fed continues taper as Bernanke's term ends
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Dec 2013 vs Dec 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 3.7%, volume down ~1% - "market is taking a breather"
Discuss - MA SFH Dec 2013 vs Dec 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 3.7%, volume down ~1% - "market is taking a breather"
MA SFH Dec 2013 vs Dec 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 3.7%, volume down ~1% - "market is taking a breather"
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Dec 2013 vs Dec 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 6.3%, volume down ~0.25%
Discuss - MA SFH Dec 2013 vs Dec 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 6.3%, volume down ~0.25%
MA SFH Dec 2013 vs Dec 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 6.3%, volume down ~0.25%
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts is number 8 for outbound moves
Discuss - Massachusetts is number 8 for outbound moves
Massachusetts is number 8 for outbound moves
Info/Broken? - MAPC: Greater Boston needs 300,000 to 435,000 more housing units
Discuss - MAPC: Greater Boston needs 300,000 to 435,000 more housing units
MAPC: Greater Boston needs 300,000 to 435,000 more housing units
Info/Broken? - Wait, What If We Try Giving People Home Loans They Can't Actually Afford To Pay Off?
Discuss - Wait, What If We Try Giving People Home Loans They Can't Actually Afford To Pay Off?
Wait, What If We Try Giving People Home Loans They Can't Actually Afford To Pay Off?
Info/Broken? - NYTimes Op-Ed: The Bubble Is Back
Discuss - NYTimes Op-Ed: The Bubble Is Back
NYTimes Op-Ed: The Bubble Is Back
Info/Broken? - Greater Boston price increases lag most metro areas
Discuss - Greater Boston price increases lag most metro areas
Greater Boston price increases lag most metro areas
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Nov 2013 vs Nov 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 4%, volume down 2%; MAR: nominal median up 7+%, volume down 9%
Discuss - MA SFH Nov 2013 vs Nov 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 4%, volume down 2%; MAR: nominal median up 7+%, volume down 9%
MA SFH Nov 2013 vs Nov 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 4%, volume down 2%; MAR: nominal median up 7+%, volume down 9%
Info/Broken? - Boston foreclosure activity plummets
Discuss - Boston foreclosure activity plummets
Boston foreclosure activity plummets
Info/Broken? - 10-year Treasury yield closes over 3%, hits highest level since July 2011
Discuss - 10-year Treasury yield closes over 3%, hits highest level since July 2011
10-year Treasury yield closes over 3%, hits highest level since July 2011
Info/Broken? - Fannie, Freddie hiking mortgage loan fees
Discuss - Fannie, Freddie hiking mortgage loan fees
Fannie, Freddie hiking mortgage loan fees
Info/Broken? - Housing "Bubble 2.0"; Same as "Bubble 1.0", only different actors
Discuss - Housing "Bubble 2.0"; Same as "Bubble 1.0", only different actors
Housing "Bubble 2.0"; Same as "Bubble 1.0", only different actors
Info/Broken? - Fed cuts bond-buying, trimmed equally from mortgage and Treasury bonds
Discuss - Fed cuts bond-buying, trimmed equally from mortgage and Treasury bonds
Fed cuts bond-buying, trimmed equally from mortgage and Treasury bonds
Info/Broken? - An unsettling time for real estate owners and investors
Discuss - An unsettling time for real estate owners and investors
An unsettling time for real estate owners and investors
Info/Broken? - Zillow: Boston area ranks #10 in "hottest" housing markets in US, price increase of 2.3% predicted for 2014
Discuss - Zillow: Boston area ranks #10 in "hottest" housing markets in US, price increase of 2.3% predicted for 2014
Zillow: Boston area ranks #10 in "hottest" housing markets in US, price increase of 2.3% predicted for 2014
Info/Broken? - Mass. Pending Home Sales Up Over November 2012
Discuss - Mass. Pending Home Sales Up Over November 2012
Mass. Pending Home Sales Up Over November 2012
Info/Broken? - Idea: Boston Realty Party to document slowdown, plot reforms
Discuss - Idea: Boston Realty Party to document slowdown, plot reforms
Idea: Boston Realty Party to document slowdown, plot reforms
Info/Broken? - Market snapshot confirms seasonal price reductions even in desirable towns
Discuss - Market snapshot confirms seasonal price reductions even in desirable towns
Market snapshot confirms seasonal price reductions even in desirable towns
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North November recording stats, 2013 vs 2012: deeds down 9%; mortgages down 52%
Discuss - Middlesex North November recording stats, 2013 vs 2012: deeds down 9%; mortgages down 52%
Middlesex North November recording stats, 2013 vs 2012: deeds down 9%; mortgages down 52%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Oct 2013 vs Oct 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~10%, volume up ~19%; MAR: nominal median up 12+%, volume up ~12%
Discuss - MA SFH Oct 2013 vs Oct 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~10%, volume up ~19%; MAR: nominal median up 12+%, volume up ~12%
MA SFH Oct 2013 vs Oct 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~10%, volume up ~19%; MAR: nominal median up 12+%, volume up ~12%
Info/Broken? - Inventory for Belmont higher than all 2012 and climbing (preliminarily)
Discuss - Inventory for Belmont higher than all 2012 and climbing (preliminarily)
Inventory for Belmont higher than all 2012 and climbing (preliminarily)
Info/Broken? - Sampling of mortgages on high end real estate in Lexington
Discuss - Sampling of mortgages on high end real estate in Lexington
Sampling of mortgages on high end real estate in Lexington
Info/Broken? - Inventory for Arlington 02476 (Brackett) higher than all 2012/2013 and climbing
Discuss - Inventory for Arlington 02476 (Brackett) higher than all 2012/2013 and climbing
Inventory for Arlington 02476 (Brackett) higher than all 2012/2013 and climbing
Info/Broken? - Use of eminent domain for corporate benefit spreads to Union Square
Discuss - Use of eminent domain for corporate benefit spreads to Union Square
Use of eminent domain for corporate benefit spreads to Union Square
Info/Broken? - Mass. Forecast Sees Slow Job Growth, Rising Income Levels
Discuss - Mass. Forecast Sees Slow Job Growth, Rising Income Levels
Mass. Forecast Sees Slow Job Growth, Rising Income Levels
Info/Broken? - Weston, Wellesley, Newton among 25 most expensive housing markets nationwide, report finds
Discuss - Weston, Wellesley, Newton among 25 most expensive housing markets nationwide, report finds
Weston, Wellesley, Newton among 25 most expensive housing markets nationwide, report finds
Info/Broken? - Rich people are getting mortgages cheaper than you
Discuss - Rich people are getting mortgages cheaper than you
Rich people are getting mortgages cheaper than you
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North October recording stats show "definite slow down... does not bode well for the real estate market in the coming months"
Discuss - Middlesex North October recording stats show "definite slow down... does not bode well for the real estate market in the coming months"
Middlesex North October recording stats show "definite slow down... does not bode well for the real estate market in the coming months"
Info/Broken? - Fed to Test Banks for Interest Rate Rise, Housing Collapse
Discuss - Fed to Test Banks for Interest Rate Rise, Housing Collapse
Fed to Test Banks for Interest Rate Rise, Housing Collapse
Info/Broken? - Sampling of Watertown sales: More debt and speculation
Discuss - Sampling of Watertown sales: More debt and speculation
Sampling of Watertown sales: More debt and speculation
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosure activity dropped in September
Discuss - Mass. foreclosure activity dropped in September
Mass. foreclosure activity dropped in September
Info/Broken? - US pending home sales turned negative YOY in September
Discuss - US pending home sales turned negative YOY in September
US pending home sales turned negative YOY in September
Info/Broken? - Sampling of Wayland sales: Prices are up and so is mortgage debt
Discuss - Sampling of Wayland sales: Prices are up and so is mortgage debt
Sampling of Wayland sales: Prices are up and so is mortgage debt
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Sep 2013 vs Sep 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 16%, volume up 16%; MAR: nominal median up 12%, volume up 17%
Discuss - MA SFH Sep 2013 vs Sep 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 16%, volume up 16%; MAR: nominal median up 12%, volume up 17%
MA SFH Sep 2013 vs Sep 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 16%, volume up 16%; MAR: nominal median up 12%, volume up 17%
Info/Broken? - Sampling of Boston sales: Prices up, and debt way up - epic levels
Discuss - Sampling of Boston sales: Prices up, and debt way up - epic levels
Sampling of Boston sales: Prices up, and debt way up - epic levels
Info/Broken? - Sampling of Burlington sales: Prices up and so is debt
Discuss - Sampling of Burlington sales: Prices up and so is debt
Sampling of Burlington sales: Prices up and so is debt
Info/Broken? - Sampling of Waltham sales: Prices up and so is debt - where are the cash buyers?
Discuss - Sampling of Waltham sales: Prices up and so is debt - where are the cash buyers?
Sampling of Waltham sales: Prices up and so is debt - where are the cash buyers?
Info/Broken? - Fitch warns it may cut U.S. credit rating from AAA
Discuss - Fitch warns it may cut U.S. credit rating from AAA
Fitch warns it may cut U.S. credit rating from AAA
Info/Broken? - China's State Press Calls for "Building a de-Americanized World"
Discuss - China's State Press Calls for "Building a de-Americanized World"
China's State Press Calls for "Building a de-Americanized World"
Info/Broken? - Shiller, two others win economics Nobel for "bubble" warnings
Discuss - Shiller, two others win economics Nobel for "bubble" warnings
Shiller, two others win economics Nobel for "bubble" warnings
Info/Broken? - The Most Important Number in Finance is Falling - For Now
Discuss - The Most Important Number in Finance is Falling - For Now
The Most Important Number in Finance is Falling - For Now
Info/Broken? - A Lonely Housing Bear Predicts a Big Tumble
Discuss - A Lonely Housing Bear Predicts a Big Tumble
A Lonely Housing Bear Predicts a Big Tumble
Info/Broken? - Shiller: Housing Market Is Heating Up, if Not Yet Bubbling
Discuss - Shiller: Housing Market Is Heating Up, if Not Yet Bubbling
Shiller: Housing Market Is Heating Up, if Not Yet Bubbling
Info/Broken? - Why the US Mortgage Market Will Remain Heavily Dependent on Government Support
Discuss - Why the US Mortgage Market Will Remain Heavily Dependent on Government Support
Why the US Mortgage Market Will Remain Heavily Dependent on Government Support
Info/Broken? - Government shutdown could compound bond and mortgage rate surge
Discuss - Government shutdown could compound bond and mortgage rate surge
Government shutdown could compound bond and mortgage rate surge
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Aug 2013 vs Aug 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 8.8%, volume up 7.1%
Discuss - MA SFH Aug 2013 vs Aug 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 8.8%, volume up 7.1%
MA SFH Aug 2013 vs Aug 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 8.8%, volume up 7.1%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Aug 2013 vs Aug 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~11%, volume up ~14%
Discuss - MA SFH Aug 2013 vs Aug 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~11%, volume up ~14%
MA SFH Aug 2013 vs Aug 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~11%, volume up ~14%
Info/Broken? - Mass. unemployment rate flat despite 7,500 new jobs in August
Discuss - Mass. unemployment rate flat despite 7,500 new jobs in August
Mass. unemployment rate flat despite 7,500 new jobs in August
Info/Broken? - Home sales "last hurrah" for the next 12 months?
Discuss - Home sales "last hurrah" for the next 12 months?
Home sales "last hurrah" for the next 12 months?
Info/Broken? - What the Orgy of "Lehman Five Years On" Stories Missed
Discuss - What the Orgy of "Lehman Five Years On" Stories Missed
What the Orgy of "Lehman Five Years On" Stories Missed
Info/Broken? - Citi expected to cut 2,200 mortgage jobs
Discuss - Citi expected to cut 2,200 mortgage jobs
Citi expected to cut 2,200 mortgage jobs
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosures fell 66% YOY in July
Discuss - Mass. foreclosures fell 66% YOY in July
Mass. foreclosures fell 66% YOY in July
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jul 2013 vs Jul 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 10%, volume up 18%; MAR: nominal median up 8%, volume up 20+%
Discuss - MA SFH Jul 2013 vs Jul 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 10%, volume up 18%; MAR: nominal median up 8%, volume up 20+%
MA SFH Jul 2013 vs Jul 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 10%, volume up 18%; MAR: nominal median up 8%, volume up 20+%
Info/Broken? - U.S. housing recovery loses a step as pending home sales fall
Discuss - U.S. housing recovery loses a step as pending home sales fall
U.S. housing recovery loses a step as pending home sales fall
Info/Broken? - Greater Boston home values drop just a bit, according to S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices
Discuss - Greater Boston home values drop just a bit, according to S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices
Greater Boston home values drop just a bit, according to S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices
Info/Broken? - Housing's Foundation on Shaky Ground
Discuss - Housing's Foundation on Shaky Ground
Housing's Foundation on Shaky Ground
Info/Broken? - American Homes 4 Rent (2nd Largest SFH Landlord) Said to Terminate Workers After Loss
Discuss - American Homes 4 Rent (2nd Largest SFH Landlord) Said to Terminate Workers After Loss
American Homes 4 Rent (2nd Largest SFH Landlord) Said to Terminate Workers After Loss
Info/Broken? - Housing market cools as summer heats up
Discuss - Housing market cools as summer heats up
Housing market cools as summer heats up
Info/Broken? - US new-home sales plunge as mortgage rates rise
Discuss - US new-home sales plunge as mortgage rates rise
US new-home sales plunge as mortgage rates rise
Info/Broken? - Mortgage Rates in U.S. Jump to Highest Level in Two Years
Discuss - Mortgage Rates in U.S. Jump to Highest Level in Two Years
Mortgage Rates in U.S. Jump to Highest Level in Two Years
Info/Broken? - Renovation costs and impact on resale value for Boston area
Discuss - Renovation costs and impact on resale value for Boston area
Renovation costs and impact on resale value for Boston area
Info/Broken? - Narrative of wealthy foreigners driving the local real estate market in perspective
Discuss - Narrative of wealthy foreigners driving the local real estate market in perspective
Narrative of wealthy foreigners driving the local real estate market in perspective
Info/Broken? - Mortgage Applications Plunging At Fastest Rate In 4 Years; Refis Down 57%
Discuss - Mortgage Applications Plunging At Fastest Rate In 4 Years; Refis Down 57%
Mortgage Applications Plunging At Fastest Rate In 4 Years; Refis Down 57%
Info/Broken? - Obama's bubble talk
Discuss - Obama's bubble talk
Obama's bubble talk
Info/Broken? - Obama to propose eliminating Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Discuss - Obama to propose eliminating Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Obama to propose eliminating Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Info/Broken? - Fannie Mae covertly buys foreclosures from itself
Discuss - Fannie Mae covertly buys foreclosures from itself
Fannie Mae covertly buys foreclosures from itself
Info/Broken? - The Real Estate Market in 2030
Discuss - The Real Estate Market in 2030
The Real Estate Market in 2030
Info/Broken? - Growth in Mortgage Purchasing Power
Discuss - Growth in Mortgage Purchasing Power
Growth in Mortgage Purchasing Power
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosure activity sees steep fall in June
Discuss - Mass. foreclosure activity sees steep fall in June
Mass. foreclosure activity sees steep fall in June
Info/Broken? - The Cult of Home Ownership Promotes Disastrous Politics
Discuss - The Cult of Home Ownership Promotes Disastrous Politics
The Cult of Home Ownership Promotes Disastrous Politics
Info/Broken? - Zillow Economist: Home Price Gains Not Normal, Sustainable, Believable
Discuss - Zillow Economist: Home Price Gains Not Normal, Sustainable, Believable
Zillow Economist: Home Price Gains Not Normal, Sustainable, Believable
Info/Broken? - Realogy's Richard Smith: Housing prices to increase 9 - 10% this year and continue for up to 5 years
Discuss - Realogy's Richard Smith: Housing prices to increase 9 - 10% this year and continue for up to 5 years
Realogy's Richard Smith: Housing prices to increase 9 - 10% this year and continue for up to 5 years
Info/Broken? - What do Nov markets say about upward momentum in home prices?
Discuss - What do Nov markets say about upward momentum in home prices?
What do Nov markets say about upward momentum in home prices?
Info/Broken? - Concerns The Hot Mass. Housing Market Is A New Bubble
Discuss - Concerns The Hot Mass. Housing Market Is A New Bubble
Concerns The Hot Mass. Housing Market Is A New Bubble
Info/Broken? - Bubble hour August 6th in Arlington - RSVP
Discuss - Bubble hour August 6th in Arlington - RSVP
Bubble hour August 6th in Arlington - RSVP
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jun 2013 vs Jun 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 9%, volume up 1%; MAR: nominal median up ~7%, volume up 1.6%
Discuss - MA SFH Jun 2013 vs Jun 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 9%, volume up 1%; MAR: nominal median up ~7%, volume up 1.6%
MA SFH Jun 2013 vs Jun 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 9%, volume up 1%; MAR: nominal median up ~7%, volume up 1.6%
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Realtor confidence up 29% YOY in June
Discuss - Massachusetts Realtor confidence up 29% YOY in June
Massachusetts Realtor confidence up 29% YOY in June
Info/Broken? - Owning a Home Isn't Always a Virtue
Discuss - Owning a Home Isn't Always a Virtue
Owning a Home Isn't Always a Virtue
Info/Broken? - Recent surge in mortgage rates is unprecedented
Discuss - Recent surge in mortgage rates is unprecedented
Recent surge in mortgage rates is unprecedented
Info/Broken? - Lynn Cohen of Keller WIlliams in Newton: "People now realize that they've seen the bottom... People are trying very desperately to get into a property before they are priced out."
Discuss - Lynn Cohen of Keller WIlliams in Newton: "People now realize that they've seen the bottom... People are trying very desperately to get into a property before they are priced out."
Lynn Cohen of Keller WIlliams in Newton: "People now realize that they've seen the bottom... People are trying very desperately to get into a property before they are priced out."
Info/Broken? - The Onion's take on recent 12% spike in home prices
Discuss - The Onion's take on recent 12% spike in home prices
The Onion's take on recent 12% spike in home prices
Info/Broken? - The ramifications of home buying on happiness
Discuss - The ramifications of home buying on happiness
The ramifications of home buying on happiness
Info/Broken? - Regulations are now in effect that will prohibit Mass. foreclosures if loan modifications cost less
Discuss - Regulations are now in effect that will prohibit Mass. foreclosures if loan modifications cost less
Regulations are now in effect that will prohibit Mass. foreclosures if loan modifications cost less
Info/Broken? - Fed Won't Reduce Bond-Buying, Will Continue Inflating Bubbles: Rickards
Discuss - Fed Won't Reduce Bond-Buying, Will Continue Inflating Bubbles: Rickards
Fed Won't Reduce Bond-Buying, Will Continue Inflating Bubbles: Rickards
Info/Broken? - MA SFH May 2013 vs May 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 8.7%, volume up 8.5%
Discuss - MA SFH May 2013 vs May 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 8.7%, volume up 8.5%
MA SFH May 2013 vs May 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 8.7%, volume up 8.5%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH May 2013 vs May 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~12%, volume up 6%
Discuss - MA SFH May 2013 vs May 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~12%, volume up 6%
MA SFH May 2013 vs May 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up ~12%, volume up 6%
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts foreclosure petitions down 86%
Discuss - Massachusetts foreclosure petitions down 86%
Massachusetts foreclosure petitions down 86%
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts unemployment back up to 6.6%
Discuss - Massachusetts unemployment back up to 6.6%
Massachusetts unemployment back up to 6.6%
Info/Broken? - Cambridge home sells for $1.3 million (35%) over asking
Discuss - Cambridge home sells for $1.3 million (35%) over asking
Cambridge home sells for $1.3 million (35%) over asking
Info/Broken? - "Dear seller" letters highlight Boston housing shortage
Discuss - "Dear seller" letters highlight Boston housing shortage
"Dear seller" letters highlight Boston housing shortage
Info/Broken? - Bay State homes put under agreement in May up 83.6% YOY
Discuss - Bay State homes put under agreement in May up 83.6% YOY
Bay State homes put under agreement in May up 83.6% YOY
Info/Broken? - Realty check - The Economist's interactive guide to America's housing markets (including Boston)
Discuss - Realty check - The Economist's interactive guide to America's housing markets (including Boston)
Realty check - The Economist's interactive guide to America's housing markets (including Boston)
Info/Broken? - Top 10 Issues Affecting Real Estate 2013
Discuss - Top 10 Issues Affecting Real Estate 2013
Top 10 Issues Affecting Real Estate 2013
Info/Broken? - Mr. Market's Temper Tantrum Over Fed Tapering Talk
Discuss - Mr. Market's Temper Tantrum Over Fed Tapering Talk
Mr. Market's Temper Tantrum Over Fed Tapering Talk
Info/Broken? - We've Nationalized the Home Mortgage Market. Now What?
Discuss - We've Nationalized the Home Mortgage Market. Now What?
We've Nationalized the Home Mortgage Market. Now What?
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts foreclosures tick up, but still far below 2012 numbers
Discuss - Massachusetts foreclosures tick up, but still far below 2012 numbers
Massachusetts foreclosures tick up, but still far below 2012 numbers
Info/Broken? - Mass. bleeds talent as grads flee state
Discuss - Mass. bleeds talent as grads flee state
Mass. bleeds talent as grads flee state
Info/Broken? - With typical understatement, Fed acknowledges it "may now be perceived as integral to the housing finance system"
Discuss - With typical understatement, Fed acknowledges it "may now be perceived as integral to the housing finance system"
With typical understatement, Fed acknowledges it "may now be perceived as integral to the housing finance system"
Info/Broken? - Treasuries Drop as Economic Data Add to Fed-Tapering Speculation
Discuss - Treasuries Drop as Economic Data Add to Fed-Tapering Speculation
Treasuries Drop as Economic Data Add to Fed-Tapering Speculation
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Apr 2013 vs Apr 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 14%, volume down ~1%; MAR: nominal median up 11%, volume down ~1%
Discuss - MA SFH Apr 2013 vs Apr 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 14%, volume down ~1%; MAR: nominal median up 11%, volume down ~1%
MA SFH Apr 2013 vs Apr 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 14%, volume down ~1%; MAR: nominal median up 11%, volume down ~1%
Info/Broken? - Contractors hope for big fix - Real estate market's hot, but remodeling lagging behind
Discuss - Contractors hope for big fix - Real estate market's hot, but remodeling lagging behind
Contractors hope for big fix - Real estate market's hot, but remodeling lagging behind
Info/Broken? - The Great Housing "Trade" Part 2.
Discuss - The Great Housing "Trade" Part 2.
The Great Housing "Trade" Part 2.
Info/Broken? - Pendings & Case-Shiller... Consensus/Headlines & Hard Data Diverge at Quickening Pace
Discuss - Pendings & Case-Shiller... Consensus/Headlines & Hard Data Diverge at Quickening Pace
Pendings & Case-Shiller... Consensus/Headlines & Hard Data Diverge at Quickening Pace
Info/Broken? - Can generations X and Y afford to buy their parents' homes?
Discuss - Can generations X and Y afford to buy their parents' homes?
Can generations X and Y afford to buy their parents' homes?
Info/Broken? - Cindy Stumpo, Re Developer - Boston housing in a bubble that will blow
Discuss - Cindy Stumpo, Re Developer - Boston housing in a bubble that will blow
Cindy Stumpo, Re Developer - Boston housing in a bubble that will blow
Info/Broken? - What's really happening with luxury single-family homes across Massachusetts?
Discuss - What's really happening with luxury single-family homes across Massachusetts?
What's really happening with luxury single-family homes across Massachusetts?
Info/Broken? - New Mass. law has eased foreclosures
Discuss - New Mass. law has eased foreclosures
New Mass. law has eased foreclosures
Info/Broken? - Fed hawks push for move away from housing-linked stimulus
Discuss - Fed hawks push for move away from housing-linked stimulus
Fed hawks push for move away from housing-linked stimulus
Info/Broken? - MAR: Pending home sales in April highest on record
Discuss - MAR: Pending home sales in April highest on record
MAR: Pending home sales in April highest on record
Info/Broken? - Foreclosures sink, but so do sales
Discuss - Foreclosures sink, but so do sales
Foreclosures sink, but so do sales
Info/Broken? - Middlesex County Inventory Hits Year-Long High, Bidding Wars Don't Slow Down
Discuss - Middlesex County Inventory Hits Year-Long High, Bidding Wars Don't Slow Down
Middlesex County Inventory Hits Year-Long High, Bidding Wars Don't Slow Down
Info/Broken? - Redfin's Alex Coon: We are seeing the emergence of the crazy
Discuss - Redfin's Alex Coon: We are seeing the emergence of the crazy
Redfin's Alex Coon: We are seeing the emergence of the crazy
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Mar 2013 vs Mar 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 8%, volume down 3.6%; MAR: nominal median up 7.8%, volume down 3.3%
Discuss - MA SFH Mar 2013 vs Mar 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 8%, volume down 3.6%; MAR: nominal median up 7.8%, volume down 3.3%
MA SFH Mar 2013 vs Mar 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 8%, volume down 3.6%; MAR: nominal median up 7.8%, volume down 3.3%
Info/Broken? - MAR: Pending Massachusetts SFH sales up 4.6% YOY in March
Discuss - MAR: Pending Massachusetts SFH sales up 4.6% YOY in March
MAR: Pending Massachusetts SFH sales up 4.6% YOY in March
Info/Broken? - Buyers lining up for fewer homes; Less inventory taking toll on growth
Discuss - Buyers lining up for fewer homes; Less inventory taking toll on growth
Buyers lining up for fewer homes; Less inventory taking toll on growth
Info/Broken? - Obama To Banks: Let's Do The Bubble Again
Discuss - Obama To Banks: Let's Do The Bubble Again
Obama To Banks: Let's Do The Bubble Again
Info/Broken? - MA foreclosure deeds down 69% YOY in Feb
Discuss - MA foreclosure deeds down 69% YOY in Feb
MA foreclosure deeds down 69% YOY in Feb
Info/Broken? - The Real Reason Students Leave Boston Isn't Housing, Weather, Bars or the T
Discuss - The Real Reason Students Leave Boston Isn't Housing, Weather, Bars or the T
The Real Reason Students Leave Boston Isn't Housing, Weather, Bars or the T
Info/Broken? - Shiller: We're Living In A Totally Artificial Real Estate Economy
Discuss - Shiller: We're Living In A Totally Artificial Real Estate Economy
Shiller: We're Living In A Totally Artificial Real Estate Economy
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Feb 2013 vs Feb 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 12%, volume down 5%; MAR: nominal median up 8.9%, volume down 5%
Discuss - MA SFH Feb 2013 vs Feb 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 12%, volume down 5%; MAR: nominal median up 8.9%, volume down 5%
MA SFH Feb 2013 vs Feb 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 12%, volume down 5%; MAR: nominal median up 8.9%, volume down 5%
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Tax May Leak Into the Cloud
Discuss - Massachusetts Tax May Leak Into the Cloud
Massachusetts Tax May Leak Into the Cloud
Info/Broken? - Bloomberg: Boston Booms as Workers Say No to Suburbs
Discuss - Bloomberg: Boston Booms as Workers Say No to Suburbs
Bloomberg: Boston Booms as Workers Say No to Suburbs
Info/Broken? - Mass. unemployment rate unchanged in January, job gains revised upward for 2011-2012
Discuss - Mass. unemployment rate unchanged in January, job gains revised upward for 2011-2012
Mass. unemployment rate unchanged in January, job gains revised upward for 2011-2012
Info/Broken? - Mass. jobless rate holds steady in January
Discuss - Mass. jobless rate holds steady in January
Mass. jobless rate holds steady in January
Info/Broken? - 92,000 new jobs created in Massachusetts in last 2 years, revised statistics show
Discuss - 92,000 new jobs created in Massachusetts in last 2 years, revised statistics show
92,000 new jobs created in Massachusetts in last 2 years, revised statistics show
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts business confidence sinks into negative territory
Discuss - Massachusetts business confidence sinks into negative territory
Massachusetts business confidence sinks into negative territory
Info/Broken? - Bay State Foreclosure Activity Decreases In January
Discuss - Bay State Foreclosure Activity Decreases In January
Bay State Foreclosure Activity Decreases In January
Info/Broken? - Medical costs are on the rise, putting at risk state's efforts to tie health spending growth to economy
Discuss - Medical costs are on the rise, putting at risk state's efforts to tie health spending growth to economy
Medical costs are on the rise, putting at risk state's efforts to tie health spending growth to economy
Info/Broken? - Local housing market, packed with eager buyers, is desperately seeking home sellers
Discuss - Local housing market, packed with eager buyers, is desperately seeking home sellers
Local housing market, packed with eager buyers, is desperately seeking home sellers
Info/Broken? - CME Case Shiller Futures "spot on" in home price predictions
Discuss - CME Case Shiller Futures "spot on" in home price predictions
CME Case Shiller Futures "spot on" in home price predictions
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jan 2013 vs Jan 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 5.4%, volume up 15.7%
Discuss - MA SFH Jan 2013 vs Jan 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 5.4%, volume up 15.7%
MA SFH Jan 2013 vs Jan 2012 - MAR: nominal median up 5.4%, volume up 15.7%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jan 2013 vs Jan 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 6.8%, volume up 10%
Discuss - MA SFH Jan 2013 vs Jan 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 6.8%, volume up 10%
MA SFH Jan 2013 vs Jan 2012 - Warren Group: nominal median up 6.8%, volume up 10%
Info/Broken? - Dracut, Westford, and Winchester weighing potential tax overrides
Discuss - Dracut, Westford, and Winchester weighing potential tax overrides
Dracut, Westford, and Winchester weighing potential tax overrides
Info/Broken? - First time buyers missing from US housing market
Discuss - First time buyers missing from US housing market
First time buyers missing from US housing market
Info/Broken? - 30,000 Boston Homeowners Freed From Negative Equity in 2012
Discuss - 30,000 Boston Homeowners Freed From Negative Equity in 2012
30,000 Boston Homeowners Freed From Negative Equity in 2012
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Realtor housing confidence index hits five-year high
Discuss - Massachusetts Realtor housing confidence index hits five-year high
Massachusetts Realtor housing confidence index hits five-year high
Info/Broken? - Bell is tolling on Mass. defense jobs
Discuss - Bell is tolling on Mass. defense jobs
Bell is tolling on Mass. defense jobs
Info/Broken? - Suburban sellers stay on sidelines
Discuss - Suburban sellers stay on sidelines
Suburban sellers stay on sidelines
Info/Broken? - Realtors, bankers warn against a strict down-payment rule
Discuss - Realtors, bankers warn against a strict down-payment rule
Realtors, bankers warn against a strict down-payment rule
Info/Broken? - In Boston, Apartment Living is a Billion Dollar Business
Discuss - In Boston, Apartment Living is a Billion Dollar Business
In Boston, Apartment Living is a Billion Dollar Business
Info/Broken? - MAR: Pending Massachusetts SFH sales up 18.4% YOY in January
Discuss - MAR: Pending Massachusetts SFH sales up 18.4% YOY in January
MAR: Pending Massachusetts SFH sales up 18.4% YOY in January
Info/Broken? - This Is Housing Bubble 2.0: David Stockman
Discuss - This Is Housing Bubble 2.0: David Stockman
This Is Housing Bubble 2.0: David Stockman
Info/Broken? - The chilly tax climate
Discuss - The chilly tax climate
The chilly tax climate
Info/Broken? - MassBenchmarks report: Massachusetts economy barely growing
Discuss - MassBenchmarks report: Massachusetts economy barely growing
MassBenchmarks report: Massachusetts economy barely growing
Info/Broken? - Report: MA Cost of Business 22% Above Natl. Average
Discuss - Report: MA Cost of Business 22% Above Natl. Average
Report: MA Cost of Business 22% Above Natl. Average
Info/Broken? - Bay State is 48th in home affordability, earns grade of "F" in housing and homeownership; Many Mass. residents have little saved up
Discuss - Bay State is 48th in home affordability, earns grade of "F" in housing and homeownership; Many Mass. residents have little saved up
Bay State is 48th in home affordability, earns grade of "F" in housing and homeownership; Many Mass. residents have little saved up
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: Big jump in foreclosures
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: Big jump in foreclosures
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: Big jump in foreclosures
Info/Broken? - Spending cuts create an air of uncertainty for "critical" parts of Mass. economy
Discuss - Spending cuts create an air of uncertainty for "critical" parts of Mass. economy
Spending cuts create an air of uncertainty for "critical" parts of Mass. economy
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts foreclosures drop 13% in 2012
Discuss - Massachusetts foreclosures drop 13% in 2012
Massachusetts foreclosures drop 13% in 2012
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Dec 2012 vs Dec 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 12%, volume up 18%; MAR: nominal median up 10%, volume up 13%
Discuss - MA SFH Dec 2012 vs Dec 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 12%, volume up 18%; MAR: nominal median up 10%, volume up 13%
MA SFH Dec 2012 vs Dec 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 12%, volume up 18%; MAR: nominal median up 10%, volume up 13%
Info/Broken? - Chris Whalen: "The Fed and the Treasury are the biggest source of systemic risks today... creating another bubble potentially in housing and perhaps also in equities"
Discuss - Chris Whalen: "The Fed and the Treasury are the biggest source of systemic risks today... creating another bubble potentially in housing and perhaps also in equities"
Chris Whalen: "The Fed and the Treasury are the biggest source of systemic risks today... creating another bubble potentially in housing and perhaps also in equities"
Info/Broken? - Shiller: current housing market "very abnormal," high uncertainty
Discuss - Shiller: current housing market "very abnormal," high uncertainty
Shiller: current housing market "very abnormal," high uncertainty
Info/Broken? - Warren Group: Massachusetts housing market "turned the corner" last year
Discuss - Warren Group: Massachusetts housing market "turned the corner" last year
Warren Group: Massachusetts housing market "turned the corner" last year
Info/Broken? - Patrick submits $34.8B budget plan, proposes income tax increase to 6.25%
Discuss - Patrick submits $34.8B budget plan, proposes income tax increase to 6.25%
Patrick submits $34.8B budget plan, proposes income tax increase to 6.25%
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts bankruptcies drop 18% in 2012
Discuss - Massachusetts bankruptcies drop 18% in 2012
Massachusetts bankruptcies drop 18% in 2012
Info/Broken? - Experts say higher income levy could kill 19,500 Mass. jobs
Discuss - Experts say higher income levy could kill 19,500 Mass. jobs
Experts say higher income levy could kill 19,500 Mass. jobs
Info/Broken? - Mass. adds jobs but unemployment rate rises
Discuss - Mass. adds jobs but unemployment rate rises
Mass. adds jobs but unemployment rate rises
Info/Broken? - Church may be sacrificed - Residents fight St. Augustine condo project
Discuss - Church may be sacrificed - Residents fight St. Augustine condo project
Church may be sacrificed - Residents fight St. Augustine condo project
Info/Broken? - Mass. taxes may rise to pay for transportation system
Discuss - Mass. taxes may rise to pay for transportation system
Mass. taxes may rise to pay for transportation system
Info/Broken? - Brockton, Massachusetts, Considers Eminent Domain To Address Foreclosures
Discuss - Brockton, Massachusetts, Considers Eminent Domain To Address Foreclosures
Brockton, Massachusetts, Considers Eminent Domain To Address Foreclosures
Info/Broken? - MassHousing enabled record debt in 2012, shattering previous record by 52%; Record debt touted as "good news"
Discuss - MassHousing enabled record debt in 2012, shattering previous record by 52%; Record debt touted as "good news"
MassHousing enabled record debt in 2012, shattering previous record by 52%; Record debt touted as "good news"
Info/Broken? - MA pending home sales up 16% YOY in December
Discuss - MA pending home sales up 16% YOY in December
MA pending home sales up 16% YOY in December
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts business confidence improves slightly
Discuss - Massachusetts business confidence improves slightly
Massachusetts business confidence improves slightly
Info/Broken? - Boston's taxable value up 4.2% for FY13
Discuss - Boston's taxable value up 4.2% for FY13
Boston's taxable value up 4.2% for FY13
Info/Broken? - Bank of America Fined for Refusing Lesbian Couple Loan
Discuss - Bank of America Fined for Refusing Lesbian Couple Loan
Bank of America Fined for Refusing Lesbian Couple Loan
Info/Broken? - Zillow: Boston homeowners increased equity by $16B in 2012
Discuss - Zillow: Boston homeowners increased equity by $16B in 2012
Zillow: Boston homeowners increased equity by $16B in 2012
Info/Broken? - US jobless rate holds at 7.8%; billions at stake for MA economy
Discuss - US jobless rate holds at 7.8%; billions at stake for MA economy
US jobless rate holds at 7.8%; billions at stake for MA economy
Info/Broken? - Big uptick in high-priced housing sales
Discuss - Big uptick in high-priced housing sales
Big uptick in high-priced housing sales
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts foreclosure activity drops in November
Discuss - Massachusetts foreclosure activity drops in November
Massachusetts foreclosure activity drops in November
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Nov 2012 vs Nov 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2%, volume up 38%; MAR: nominal median up 3%, volume up 30%
Discuss - MA SFH Nov 2012 vs Nov 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2%, volume up 38%; MAR: nominal median up 3%, volume up 30%
MA SFH Nov 2012 vs Nov 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 2%, volume up 38%; MAR: nominal median up 3%, volume up 30%
Info/Broken? - Housing faces "fiscal cliff" - MA borrowers have had $266M in tax handouts so far; Law to expire on 31st
Discuss - Housing faces "fiscal cliff" - MA borrowers have had $266M in tax handouts so far; Law to expire on 31st
Housing faces "fiscal cliff" - MA borrowers have had $266M in tax handouts so far; Law to expire on 31st
Info/Broken? - Former Needham real estate lawyer sentenced to six years
Discuss - Former Needham real estate lawyer sentenced to six years
Former Needham real estate lawyer sentenced to six years
Info/Broken? - Demographic "seismic shift" coming to Greater Boston
Discuss - Demographic "seismic shift" coming to Greater Boston
Demographic "seismic shift" coming to Greater Boston
Info/Broken? - Mass. Realtor confidence slips in November from October, but up YOY
Discuss - Mass. Realtor confidence slips in November from October, but up YOY
Mass. Realtor confidence slips in November from October, but up YOY
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales up 29% in November, nominal median up 4% - exceptionally low interest rates credited
Discuss - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales up 29% in November, nominal median up 4% - exceptionally low interest rates credited
MLSPIN: MA SFH sales up 29% in November, nominal median up 4% - exceptionally low interest rates credited
Info/Broken? - Flippers get extended subsidies from FHA
Discuss - Flippers get extended subsidies from FHA
Flippers get extended subsidies from FHA
Info/Broken? - Mortgage Tax Deduction Could Disappear
Discuss - Mortgage Tax Deduction Could Disappear
Mortgage Tax Deduction Could Disappear
Info/Broken? - MAR: Pending Massachusetts SFH sales up 28.2% YOY in November
Discuss - MAR: Pending Massachusetts SFH sales up 28.2% YOY in November
MAR: Pending Massachusetts SFH sales up 28.2% YOY in November
Info/Broken? - Median pay for nearly 2,000 managers at bailed out Fannie & Freddie was $200K+
Discuss - Median pay for nearly 2,000 managers at bailed out Fannie & Freddie was $200K+
Median pay for nearly 2,000 managers at bailed out Fannie & Freddie was $200K+
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: First 11 months of 2012 see volume up 18% YOY, nominal prices up 1%, for Bay State SFH and condos
Discuss - MLSPIN: First 11 months of 2012 see volume up 18% YOY, nominal prices up 1%, for Bay State SFH and condos
MLSPIN: First 11 months of 2012 see volume up 18% YOY, nominal prices up 1%, for Bay State SFH and condos
Info/Broken? - New England Economic Partnership: Massachusetts economy ready to rebound
Discuss - New England Economic Partnership: Massachusetts economy ready to rebound
New England Economic Partnership: Massachusetts economy ready to rebound
Info/Broken? - MA 2nd most expensive state to buy a home, trailing only Hawaii
Discuss - MA 2nd most expensive state to buy a home, trailing only Hawaii
MA 2nd most expensive state to buy a home, trailing only Hawaii
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts residents trail U.S. peers in home ownership
Discuss - Massachusetts residents trail U.S. peers in home ownership
Massachusetts residents trail U.S. peers in home ownership
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Oct 2012 vs Oct 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median unchanged, volume up 21%; MAR: nominal median up 4.4%
Discuss - MA SFH Oct 2012 vs Oct 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median unchanged, volume up 21%; MAR: nominal median up 4.4%
MA SFH Oct 2012 vs Oct 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median unchanged, volume up 21%; MAR: nominal median up 4.4%
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: Boston price reductions down 42% YOY, MA price reductions down 25% YOY
Discuss - MLSPIN: Boston price reductions down 42% YOY, MA price reductions down 25% YOY
MLSPIN: Boston price reductions down 42% YOY, MA price reductions down 25% YOY
Info/Broken? - 4,000 Mass. homeowners benefit from mortgage settlement
Discuss - 4,000 Mass. homeowners benefit from mortgage settlement
4,000 Mass. homeowners benefit from mortgage settlement
Info/Broken? - Nouvelle penthouse sold for nearly half original price from 4 years ago
Discuss - Nouvelle penthouse sold for nearly half original price from 4 years ago
Nouvelle penthouse sold for nearly half original price from 4 years ago
Info/Broken? - AG's office: Mass. well ahead in providing relief for distressed mortgages
Discuss - AG's office: Mass. well ahead in providing relief for distressed mortgages
AG's office: Mass. well ahead in providing relief for distressed mortgages
Info/Broken? - MAR: October pending SFH sales up 35.9% YOY
Discuss - MAR: October pending SFH sales up 35.9% YOY
MAR: October pending SFH sales up 35.9% YOY
Info/Broken? - Patrick expected to unveil initiative to build 10,000 housing units a year
Discuss - Patrick expected to unveil initiative to build 10,000 housing units a year
Patrick expected to unveil initiative to build 10,000 housing units a year
Info/Broken? - Real Estate Recovery Challenged by Sandy
Discuss - Real Estate Recovery Challenged by Sandy
Real Estate Recovery Challenged by Sandy
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts foreclosure activity slows in September
Discuss - Massachusetts foreclosure activity slows in September
Massachusetts foreclosure activity slows in September
Info/Broken? - Bank of America sued for $1 billion for "brazen" fraud at Countrywide
Discuss - Bank of America sued for $1 billion for "brazen" fraud at Countrywide
Bank of America sued for $1 billion for "brazen" fraud at Countrywide
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Sep 2012 vs Sep 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median down 4.5%, volume up 8%
Discuss - MA SFH Sep 2012 vs Sep 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median down 4.5%, volume up 8%
MA SFH Sep 2012 vs Sep 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median down 4.5%, volume up 8%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Sep 2012 vs Sep 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 0.6%, volume up 2.8%
Discuss - MA SFH Sep 2012 vs Sep 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 0.6%, volume up 2.8%
MA SFH Sep 2012 vs Sep 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 0.6%, volume up 2.8%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Sep 2012 vs Sep 2011 - MSLPIN: nominal median down 0.45%, volume up 4.87%
Discuss - MA SFH Sep 2012 vs Sep 2011 - MSLPIN: nominal median down 0.45%, volume up 4.87%
MA SFH Sep 2012 vs Sep 2011 - MSLPIN: nominal median down 0.45%, volume up 4.87%
Info/Broken? - August MA foreclosures reach lowest monthly level of 2012, down 40% YOY
Discuss - August MA foreclosures reach lowest monthly level of 2012, down 40% YOY
August MA foreclosures reach lowest monthly level of 2012, down 40% YOY
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales Aug 2012 vs Aug 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 1.6%, volume up 20%
Discuss - MA SFH sales Aug 2012 vs Aug 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 1.6%, volume up 20%
MA SFH sales Aug 2012 vs Aug 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 1.6%, volume up 20%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales Aug 2012 vs Aug 2011 - MAR: nominal median up 0.08%, volume up 22.8%
Discuss - MA SFH sales Aug 2012 vs Aug 2011 - MAR: nominal median up 0.08%, volume up 22.8%
MA SFH sales Aug 2012 vs Aug 2011 - MAR: nominal median up 0.08%, volume up 22.8%
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Real Estate Attorney Convicted of Mortgage Fraud & Money Laundering
Discuss - Massachusetts Real Estate Attorney Convicted of Mortgage Fraud & Money Laundering
Massachusetts Real Estate Attorney Convicted of Mortgage Fraud & Money Laundering
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts foreclosure filings hit 2012 low
Discuss - Massachusetts foreclosure filings hit 2012 low
Massachusetts foreclosure filings hit 2012 low
Info/Broken? - MAR: August pending SFH sales up 27.87% YOY
Discuss - MAR: August pending SFH sales up 27.87% YOY
MAR: August pending SFH sales up 27.87% YOY
Info/Broken? - Rising prices are driving out investors in MA
Discuss - Rising prices are driving out investors in MA
Rising prices are driving out investors in MA
Info/Broken? - Volume of MA jumbo loans doubled in 2011 and is on track to be surpassed by 2012
Discuss - Volume of MA jumbo loans doubled in 2011 and is on track to be surpassed by 2012
Volume of MA jumbo loans doubled in 2011 and is on track to be surpassed by 2012
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales Jul 2012 vs Jul 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 1%, volume up 27%
Discuss - MA SFH sales Jul 2012 vs Jul 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 1%, volume up 27%
MA SFH sales Jul 2012 vs Jul 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median up 1%, volume up 27%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales Jul 2012 vs Jul 2011 - MAR: nominal median up 1.9%, volume up 22.7%
Discuss - MA SFH sales Jul 2012 vs Jul 2011 - MAR: nominal median up 1.9%, volume up 22.7%
MA SFH sales Jul 2012 vs Jul 2011 - MAR: nominal median up 1.9%, volume up 22.7%
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts tells Fannie, Freddie to follow new mortgage law
Discuss - Massachusetts tells Fannie, Freddie to follow new mortgage law
Massachusetts tells Fannie, Freddie to follow new mortgage law
Info/Broken? - Boston Plans For "Near-Term Risk" Of Rising Tides
Discuss - Boston Plans For "Near-Term Risk" Of Rising Tides
Boston Plans For "Near-Term Risk" Of Rising Tides
Info/Broken? - Newton ranked 4th best place to live by Money Magazine
Discuss - Newton ranked 4th best place to live by Money Magazine
Newton ranked 4th best place to live by Money Magazine
Info/Broken? - Treasury changes Fannie and Freddie bailout deal
Discuss - Treasury changes Fannie and Freddie bailout deal
Treasury changes Fannie and Freddie bailout deal
Info/Broken? - Business Insider: Boston 1 of 7 "renters' markets"
Discuss - Business Insider: Boston 1 of 7 "renters' markets"
Business Insider: Boston 1 of 7 "renters' markets"
Info/Broken? - Average Boston rent up 7+% in past year
Discuss - Average Boston rent up 7+% in past year
Average Boston rent up 7+% in past year
Info/Broken? - Boston Fed: New regulations have not created immunity against more housing bubbles
Discuss - Boston Fed: New regulations have not created immunity against more housing bubbles
Boston Fed: New regulations have not created immunity against more housing bubbles
Info/Broken? - Boston Fed study: most Americans learned nothing from the housing bubble
Discuss - Boston Fed study: most Americans learned nothing from the housing bubble
Boston Fed study: most Americans learned nothing from the housing bubble
Info/Broken? - Principal reductions on underwater homes may soon be taxed
Discuss - Principal reductions on underwater homes may soon be taxed
Principal reductions on underwater homes may soon be taxed
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales Jun 2012 vs Jun 2011 - MAR: nominal median 0% change; Warren Group: nominal median down 1%, volume up 26%
Discuss - MA SFH sales Jun 2012 vs Jun 2011 - MAR: nominal median 0% change; Warren Group: nominal median down 1%, volume up 26%
MA SFH sales Jun 2012 vs Jun 2011 - MAR: nominal median 0% change; Warren Group: nominal median down 1%, volume up 26%
Info/Broken? - Condo prices in Boston hit a (nominal) high
Discuss - Condo prices in Boston hit a (nominal) high
Condo prices in Boston hit a (nominal) high
Info/Broken? - Europe's troubles weigh on Mass. businesses
Discuss - Europe's troubles weigh on Mass. businesses
Europe's troubles weigh on Mass. businesses
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - May 2012 - Price declines continue to be the norm
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - May 2012 - Price declines continue to be the norm
Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - May 2012 - Price declines continue to be the norm
Info/Broken? - Rigging of key interest rate figure (LIBOR) may be biggest financial scandal in history
Discuss - Rigging of key interest rate figure (LIBOR) may be biggest financial scandal in history
Rigging of key interest rate figure (LIBOR) may be biggest financial scandal in history
Info/Broken? - Closer to a bailout? FHA's mortgage delinquencies soar
Discuss - Closer to a bailout? FHA's mortgage delinquencies soar
Closer to a bailout? FHA's mortgage delinquencies soar
Info/Broken? - Boston has 5th highest income of large US cities, but housing costs counteract the benefit
Discuss - Boston has 5th highest income of large US cities, but housing costs counteract the benefit
Boston has 5th highest income of large US cities, but housing costs counteract the benefit
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts could soon require homeowners to have access to mediation to resolve foreclosures
Discuss - Massachusetts could soon require homeowners to have access to mediation to resolve foreclosures
Massachusetts could soon require homeowners to have access to mediation to resolve foreclosures
Info/Broken? - Bay State regulators take action against agents and appraisers
Discuss - Bay State regulators take action against agents and appraisers
Bay State regulators take action against agents and appraisers
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales May 2012 vs May 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 1.0%, volume up 27.1%
Discuss - MA SFH sales May 2012 vs May 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 1.0%, volume up 27.1%
MA SFH sales May 2012 vs May 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 1.0%, volume up 27.1%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales May 2012 vs May 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median down 3.4%, volume up 34.6%
Discuss - MA SFH sales May 2012 vs May 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median down 3.4%, volume up 34.6%
MA SFH sales May 2012 vs May 2011 - Warren Group: nominal median down 3.4%, volume up 34.6%
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts foreclosure activity rose in May
Discuss - Massachusetts foreclosure activity rose in May
Massachusetts foreclosure activity rose in May
Info/Broken? - Housing and wealth - The perils of not diversifying
Discuss - Housing and wealth - The perils of not diversifying
Housing and wealth - The perils of not diversifying
Info/Broken? - New England economy improving, but risks loom, Fed reports
Discuss - New England economy improving, but risks loom, Fed reports
New England economy improving, but risks loom, Fed reports
Info/Broken? - Widow sues Wells Fargo over wrongful foreclosure that took devastating toll
Discuss - Widow sues Wells Fargo over wrongful foreclosure that took devastating toll
Widow sues Wells Fargo over wrongful foreclosure that took devastating toll
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure activity in Massachusetts soared in April, according to Warren Group report
Discuss - Foreclosure activity in Massachusetts soared in April, according to Warren Group report
Foreclosure activity in Massachusetts soared in April, according to Warren Group report
Info/Broken? - Somerville real estate broker indicted for embezzling $200,000
Discuss - Somerville real estate broker indicted for embezzling $200,000
Somerville real estate broker indicted for embezzling $200,000
Info/Broken? - Generation broke
Discuss - Generation broke
Generation broke
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap, Apr 2012: MA SFH real median up 0.38% YOY - First potentially legitimate increase since 2005
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap, Apr 2012: MA SFH real median up 0.38% YOY - First potentially legitimate increase since 2005
Boston Bubble Wrap, Apr 2012: MA SFH real median up 0.38% YOY - First potentially legitimate increase since 2005
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales Apr 2012 vs Apr 2011 - MAR: nominal median up 2.7%, volume up 18.3%; Warren Group: nominal median up 1.1%
Discuss - MA SFH sales Apr 2012 vs Apr 2011 - MAR: nominal median up 2.7%, volume up 18.3%; Warren Group: nominal median up 1.1%
MA SFH sales Apr 2012 vs Apr 2011 - MAR: nominal median up 2.7%, volume up 18.3%; Warren Group: nominal median up 1.1%
Info/Broken? - Luxury home sales: Mixed signals, spin invite satire, monitoring
Discuss - Luxury home sales: Mixed signals, spin invite satire, monitoring
Luxury home sales: Mixed signals, spin invite satire, monitoring
Info/Broken? - MLS PIN: MA SFH nominal median up 1.4% YOY in April
Discuss - MLS PIN: MA SFH nominal median up 1.4% YOY in April
MLS PIN: MA SFH nominal median up 1.4% YOY in April
Info/Broken? - The Economist: The great realtor rip-off - Why is it so expensive to buy or sell a house in America?
Discuss - The Economist: The great realtor rip-off - Why is it so expensive to buy or sell a house in America?
The Economist: The great realtor rip-off - Why is it so expensive to buy or sell a house in America?
Info/Broken? - Bay State adds 2,500 jobs as unemployment hits 6.3%
Discuss - Bay State adds 2,500 jobs as unemployment hits 6.3%
Bay State adds 2,500 jobs as unemployment hits 6.3%
Info/Broken? - MA senate rolls out $150 billion health-savings plan
Discuss - MA senate rolls out $150 billion health-savings plan
MA senate rolls out $150 billion health-savings plan
Info/Broken? - To stem foreclosures, committee recommends MA loan modification bill
Discuss - To stem foreclosures, committee recommends MA loan modification bill
To stem foreclosures, committee recommends MA loan modification bill
Info/Broken? - Dinner With Robert Shiller
Discuss - Dinner With Robert Shiller
Dinner With Robert Shiller
Info/Broken? - Teardowns on the rise
Discuss - Teardowns on the rise
Teardowns on the rise
Info/Broken? - Why American house prices have corrected more than those in Europe
Discuss - Why American house prices have corrected more than those in Europe
Why American house prices have corrected more than those in Europe
Info/Broken? - Survey: Bay State among worst to do business
Discuss - Survey: Bay State among worst to do business
Survey: Bay State among worst to do business
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds recording stats for Apr 2012 vs Apr 2011: Deeds up 13%; foreclosures flat; orders of notice down 62%
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds recording stats for Apr 2012 vs Apr 2011: Deeds up 13%; foreclosures flat; orders of notice down 62%
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds recording stats for Apr 2012 vs Apr 2011: Deeds up 13%; foreclosures flat; orders of notice down 62%
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Mar 2012
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Mar 2012
Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Mar 2012
Info/Broken? - March 2012 vs. March 2011 prices and volume by MA town (PDF)
Discuss - March 2012 vs. March 2011 prices and volume by MA town (PDF)
March 2012 vs. March 2011 prices and volume by MA town (PDF)
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure activity in Massachusetts rose sharply in March
Discuss - Foreclosure activity in Massachusetts rose sharply in March
Foreclosure activity in Massachusetts rose sharply in March
Info/Broken? - Zillow calls (nominal) bottom for Boston housing market
Discuss - Zillow calls (nominal) bottom for Boston housing market
Zillow calls (nominal) bottom for Boston housing market
Info/Broken? - AG Coakley says HomeCorps program will help repair damage caused by the foreclosure crisis
Discuss - AG Coakley says HomeCorps program will help repair damage caused by the foreclosure crisis
AG Coakley says HomeCorps program will help repair damage caused by the foreclosure crisis
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales Mar 2012 vs Mar 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 2.2%, volume up 19.1%
Discuss - MA SFH sales Mar 2012 vs Mar 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 2.2%, volume up 19.1%
MA SFH sales Mar 2012 vs Mar 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 2.2%, volume up 19.1%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales Mar 2012 vs Mar 2011 - Warren Group: nominal prices down 3.3%, volume up 20%
Discuss - MA SFH sales Mar 2012 vs Mar 2011 - Warren Group: nominal prices down 3.3%, volume up 20%
MA SFH sales Mar 2012 vs Mar 2011 - Warren Group: nominal prices down 3.3%, volume up 20%
Info/Broken? - Amid Globe/Herald reports of "bidding wars", only 13% of recent sales were above asking
Discuss - Amid Globe/Herald reports of "bidding wars", only 13% of recent sales were above asking
Amid Globe/Herald reports of "bidding wars", only 13% of recent sales were above asking
Info/Broken? - Mass. Unemployment Rate Stays Below National Average
Discuss - Mass. Unemployment Rate Stays Below National Average
Mass. Unemployment Rate Stays Below National Average
Info/Broken? - Coakley pushes for law offering mortgage aid
Discuss - Coakley pushes for law offering mortgage aid
Coakley pushes for law offering mortgage aid
Info/Broken? - Romney floats curtailing mortgage deduction for 2nd homes of high earners
Discuss - Romney floats curtailing mortgage deduction for 2nd homes of high earners
Romney floats curtailing mortgage deduction for 2nd homes of high earners
Info/Broken? - Boston's Average Asking Rent Spikes 6% in Q1
Discuss - Boston's Average Asking Rent Spikes 6% in Q1
Boston's Average Asking Rent Spikes 6% in Q1
Info/Broken? - Poll: Bidding wars: Hype or reality?
Discuss - Poll: Bidding wars: Hype or reality?
Poll: Bidding wars: Hype or reality?
Info/Broken? - Pending MA home sales up 38.8% YOY in March
Discuss - Pending MA home sales up 38.8% YOY in March
Pending MA home sales up 38.8% YOY in March
Info/Broken? - Riders gird for cuts by MBTA - Erasing budget deficit means higher fares too
Discuss - Riders gird for cuts by MBTA - Erasing budget deficit means higher fares too
Riders gird for cuts by MBTA - Erasing budget deficit means higher fares too
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Woman Convicted of Mortgage Fraud for Falsely Inflating Income
Discuss - Massachusetts Woman Convicted of Mortgage Fraud for Falsely Inflating Income
Massachusetts Woman Convicted of Mortgage Fraud for Falsely Inflating Income
Info/Broken? - Google draws up big picture for Kendall Square
Discuss - Google draws up big picture for Kendall Square
Google draws up big picture for Kendall Square
Info/Broken? - In 2011, the Fed purchased a stunning 61% of Treasury issuance
Discuss - In 2011, the Fed purchased a stunning 61% of Treasury issuance
In 2011, the Fed purchased a stunning 61% of Treasury issuance
Info/Broken? - One-third of realty agents report sale cancellations (US)
Discuss - One-third of realty agents report sale cancellations (US)
One-third of realty agents report sale cancellations (US)
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Feb 2012
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Feb 2012
Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Feb 2012
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales Feb 2012 vs Feb 2011 - MAR: nominal prices down 3.8%, volume up 26.8%
Discuss - MA SFH sales Feb 2012 vs Feb 2011 - MAR: nominal prices down 3.8%, volume up 26.8%
MA SFH sales Feb 2012 vs Feb 2011 - MAR: nominal prices down 3.8%, volume up 26.8%
Info/Broken? - MA SFH sales Feb 2012 vs Feb 2011 - Warren Group: nominal prices down ~3%, volume up 33%
Discuss - MA SFH sales Feb 2012 vs Feb 2011 - Warren Group: nominal prices down ~3%, volume up 33%
MA SFH sales Feb 2012 vs Feb 2011 - Warren Group: nominal prices down ~3%, volume up 33%
Info/Broken? - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 2.8% nominal YOY in January
Discuss - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 2.8% nominal YOY in January
S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 2.8% nominal YOY in January
Info/Broken? - Warren Group: Mass. foreclosure activity jumps in February, starts up 101% YOY
Discuss - Warren Group: Mass. foreclosure activity jumps in February, starts up 101% YOY
Warren Group: Mass. foreclosure activity jumps in February, starts up 101% YOY
Info/Broken? - Larry Summers: Recovery A Reflection Of Policy, Not 'Natural Resilience Of The American Economy'
Discuss - Larry Summers: Recovery A Reflection Of Policy, Not 'Natural Resilience Of The American Economy'
Larry Summers: Recovery A Reflection Of Policy, Not 'Natural Resilience Of The American Economy'
Info/Broken? - Frank, et al, pushing for stealth bank bailout, calling for resignation of conservator enforcing the law
Discuss - Frank, et al, pushing for stealth bank bailout, calling for resignation of conservator enforcing the law
Frank, et al, pushing for stealth bank bailout, calling for resignation of conservator enforcing the law
Info/Broken? - AG aims to curb pace of Mass. foreclosures
Discuss - AG aims to curb pace of Mass. foreclosures
AG aims to curb pace of Mass. foreclosures
Info/Broken? - Fannie and Freddie Reflate Housing?
Discuss - Fannie and Freddie Reflate Housing?
Fannie and Freddie Reflate Housing?
Info/Broken? - Cambridge Council backs Google expansion, after concessions
Discuss - Cambridge Council backs Google expansion, after concessions
Cambridge Council backs Google expansion, after concessions
Info/Broken? - Confidence up among MA estate agents
Discuss - Confidence up among MA estate agents
Confidence up among MA estate agents
Info/Broken? - NAR to march on DC May 17th to defend their corporate welfare
Discuss - NAR to march on DC May 17th to defend their corporate welfare
NAR to march on DC May 17th to defend their corporate welfare
Info/Broken? - Growing income gap threatens area, report says -  High housing costs cited as threat
Discuss - Growing income gap threatens area, report says -  High housing costs cited as threat
Growing income gap threatens area, report says - High housing costs cited as threat
Info/Broken? - Pending MA home sales jump in February
Discuss - Pending MA home sales jump in February
Pending MA home sales jump in February
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts economy shows signs of recovery
Discuss - Massachusetts economy shows signs of recovery
Massachusetts economy shows signs of recovery
Info/Broken? - Frank calls for top Fannie, Freddie regulator to be replaced
Discuss - Frank calls for top Fannie, Freddie regulator to be replaced
Frank calls for top Fannie, Freddie regulator to be replaced
Info/Broken? - Fed report quantifies higher Boston-area spending
Discuss - Fed report quantifies higher Boston-area spending
Fed report quantifies higher Boston-area spending
Info/Broken? - Employment report: Mass. economy created far fewer jobs in 2011 than first thought
Discuss - Employment report: Mass. economy created far fewer jobs in 2011 than first thought
Employment report: Mass. economy created far fewer jobs in 2011 than first thought
Info/Broken? - Kendall Square honcho: Amazon, Facebook like us more
Discuss - Kendall Square honcho: Amazon, Facebook like us more
Kendall Square honcho: Amazon, Facebook like us more
Info/Broken? - MBTA Service Cuts Would Hurt Boston Economy, Says Report
Discuss - MBTA Service Cuts Would Hurt Boston Economy, Says Report
MBTA Service Cuts Would Hurt Boston Economy, Says Report
Info/Broken? - Mass. exit poll: Economy top issue for GOP voters
Discuss - Mass. exit poll: Economy top issue for GOP voters
Mass. exit poll: Economy top issue for GOP voters
Info/Broken? - Menino to Google: We want you
Discuss - Menino to Google: We want you
Menino to Google: We want you
Info/Broken? - New foreclosures in Somerville show uptick in January
Discuss - New foreclosures in Somerville show uptick in January
New foreclosures in Somerville show uptick in January
Info/Broken? - Mass. business confidence rose last month
Discuss - Mass. business confidence rose last month
Mass. business confidence rose last month
Info/Broken? - Changes in regulations could make big difference for small Massachusetts businesses
Discuss - Changes in regulations could make big difference for small Massachusetts businesses
Changes in regulations could make big difference for small Massachusetts businesses
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts could lose 50,000 jobs in decade
Discuss - Massachusetts could lose 50,000 jobs in decade
Massachusetts could lose 50,000 jobs in decade
Info/Broken? - Bay State foreclosures soar in January
Discuss - Bay State foreclosures soar in January
Bay State foreclosures soar in January
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jan 2012 vs Jan 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 5%; Warren Group: nominal median down 4%; Volume up 3-4%
Discuss - MA SFH Jan 2012 vs Jan 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 5%; Warren Group: nominal median down 4%; Volume up 3-4%
MA SFH Jan 2012 vs Jan 2011 - MAR: nominal median down 5%; Warren Group: nominal median down 4%; Volume up 3-4%
Info/Broken? - Housing in Boston Costs Too Much, and That's Bad for Business
Discuss - Housing in Boston Costs Too Much, and That's Bad for Business
Housing in Boston Costs Too Much, and That's Bad for Business
Info/Broken? - Empty nesters staying put and expanding the home front
Discuss - Empty nesters staying put and expanding the home front
Empty nesters staying put and expanding the home front
Info/Broken? - With inventory lower, properties sell faster
Discuss - With inventory lower, properties sell faster
With inventory lower, properties sell faster
Info/Broken? - Lower home prices provide no relief in Bay State
Discuss - Lower home prices provide no relief in Bay State
Lower home prices provide no relief in Bay State
Info/Broken? - Mass. couple pleads not guilty to housing fraud
Discuss - Mass. couple pleads not guilty to housing fraud
Mass. couple pleads not guilty to housing fraud
Info/Broken? - Saving the foreclosed - and profiting
Discuss - Saving the foreclosed - and profiting
Saving the foreclosed - and profiting
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Home Seizures Threatened in Loan Case
Discuss - Massachusetts Home Seizures Threatened in Loan Case
Massachusetts Home Seizures Threatened in Loan Case
Info/Broken? - Who loses in foreclosure settlement?
Discuss - Who loses in foreclosure settlement?
Who loses in foreclosure settlement?
Info/Broken? - Home of the housing bust - Central Mass. towns reel; no recovery in sight
Discuss - Home of the housing bust - Central Mass. towns reel; no recovery in sight
Home of the housing bust - Central Mass. towns reel; no recovery in sight
Info/Broken? - Coldwell Banker Pays Cambridge Homeowners $872,000 Over Deceptive Condominium Sale
Discuss - Coldwell Banker Pays Cambridge Homeowners $872,000 Over Deceptive Condominium Sale
Coldwell Banker Pays Cambridge Homeowners $872,000 Over Deceptive Condominium Sale
Info/Broken? - With settlement finished, Coakley turns to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
Discuss - With settlement finished, Coakley turns to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
With settlement finished, Coakley turns to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
Info/Broken? - More Mass. residents lack rainy-day funds - 26% couldn't survive 3 months without job; average credit card debt tops $12G
Discuss - More Mass. residents lack rainy-day funds - 26% couldn't survive 3 months without job; average credit card debt tops $12G
More Mass. residents lack rainy-day funds - 26% couldn't survive 3 months without job; average credit card debt tops $12G
Info/Broken? - Hub housing activists not satisfied with $25B deal
Discuss - Hub housing activists not satisfied with $25B deal
Hub housing activists not satisfied with $25B deal
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Part Of $25 Billion Mortgage Settlement
Discuss - Massachusetts Part Of $25 Billion Mortgage Settlement
Massachusetts Part Of $25 Billion Mortgage Settlement
Info/Broken? - Boston Fed: Lack of Mobility Not Holding Back Employment
Discuss - Boston Fed: Lack of Mobility Not Holding Back Employment
Boston Fed: Lack of Mobility Not Holding Back Employment
Info/Broken? - US senator seeks probe of Mass. housing authority
Discuss - US senator seeks probe of Mass. housing authority
US senator seeks probe of Mass. housing authority
Info/Broken? - Job growth projection for 2020 favorable for Massachusetts
Discuss - Job growth projection for 2020 favorable for Massachusetts
Job growth projection for 2020 favorable for Massachusetts
Info/Broken? - Mass. congressmen urge bailout for homeowners
Discuss - Mass. congressmen urge bailout for homeowners
Mass. congressmen urge bailout for homeowners
Info/Broken? - Report: Massachusetts, Nevada Would Have to Give Up Foreclosure Fraud Suits to Join Deal
Discuss - Report: Massachusetts, Nevada Would Have to Give Up Foreclosure Fraud Suits to Join Deal
Report: Massachusetts, Nevada Would Have to Give Up Foreclosure Fraud Suits to Join Deal
Info/Broken? - Brookline real estate mogul ordered to pay fine for illegal campaign contributions
Discuss - Brookline real estate mogul ordered to pay fine for illegal campaign contributions
Brookline real estate mogul ordered to pay fine for illegal campaign contributions
Info/Broken? - Ironically, as economy improves, foreclosures may increase
Discuss - Ironically, as economy improves, foreclosures may increase
Ironically, as economy improves, foreclosures may increase
Info/Broken? - Study: Licensing rule cut number of real estate agents, increased what clients paid by 17%
Discuss - Study: Licensing rule cut number of real estate agents, increased what clients paid by 17%
Study: Licensing rule cut number of real estate agents, increased what clients paid by 17%
Info/Broken? - Report: Mass. foreclosures fell 30% in 2011
Discuss - Report: Mass. foreclosures fell 30% in 2011
Report: Mass. foreclosures fell 30% in 2011
Info/Broken? - Dozens push for mortgage writedowns outside Bank of America
Discuss - Dozens push for mortgage writedowns outside Bank of America
Dozens push for mortgage writedowns outside Bank of America
Info/Broken? - Building activity rebounds in Bay State
Discuss - Building activity rebounds in Bay State
Building activity rebounds in Bay State
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Dec 2011
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Dec 2011
Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Dec 2011
Info/Broken? - Romney talks housing, ends up defending banks
Discuss - Romney talks housing, ends up defending banks
Romney talks housing, ends up defending banks
Info/Broken? - Obama Proposes Mortgage Bailouts, Handouts, Copouts Exactly One Paragraph After Stating "Top to Bottom: No Bailouts, No Handouts, and No Copouts"; How the Taxpayer Ripoff Works
Discuss - Obama Proposes Mortgage Bailouts, Handouts, Copouts Exactly One Paragraph After Stating "Top to Bottom: No Bailouts, No Handouts, and No Copouts"; How the Taxpayer Ripoff Works
Obama Proposes Mortgage Bailouts, Handouts, Copouts Exactly One Paragraph After Stating "Top to Bottom: No Bailouts, No Handouts, and No Copouts"; How the Taxpayer Ripoff Works
Info/Broken? - In tight local market, no relief for renters, apartment hunters
Discuss - In tight local market, no relief for renters, apartment hunters
In tight local market, no relief for renters, apartment hunters
Info/Broken? - Borrower better accept the consequences
Discuss - Borrower better accept the consequences
Borrower better accept the consequences
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts home sales in 2011 at lowest level since 1990
Discuss - Massachusetts home sales in 2011 at lowest level since 1990
Massachusetts home sales in 2011 at lowest level since 1990
Info/Broken? - MAR and Warren Group both report ~4% YOY nominal decline in SFH median in December, drop in volume
Discuss - MAR and Warren Group both report ~4% YOY nominal decline in SFH median in December, drop in volume
MAR and Warren Group both report ~4% YOY nominal decline in SFH median in December, drop in volume
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation says unfunded retiree health care liability is growing for towns and cities
Discuss - Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation says unfunded retiree health care liability is growing for towns and cities
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation says unfunded retiree health care liability is growing for towns and cities
Info/Broken? - O'Brien calls for criminal action against the Big Banks; says they acted like "criminal enterprise" (PDF)
Discuss - O'Brien calls for criminal action against the Big Banks; says they acted like "criminal enterprise" (PDF)
O'Brien calls for criminal action against the Big Banks; says they acted like "criminal enterprise" (PDF)
Info/Broken? - Mass. jobless rate dips to 6.8% in Dec., but 6,200 jobs cut
Discuss - Mass. jobless rate dips to 6.8% in Dec., but 6,200 jobs cut
Mass. jobless rate dips to 6.8% in Dec., but 6,200 jobs cut
Info/Broken? - Mortgage settlement between banks, states "close"
Discuss - Mortgage settlement between banks, states "close"
Mortgage settlement between banks, states "close"
Info/Broken? - Mortgage woes top list of complaints to AG Coakley
Discuss - Mortgage woes top list of complaints to AG Coakley
Mortgage woes top list of complaints to AG Coakley
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts housing market is slowly stabilizing
Discuss - Massachusetts housing market is slowly stabilizing
Massachusetts housing market is slowly stabilizing
Info/Broken? - Mass. lawmakers hear pushback on foreclosure protection bill
Discuss - Mass. lawmakers hear pushback on foreclosure protection bill
Mass. lawmakers hear pushback on foreclosure protection bill
Info/Broken? - Prof. Glaeser: Fed's housing ideas won't fix market
Discuss - Prof. Glaeser: Fed's housing ideas won't fix market
Prof. Glaeser: Fed's housing ideas won't fix market
Info/Broken? - GOP cribs: Where the candidates live
Discuss - GOP cribs: Where the candidates live
GOP cribs: Where the candidates live
Info/Broken? - Survey: Mass. employers a bit more confident, but less so than a year ago
Discuss - Survey: Mass. employers a bit more confident, but less so than a year ago
Survey: Mass. employers a bit more confident, but less so than a year ago
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Pending Home Sales up 11.7% YOY in December
Discuss - MA SFH Pending Home Sales up 11.7% YOY in December
MA SFH Pending Home Sales up 11.7% YOY in December
Info/Broken? - Boston Fed chief urges Obama administration to make housing even less affordable
Discuss - Boston Fed chief urges Obama administration to make housing even less affordable
Boston Fed chief urges Obama administration to make housing even less affordable
Info/Broken? - 2012 forecast: Economists see continued slow growth for MA
Discuss - 2012 forecast: Economists see continued slow growth for MA
2012 forecast: Economists see continued slow growth for MA
Info/Broken? - Report says wage gap in Mass. is widening
Discuss - Report says wage gap in Mass. is widening
Report says wage gap in Mass. is widening
Info/Broken? - One Reason Why Boston Housing Is So Expensive
Discuss - One Reason Why Boston Housing Is So Expensive
One Reason Why Boston Housing Is So Expensive
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosures surge 70% in Nov.
Discuss - Mass. foreclosures surge 70% in Nov.
Mass. foreclosures surge 70% in Nov.
Info/Broken? - Warren and MAR predict Mass. on homestretch of massive tumble
Discuss - Warren and MAR predict Mass. on homestretch of massive tumble
Warren and MAR predict Mass. on homestretch of massive tumble
Info/Broken? - 8 Outrageously Flawed Economic Predictions (majority are housing related)
Discuss - 8 Outrageously Flawed Economic Predictions (majority are housing related)
8 Outrageously Flawed Economic Predictions (majority are housing related)
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Nov 2011
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Nov 2011
Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Nov 2011
Info/Broken? - Boston housing market projected to lose $9.5 billion in 2011
Discuss - Boston housing market projected to lose $9.5 billion in 2011
Boston housing market projected to lose $9.5 billion in 2011
Info/Broken? - Amazon move has Boston-Cambridge in a tizzy
Discuss - Amazon move has Boston-Cambridge in a tizzy
Amazon move has Boston-Cambridge in a tizzy
Info/Broken? - Mass. commuters spend more time on the road than most in U.S., potentially due to housing costs
Discuss - Mass. commuters spend more time on the road than most in U.S., potentially due to housing costs
Mass. commuters spend more time on the road than most in U.S., potentially due to housing costs
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Nov 2011 vs Nov 2010 - MAR: nominal median down 4%, volume up 13%; Warren Group: nominal median down 8%, volume up 13%
Discuss - MA SFH Nov 2011 vs Nov 2010 - MAR: nominal median down 4%, volume up 13%; Warren Group: nominal median down 8%, volume up 13%
MA SFH Nov 2011 vs Nov 2010 - MAR: nominal median down 4%, volume up 13%; Warren Group: nominal median down 8%, volume up 13%
Info/Broken? - Boston ranked 15 of 200+ for most expensive metro areas for home ownership
Discuss - Boston ranked 15 of 200+ for most expensive metro areas for home ownership
Boston ranked 15 of 200+ for most expensive metro areas for home ownership
Info/Broken? - U.S. Population Migrates for Income Boost
Discuss - U.S. Population Migrates for Income Boost
U.S. Population Migrates for Income Boost
Info/Broken? - Income Inequality In Metro Boston Among Worst In U.S.
Discuss - Income Inequality In Metro Boston Among Worst In U.S.
Income Inequality In Metro Boston Among Worst In U.S.
Info/Broken? - Mass. adds 5,000 jobs as unemployment dips to 7%
Discuss - Mass. adds 5,000 jobs as unemployment dips to 7%
Mass. adds 5,000 jobs as unemployment dips to 7%
Info/Broken? - SEC accuses former Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac bosses of fraud
Discuss - SEC accuses former Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac bosses of fraud
SEC accuses former Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac bosses of fraud
Info/Broken? - MLS PIN: MA SFH nominal median fell 5% YOY in November
Discuss - MLS PIN: MA SFH nominal median fell 5% YOY in November
MLS PIN: MA SFH nominal median fell 5% YOY in November
Info/Broken? - Mass. Residents More Pessimistic about the Future - 33% expect housing prices to rise next year
Discuss - Mass. Residents More Pessimistic about the Future - 33% expect housing prices to rise next year
Mass. Residents More Pessimistic about the Future - 33% expect housing prices to rise next year
Info/Broken? - NAR home sales figures from 2007-10 to be lowered
Discuss - NAR home sales figures from 2007-10 to be lowered
NAR home sales figures from 2007-10 to be lowered
Info/Broken? - State revenues expected to slow
Discuss - State revenues expected to slow
State revenues expected to slow
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Official Reports 26K Instances of Mortgage Fraud
Discuss - Massachusetts Official Reports 26K Instances of Mortgage Fraud
Massachusetts Official Reports 26K Instances of Mortgage Fraud
Info/Broken? - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Futures: Real bottom in April 2011, but declines by 2012 Q1 will come very close
Discuss - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Futures: Real bottom in April 2011, but declines by 2012 Q1 will come very close
S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Futures: Real bottom in April 2011, but declines by 2012 Q1 will come very close
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts employers have more confidence, but not adding jobs
Discuss - Massachusetts employers have more confidence, but not adding jobs
Massachusetts employers have more confidence, but not adding jobs
Info/Broken? - Employers turn - barely - more optimistic on economy
Discuss - Employers turn - barely - more optimistic on economy
Employers turn - barely - more optimistic on economy
Info/Broken? - Mass. residents even more pessimistic about economic future now than when recession was in full swing
Discuss - Mass. residents even more pessimistic about economic future now than when recession was in full swing
Mass. residents even more pessimistic about economic future now than when recession was in full swing
Info/Broken? - Mass. home buyers party like it's 1999 - Yes, that's where real prices are now
Discuss - Mass. home buyers party like it's 1999 - Yes, that's where real prices are now
Mass. home buyers party like it's 1999 - Yes, that's where real prices are now
Info/Broken? - GMAC to stop some mortgage loans in Massachusetts stating "recent developments have led mortgage lending in Massachusetts to no longer be viable"
Discuss - GMAC to stop some mortgage loans in Massachusetts stating "recent developments have led mortgage lending in Massachusetts to no longer be viable"
GMAC to stop some mortgage loans in Massachusetts stating "recent developments have led mortgage lending in Massachusetts to no longer be viable"
Info/Broken? - AG sues banks for violating foreclosure law
Discuss - AG sues banks for violating foreclosure law
AG sues banks for violating foreclosure law
Info/Broken? - Fed: Greater Boston nominal median home price fell 10.5% YOY in October
Discuss - Fed: Greater Boston nominal median home price fell 10.5% YOY in October
Fed: Greater Boston nominal median home price fell 10.5% YOY in October
Info/Broken? - Mass. Budget Chief: No New Taxes, But Challenging Year Ahead
Discuss - Mass. Budget Chief: No New Taxes, But Challenging Year Ahead
Mass. Budget Chief: No New Taxes, But Challenging Year Ahead
Info/Broken? - Unemployment is steady in most Mass. cities and towns
Discuss - Unemployment is steady in most Mass. cities and towns
Unemployment is steady in most Mass. cities and towns
Info/Broken? - Report ranks Boston the nation's top life science hub
Discuss - Report ranks Boston the nation's top life science hub
Report ranks Boston the nation's top life science hub
Info/Broken? - 11 for 11 CME Case-Shiller futures fall within expectations
Discuss - 11 for 11 CME Case-Shiller futures fall within expectations
11 for 11 CME Case-Shiller futures fall within expectations
Info/Broken? - Like rest of nation, Mass. residents not moving - "Ownership society" impeding mobility, economic recovery
Discuss - Like rest of nation, Mass. residents not moving - "Ownership society" impeding mobility, economic recovery
Like rest of nation, Mass. residents not moving - "Ownership society" impeding mobility, economic recovery
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Oct 2011 vs Oct 2010 - MAR: nominal median down 5+%, volume up 3%; Warren Group: nominal median down ~7%
Discuss - MA SFH Oct 2011 vs Oct 2010 - MAR: nominal median down 5+%, volume up 3%; Warren Group: nominal median down ~7%
MA SFH Oct 2011 vs Oct 2010 - MAR: nominal median down 5+%, volume up 3%; Warren Group: nominal median down ~7%
Info/Broken? - Watchdog: Fannie, Freddie abuses went unchecked
Discuss - Watchdog: Fannie, Freddie abuses went unchecked
Watchdog: Fannie, Freddie abuses went unchecked
Info/Broken? - Fitch May Lower Fannie, Freddie Debt Outlook
Discuss - Fitch May Lower Fannie, Freddie Debt Outlook
Fitch May Lower Fannie, Freddie Debt Outlook
Info/Broken? - Average rate on 30-year fixed home loan below 4% again
Discuss - Average rate on 30-year fixed home loan below 4% again
Average rate on 30-year fixed home loan below 4% again
Info/Broken? - Middle class in Massachusetts losing hope, new study says
Discuss - Middle class in Massachusetts losing hope, new study says
Middle class in Massachusetts losing hope, new study says
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure activity accelerates in Mass.
Discuss - Foreclosure activity accelerates in Mass.
Foreclosure activity accelerates in Mass.
Info/Broken? - Mass. unemployment rate holds at 7.3 percent despite October jobs pickup
Discuss - Mass. unemployment rate holds at 7.3 percent despite October jobs pickup
Mass. unemployment rate holds at 7.3 percent despite October jobs pickup
Info/Broken? - Mass. Stock Of Affordable Housing Drops
Discuss - Mass. Stock Of Affordable Housing Drops
Mass. Stock Of Affordable Housing Drops
Info/Broken? - Experts: Mass. economy won't rebound until 2013
Discuss - Experts: Mass. economy won't rebound until 2013
Experts: Mass. economy won't rebound until 2013
Info/Broken? - Gingrich Said to Be Paid at Least $1.6 Million By Freddie Mac
Discuss - Gingrich Said to Be Paid at Least $1.6 Million By Freddie Mac
Gingrich Said to Be Paid at Least $1.6 Million By Freddie Mac
Info/Broken? - Mass. pressed to reject 50-state foreclosure deal
Discuss - Mass. pressed to reject 50-state foreclosure deal
Mass. pressed to reject 50-state foreclosure deal
Info/Broken? - Judge OKs W's bankruptcy exit
Discuss - Judge OKs W's bankruptcy exit
Judge OKs W's bankruptcy exit
Info/Broken? - NAR overestimated home sales
Discuss - NAR overestimated home sales
NAR overestimated home sales
Info/Broken? - NH man gets prison term for running mortgage fraud scheme in Boston area
Discuss - NH man gets prison term for running mortgage fraud scheme in Boston area
NH man gets prison term for running mortgage fraud scheme in Boston area
Info/Broken? - New federal program gives money to people more than 25% underwater on their mortgages
Discuss - New federal program gives money to people more than 25% underwater on their mortgages
New federal program gives money to people more than 25% underwater on their mortgages
Info/Broken? - Poll finds more boomers working past retirement
Discuss - Poll finds more boomers working past retirement
Poll finds more boomers working past retirement
Info/Broken? - The great $26 billion real estate swindle
Discuss - The great $26 billion real estate swindle
The great $26 billion real estate swindle
Info/Broken? - DeLeo eyes bid for Mass. to collect online sales tax
Discuss - DeLeo eyes bid for Mass. to collect online sales tax
DeLeo eyes bid for Mass. to collect online sales tax
Info/Broken? - Bay State housing declines hint of more pain to come
Discuss - Bay State housing declines hint of more pain to come
Bay State housing declines hint of more pain to come
Info/Broken? - Arlington and Brookline - 2 and 3 in US according to Zillow
Discuss - Arlington and Brookline - 2 and 3 in US according to Zillow
Arlington and Brookline - 2 and 3 in US according to Zillow
Info/Broken? - Scott Kirsner: Boston a "second-tier" town in technology, financial services, etc.
Discuss - Scott Kirsner: Boston a "second-tier" town in technology, financial services, etc.
Scott Kirsner: Boston a "second-tier" town in technology, financial services, etc.
Info/Broken? - Natick Mall condo owners sue, seek to void sales
Discuss - Natick Mall condo owners sue, seek to void sales
Natick Mall condo owners sue, seek to void sales
Info/Broken? - Boston rent ranks third highest in nation
Discuss - Boston rent ranks third highest in nation
Boston rent ranks third highest in nation
Info/Broken? - Mass pending home sales up 6.2% YOY in October
Discuss - Mass pending home sales up 6.2% YOY in October
Mass pending home sales up 6.2% YOY in October
Info/Broken? - Mass. group says employer confidence sliding
Discuss - Mass. group says employer confidence sliding
Mass. group says employer confidence sliding
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Sep 2011
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Sep 2011
Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Sep 2011
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts residents pessimistic about the economy
Discuss - Massachusetts residents pessimistic about the economy
Massachusetts residents pessimistic about the economy
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Sep 2011 vs Sep 2010 - MAR: median up ~2% (nominal), volume up 10%; Warren Group: volume up 7%, median up "slightly" (nominal)
Discuss - MA SFH Sep 2011 vs Sep 2010 - MAR: median up ~2% (nominal), volume up 10%; Warren Group: volume up 7%, median up "slightly" (nominal)
MA SFH Sep 2011 vs Sep 2010 - MAR: median up ~2% (nominal), volume up 10%; Warren Group: volume up 7%, median up "slightly" (nominal)
Info/Broken? - Abolish the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage!
Discuss - Abolish the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage!
Abolish the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage!
Info/Broken? - Obama to promote new steps to reinforce housing debt dependency, unaffordability
Discuss - Obama to promote new steps to reinforce housing debt dependency, unaffordability
Obama to promote new steps to reinforce housing debt dependency, unaffordability
Info/Broken? - MA foreclosures drop in September
Discuss - MA foreclosures drop in September
MA foreclosures drop in September
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts unemployment rate drops to 7.3%
Discuss - Massachusetts unemployment rate drops to 7.3%
Massachusetts unemployment rate drops to 7.3%
Info/Broken? - Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis
Discuss - Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis
Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis
Info/Broken? - Court ruling leaves owners of voided foreclosures with few rights
Discuss - Court ruling leaves owners of voided foreclosures with few rights
Court ruling leaves owners of voided foreclosures with few rights
Info/Broken? - Protesters fail to stop eviction of Malden woman
Discuss - Protesters fail to stop eviction of Malden woman
Protesters fail to stop eviction of Malden woman
Info/Broken? - Mass. Gov.: $65M in federal, state housing help
Discuss - Mass. Gov.: $65M in federal, state housing help
Mass. Gov.: $65M in federal, state housing help
Info/Broken? - Abuses alleged in retooled loans
Discuss - Abuses alleged in retooled loans
Abuses alleged in retooled loans
Info/Broken? - Opponents question Mass. gambling job estimates
Discuss - Opponents question Mass. gambling job estimates
Opponents question Mass. gambling job estimates
Info/Broken? - Tom Brady manor marked down - to $10.5M
Discuss - Tom Brady manor marked down - to $10.5M
Tom Brady manor marked down - to $10.5M
Info/Broken? - Mass. Realtors' Confidence Up Over Last Year, But Down From Summer
Discuss - Mass. Realtors' Confidence Up Over Last Year, But Down From Summer
Mass. Realtors' Confidence Up Over Last Year, But Down From Summer
Info/Broken? - The Boston Globe Hits It Out of the Park In Promoting Economic Fallacies
Discuss - The Boston Globe Hits It Out of the Park In Promoting Economic Fallacies
The Boston Globe Hits It Out of the Park In Promoting Economic Fallacies
Info/Broken? - A Complete Guide To The Ponzi Scheme That Is Suburban America
Discuss - A Complete Guide To The Ponzi Scheme That Is Suburban America
A Complete Guide To The Ponzi Scheme That Is Suburban America
Info/Broken? - Survey finds business confidence in Mass. flagging
Discuss - Survey finds business confidence in Mass. flagging
Survey finds business confidence in Mass. flagging
Info/Broken? - Government report: Fannie knew of "robo-signing" in '03
Discuss - Government report: Fannie knew of "robo-signing" in '03
Government report: Fannie knew of "robo-signing" in '03
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts economy showing "clear signs" of weakening
Discuss - Massachusetts economy showing "clear signs" of weakening
Massachusetts economy showing "clear signs" of weakening
Info/Broken? - Cash-Only Mass. Home Sales Are Booming (relative to financed sales)
Discuss - Cash-Only Mass. Home Sales Are Booming (relative to financed sales)
Cash-Only Mass. Home Sales Are Booming (relative to financed sales)
Info/Broken? - Perry bet big on tax grants to subprime lenders
Discuss - Perry bet big on tax grants to subprime lenders
Perry bet big on tax grants to subprime lenders
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap, Aug 2011: MA SFH real median down 7.47% YOY, lowest August since 2000 estimate
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap, Aug 2011: MA SFH real median down 7.47% YOY, lowest August since 2000 estimate
Boston Bubble Wrap, Aug 2011: MA SFH real median down 7.47% YOY, lowest August since 2000 estimate
Info/Broken? - Aug. data signal lenders stepping up foreclosure action
Discuss - Aug. data signal lenders stepping up foreclosure action
Aug. data signal lenders stepping up foreclosure action
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosures surge (on monthly basis)
Discuss - Mass. foreclosures surge (on monthly basis)
Mass. foreclosures surge (on monthly basis)
Info/Broken? - A surge of hiring on the tech belt
Discuss - A surge of hiring on the tech belt
A surge of hiring on the tech belt
Info/Broken? - Hub Fed chief: Housing woes undercut bank's efforts
Discuss - Hub Fed chief: Housing woes undercut bank's efforts
Hub Fed chief: Housing woes undercut bank's efforts
Info/Broken? - MAR on MA SFH Aug 2011 vs. Aug 2010: nominal median down 4%, volume up 17%
Discuss - MAR on MA SFH Aug 2011 vs. Aug 2010: nominal median down 4%, volume up 17%
MAR on MA SFH Aug 2011 vs. Aug 2010: nominal median down 4%, volume up 17%
Info/Broken? - Warren Group on MA SFH Aug 2011 vs. Aug 2011: nominal median down 3.4%, volume up 15%
Discuss - Warren Group on MA SFH Aug 2011 vs. Aug 2011: nominal median down 3.4%, volume up 15%
Warren Group on MA SFH Aug 2011 vs. Aug 2011: nominal median down 3.4%, volume up 15%
Info/Broken? - Part-time workers on rise in Mass. - Many forced to settle for lower-pay jobs
Discuss - Part-time workers on rise in Mass. - Many forced to settle for lower-pay jobs
Part-time workers on rise in Mass. - Many forced to settle for lower-pay jobs
Info/Broken? - Fannie Mae cited for failing to stop robo-signing
Discuss - Fannie Mae cited for failing to stop robo-signing
Fannie Mae cited for failing to stop robo-signing
Info/Broken? - Young People Shut Out of Home Ownership
Discuss - Young People Shut Out of Home Ownership
Young People Shut Out of Home Ownership
Info/Broken? - Romney pummels, profits from Fannie, Freddie
Discuss - Romney pummels, profits from Fannie, Freddie
Romney pummels, profits from Fannie, Freddie
Info/Broken? - Study: Mass. Health Law Has Harmed State Economy
Discuss - Study: Mass. Health Law Has Harmed State Economy
Study: Mass. Health Law Has Harmed State Economy
Info/Broken? - Mass. unemployment rate drops to 7.4%
Discuss - Mass. unemployment rate drops to 7.4%
Mass. unemployment rate drops to 7.4%
Info/Broken? - Mortgage rates at record lows, but no re-fi boom
Discuss - Mortgage rates at record lows, but no re-fi boom
Mortgage rates at record lows, but no re-fi boom
Info/Broken? - Frank working on Fed overhaul to spur inflation
Discuss - Frank working on Fed overhaul to spur inflation
Frank working on Fed overhaul to spur inflation
Info/Broken? - Compared with US, hiring in Mass. has been decent, but brace for a letup
Discuss - Compared with US, hiring in Mass. has been decent, but brace for a letup
Compared with US, hiring in Mass. has been decent, but brace for a letup
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts employers lose confidence in economy
Discuss - Massachusetts employers lose confidence in economy
Massachusetts employers lose confidence in economy
Info/Broken? - Boston Fed: Local real estate fundamentals remain weak
Discuss - Boston Fed: Local real estate fundamentals remain weak
Boston Fed: Local real estate fundamentals remain weak
Info/Broken? - Marc Andreessen: Recently, "a massive brain drain... has all but gutted Boston as a place for high-tech entrepreneurship"
Discuss - Marc Andreessen: Recently, "a massive brain drain... has all but gutted Boston as a place for high-tech entrepreneurship"
Marc Andreessen: Recently, "a massive brain drain... has all but gutted Boston as a place for high-tech entrepreneurship"
Info/Broken? - Zero U.S. job growth in August: Who's hiring in Mass.?
Discuss - Zero U.S. job growth in August: Who's hiring in Mass.?
Zero U.S. job growth in August: Who's hiring in Mass.?
Info/Broken? - Deadline for unemployed mortgage help extended
Discuss - Deadline for unemployed mortgage help extended
Deadline for unemployed mortgage help extended
Info/Broken? - July foreclosure starts hit highest level of 2011
Discuss - July foreclosure starts hit highest level of 2011
July foreclosure starts hit highest level of 2011
Info/Broken? - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 2.1% YOY (nominal) in June
Discuss - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 2.1% YOY (nominal) in June
S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 2.1% YOY (nominal) in June
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure mess here to stay - Study: Mass. woes won't go away till '17
Discuss - Foreclosure mess here to stay - Study: Mass. woes won't go away till '17
Foreclosure mess here to stay - Study: Mass. woes won't go away till '17
Info/Broken? - Working poor left behind in Massachusetts' economic rebound
Discuss - Working poor left behind in Massachusetts' economic rebound
Working poor left behind in Massachusetts' economic rebound
Info/Broken? - Gambling projections for Mass. no sure bet
Discuss - Gambling projections for Mass. no sure bet
Gambling projections for Mass. no sure bet
Info/Broken? - Foreclosures hit yearly high in Massachusetts
Discuss - Foreclosures hit yearly high in Massachusetts
Foreclosures hit yearly high in Massachusetts
Info/Broken? - States Where No One Wants To Buy A New Home (Mass. #7)
Discuss - States Where No One Wants To Buy A New Home (Mass. #7)
States Where No One Wants To Buy A New Home (Mass. #7)
Info/Broken? - Low rates squeeze savers and may hold back economy
Discuss - Low rates squeeze savers and may hold back economy
Low rates squeeze savers and may hold back economy
Info/Broken? - US home mortgage applications fall to 15-year low
Discuss - US home mortgage applications fall to 15-year low
US home mortgage applications fall to 15-year low
Info/Broken? - MAR on MA SFH Jul 2011 vs. Jul 2010: nominal median down 3%, volume up 14%
Discuss - MAR on MA SFH Jul 2011 vs. Jul 2010: nominal median down 3%, volume up 14%
MAR on MA SFH Jul 2011 vs. Jul 2010: nominal median down 3%, volume up 14%
Info/Broken? - Warren Group on MA SFH Jul 2011 vs. Jul 2010: nominal median down 0.78%, volume up 7%
Discuss - Warren Group on MA SFH Jul 2011 vs. Jul 2010: nominal median down 0.78%, volume up 7%
Warren Group on MA SFH Jul 2011 vs. Jul 2010: nominal median down 0.78%, volume up 7%
Info/Broken? - States' foreclosure talks with big mortgage servicers stall
Discuss - States' foreclosure talks with big mortgage servicers stall
States' foreclosure talks with big mortgage servicers stall
Info/Broken? - Mass. jobless rate holds steady - Economists cautious as state outperforms nation again in July
Discuss - Mass. jobless rate holds steady - Economists cautious as state outperforms nation again in July
Mass. jobless rate holds steady - Economists cautious as state outperforms nation again in July
Info/Broken? - S&P Said To Face U.S. Probe On Mortgages
Discuss - S&P Said To Face U.S. Probe On Mortgages
S&P Said To Face U.S. Probe On Mortgages
Info/Broken? - Cheap Mortgages, America's Hidden Entitlement
Discuss - Cheap Mortgages, America's Hidden Entitlement
Cheap Mortgages, America's Hidden Entitlement
Info/Broken? - U.S. Mortgage Rates Tumble to Lowest in More Than 50 Years
Discuss - U.S. Mortgage Rates Tumble to Lowest in More Than 50 Years
U.S. Mortgage Rates Tumble to Lowest in More Than 50 Years
Info/Broken? - Boston homeowners see mortgage balances rise
Discuss - Boston homeowners see mortgage balances rise
Boston homeowners see mortgage balances rise
Info/Broken? - Obama: Another year or more for housing turnaround
Discuss - Obama: Another year or more for housing turnaround
Obama: Another year or more for housing turnaround
Info/Broken? - Confidence index falls for Mass. Realtors
Discuss - Confidence index falls for Mass. Realtors
Confidence index falls for Mass. Realtors
Info/Broken? - Today is 40th anniversary of US severing dollar's last, tenuous link to gold
Discuss - Today is 40th anniversary of US severing dollar's last, tenuous link to gold
Today is 40th anniversary of US severing dollar's last, tenuous link to gold
Info/Broken? - No vacancy: Downtown Hub rents hitting peak levels
Discuss - No vacancy: Downtown Hub rents hitting peak levels
No vacancy: Downtown Hub rents hitting peak levels
Info/Broken? - Market volatility didn't spare Bay State - Biotech gains in year; energy takes hit
Discuss - Market volatility didn't spare Bay State - Biotech gains in year; energy takes hit
Market volatility didn't spare Bay State - Biotech gains in year; energy takes hit
Info/Broken? - Deal offers mortgage relief for thousands - Lender, Mass. sign $125m settlement
Discuss - Deal offers mortgage relief for thousands - Lender, Mass. sign $125m settlement
Deal offers mortgage relief for thousands - Lender, Mass. sign $125m settlement
Info/Broken? - Boston home market sinks to (nominal) '02 levels as losses mount
Discuss - Boston home market sinks to (nominal) '02 levels as losses mount
Boston home market sinks to (nominal) '02 levels as losses mount
Info/Broken? - Fear of double dip recession spreads to Bay State
Discuss - Fear of double dip recession spreads to Bay State
Fear of double dip recession spreads to Bay State
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts home foreclosures on the rise again
Discuss - Massachusetts home foreclosures on the rise again
Massachusetts home foreclosures on the rise again
Info/Broken? - Renting generally beat buying over the last 30 years
Discuss - Renting generally beat buying over the last 30 years
Renting generally beat buying over the last 30 years
Info/Broken? - S&P downgrades US debt for 1st time in history; may impact borrowing costs (e.g., mortgages)
Discuss - S&P downgrades US debt for 1st time in history; may impact borrowing costs (e.g., mortgages)
S&P downgrades US debt for 1st time in history; may impact borrowing costs (e.g., mortgages)
Info/Broken? - MA bankruptcy case upholds MERS-held mortgage
Discuss - MA bankruptcy case upholds MERS-held mortgage
MA bankruptcy case upholds MERS-held mortgage
Info/Broken? - July Pending Home Sales in Massachusetts up 5.0% YOY
Discuss - July Pending Home Sales in Massachusetts up 5.0% YOY
July Pending Home Sales in Massachusetts up 5.0% YOY
Info/Broken? - Huge cuts could imperil recovery, economists say
Discuss - Huge cuts could imperil recovery, economists say
Huge cuts could imperil recovery, economists say
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Jul 2011 vs Jul 2010: Deeds up 8%, orders of notice up 11%
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Jul 2011 vs Jul 2010: Deeds up 8%, orders of notice up 11%
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Jul 2011 vs Jul 2010: Deeds up 8%, orders of notice up 11%
Info/Broken? - Home sales dive 20% - Shaky economy, tighter lending keep potential buyers on sidelines
Discuss - Home sales dive 20% - Shaky economy, tighter lending keep potential buyers on sidelines
Home sales dive 20% - Shaky economy, tighter lending keep potential buyers on sidelines
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Jun 2011
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Jun 2011
Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - Jun 2011
Info/Broken? - MERS Orders Foreclosure Halt
Discuss - MERS Orders Foreclosure Halt
MERS Orders Foreclosure Halt
Info/Broken? - China's 5 year plan to refocus investment internally may greatly reduce demand for Treasuries, increase US mortgage rates
Discuss - China's 5 year plan to refocus investment internally may greatly reduce demand for Treasuries, increase US mortgage rates
China's 5 year plan to refocus investment internally may greatly reduce demand for Treasuries, increase US mortgage rates
Info/Broken? - Boston Fed's economic outlook becomes more cautious
Discuss - Boston Fed's economic outlook becomes more cautious
Boston Fed's economic outlook becomes more cautious
Info/Broken? - Hit with foreclosures, Bank of America donating, demolishing homes
Discuss - Hit with foreclosures, Bank of America donating, demolishing homes
Hit with foreclosures, Bank of America donating, demolishing homes
Info/Broken? - Federal funds crucial to state's economy
Discuss - Federal funds crucial to state's economy
Federal funds crucial to state's economy
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jun 2011 vs. Jun 2010 - MAR: sales down 18%, nominal median down 1.60%; Warren Group: sales down 23.5%, nominal median up 0.26%
Discuss - MA SFH Jun 2011 vs. Jun 2010 - MAR: sales down 18%, nominal median down 1.60%; Warren Group: sales down 23.5%, nominal median up 0.26%
MA SFH Jun 2011 vs. Jun 2010 - MAR: sales down 18%, nominal median down 1.60%; Warren Group: sales down 23.5%, nominal median up 0.26%
Info/Broken? - Coakley steps up probe into foreclosure fraud - Virginia-based firm is focus of new action
Discuss - Coakley steps up probe into foreclosure fraud - Virginia-based firm is focus of new action
Coakley steps up probe into foreclosure fraud - Virginia-based firm is focus of new action
Info/Broken? - Justice Foreclosed
Discuss - Justice Foreclosed
Justice Foreclosed
Info/Broken? - Rents higher, apartments scarcer in Boston-area
Discuss - Rents higher, apartments scarcer in Boston-area
Rents higher, apartments scarcer in Boston-area
Info/Broken? - Rep. Frank hopes government will continue to make housing prices unaffordable in most expensive areas
Discuss - Rep. Frank hopes government will continue to make housing prices unaffordable in most expensive areas
Rep. Frank hopes government will continue to make housing prices unaffordable in most expensive areas
Info/Broken? - Why America's Young And Restless Will Abandon Cities For Suburbs - Joel Kotkin
Discuss - Why America's Young And Restless Will Abandon Cities For Suburbs - Joel Kotkin
Why America's Young And Restless Will Abandon Cities For Suburbs - Joel Kotkin
Info/Broken? - For now, state's job picture still brighter than nation's
Discuss - For now, state's job picture still brighter than nation's
For now, state's job picture still brighter than nation's
Info/Broken? - Fidelity moving jobs out of base in Boston
Discuss - Fidelity moving jobs out of base in Boston
Fidelity moving jobs out of base in Boston
Info/Broken? - Debt Drama Could Be Another Blow To Housing
Discuss - Debt Drama Could Be Another Blow To Housing
Debt Drama Could Be Another Blow To Housing
Info/Broken? - Mass. Senate to debate "supportive housing" bill
Discuss - Mass. Senate to debate "supportive housing" bill
Mass. Senate to debate "supportive housing" bill
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales drop 18% YOY in June, nominal median down 0.83%
Discuss - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales drop 18% YOY in June, nominal median down 0.83%
MLSPIN: MA SFH sales drop 18% YOY in June, nominal median down 0.83%
Info/Broken? - Forbes: Mortgage 'robo-signing' goes on
Discuss - Forbes: Mortgage 'robo-signing' goes on
Forbes: Mortgage 'robo-signing' goes on
Info/Broken? - More on robo-signers
Discuss - More on robo-signers
More on robo-signers
Info/Broken? - RentJuice Rent Index Launched in Boston
Discuss - RentJuice Rent Index Launched in Boston
RentJuice Rent Index Launched in Boston
Info/Broken? - Richard P. Howe Jr. on MERS
Discuss - Richard P. Howe Jr. on MERS
Richard P. Howe Jr. on MERS
Info/Broken? - Rulings keep homeowners' lawsuits on track
Discuss - Rulings keep homeowners' lawsuits on track
Rulings keep homeowners' lawsuits on track
Info/Broken? - Registrar vs. robosigners
Discuss - Registrar vs. robosigners
Registrar vs. robosigners
Info/Broken? - The Federal Debt Limit and the housing market
Discuss - The Federal Debt Limit and the housing market
The Federal Debt Limit and the housing market
Info/Broken? - Mass. justices: Budget woes could close courts
Discuss - Mass. justices: Budget woes could close courts
Mass. justices: Budget woes could close courts
Info/Broken? - Realty trade group overreported Chicago home prices
Discuss - Realty trade group overreported Chicago home prices
Realty trade group overreported Chicago home prices
Info/Broken? - Many may lose homes in Bank of America deal
Discuss - Many may lose homes in Bank of America deal
Many may lose homes in Bank of America deal
Info/Broken? - Somerville condo sales slide, home sales flat
Discuss - Somerville condo sales slide, home sales flat
Somerville condo sales slide, home sales flat
Info/Broken? - Real Estate Sales, Prices Down in Arlington
Discuss - Real Estate Sales, Prices Down in Arlington
Real Estate Sales, Prices Down in Arlington
Info/Broken? - Gary Shilling: Housing prices will fall another 20%
Discuss - Gary Shilling: Housing prices will fall another 20%
Gary Shilling: Housing prices will fall another 20%
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds July & Mid-Year Statistics
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds July & Mid-Year Statistics
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds July & Mid-Year Statistics
Info/Broken? - New Hampshire's secret salesman luring Bay State firms across the line
Discuss - New Hampshire's secret salesman luring Bay State firms across the line
New Hampshire's secret salesman luring Bay State firms across the line
Info/Broken? - Bankers back mortgage relief plan - Obama's plan gives unemployed 12 months at lower rates
Discuss - Bankers back mortgage relief plan - Obama's plan gives unemployed 12 months at lower rates
Bankers back mortgage relief plan - Obama's plan gives unemployed 12 months at lower rates
Info/Broken? - US unemployment rose to 9.2% as hiring stalls
Discuss - US unemployment rose to 9.2% as hiring stalls
US unemployment rose to 9.2% as hiring stalls
Info/Broken? - MAR: MA SFH pending home sales up 9.28% YOY in June
Discuss - MAR: MA SFH pending home sales up 9.28% YOY in June
MAR: MA SFH pending home sales up 9.28% YOY in June
Info/Broken? - 5 out of 6 North Shore mortgages show evidence of "robo-signing" or other flaws
Discuss - 5 out of 6 North Shore mortgages show evidence of "robo-signing" or other flaws
5 out of 6 North Shore mortgages show evidence of "robo-signing" or other flaws
Info/Broken? - Business reviving for local builders - Construction jobs may increase by 4,000
Discuss - Business reviving for local builders - Construction jobs may increase by 4,000
Business reviving for local builders - Construction jobs may increase by 4,000
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - May 2011
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - May 2011
Boston Bubble Wrap: The Real Story for MA - May 2011
Info/Broken? - Experts warning housing market is still fragile
Discuss - Experts warning housing market is still fragile
Experts warning housing market is still fragile
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosures fall 65% in May
Discuss - Mass. foreclosures fall 65% in May
Mass. foreclosures fall 65% in May
Info/Broken? - Budget deal with more cuts on table
Discuss - Budget deal with more cuts on table
Budget deal with more cuts on table
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosures fell again in May
Discuss - Mass. foreclosures fell again in May
Mass. foreclosures fell again in May
Info/Broken? - State will miss budget deadline, leaders say
Discuss - State will miss budget deadline, leaders say
State will miss budget deadline, leaders say
Info/Broken? - Quincy real estate company fined for discriminating against families with young children
Discuss - Quincy real estate company fined for discriminating against families with young children
Quincy real estate company fined for discriminating against families with young children
Info/Broken? - Under-45 population on the decline in Mass.
Discuss - Under-45 population on the decline in Mass.
Under-45 population on the decline in Mass.
Info/Broken? - Redfin cuts home buyer's refund to 33% in Boston
Discuss - Redfin cuts home buyer's refund to 33% in Boston
Redfin cuts home buyer's refund to 33% in Boston
Info/Broken? - Mortgage delinquencies slip in Greater Boston
Discuss - Mortgage delinquencies slip in Greater Boston
Mortgage delinquencies slip in Greater Boston
Info/Broken? - MA SFH May 2011 vs. May 2010 - MAR: sales down 17%, nominal median up 0.5%; Warren Group: sales down 25%, nominal median up 3.4%
Discuss - MA SFH May 2011 vs. May 2010 - MAR: sales down 17%, nominal median up 0.5%; Warren Group: sales down 25%, nominal median up 3.4%
MA SFH May 2011 vs. May 2010 - MAR: sales down 17%, nominal median up 0.5%; Warren Group: sales down 25%, nominal median up 3.4%
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales tumble 19% YOY in May, nominal median up 0.67%
Discuss - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales tumble 19% YOY in May, nominal median up 0.67%
MLSPIN: MA SFH sales tumble 19% YOY in May, nominal median up 0.67%
Info/Broken? - REALTORS(R) Visit Beacon Hill To Push for Increased Licensing Requirements, etc.
Discuss - REALTORS(R) Visit Beacon Hill To Push for Increased Licensing Requirements, etc.
REALTORS(R) Visit Beacon Hill To Push for Increased Licensing Requirements, etc.
Info/Broken? - MetLife pushes reverse mortgages
Discuss - MetLife pushes reverse mortgages
MetLife pushes reverse mortgages
Info/Broken? - Jobs, housing dim economic picture
Discuss - Jobs, housing dim economic picture
Jobs, housing dim economic picture
Info/Broken? - MBTA bailout looms as debt mounts
Discuss - MBTA bailout looms as debt mounts
MBTA bailout looms as debt mounts
Info/Broken? - Robo-Signing and the Salem Registry of Deeds
Discuss - Robo-Signing and the Salem Registry of Deeds
Robo-Signing and the Salem Registry of Deeds
Info/Broken? - Slow growth stumps Ben Bernanke
Discuss - Slow growth stumps Ben Bernanke
Slow growth stumps Ben Bernanke
Info/Broken? - State unemployment rate drops to 7.6% but with 4,000 fewer jobs
Discuss - State unemployment rate drops to 7.6% but with 4,000 fewer jobs
State unemployment rate drops to 7.6% but with 4,000 fewer jobs
Info/Broken? - Agency overseeing Fannie & Freddie left possible fraud unchecked
Discuss - Agency overseeing Fannie & Freddie left possible fraud unchecked
Agency overseeing Fannie & Freddie left possible fraud unchecked
Info/Broken? - US home sales fall to 2011 low; few 1st-time buyers
Discuss - US home sales fall to 2011 low; few 1st-time buyers
US home sales fall to 2011 low; few 1st-time buyers
Info/Broken? - Long-promised loan aid for jobless is launched; $61M earmarked for Mass.
Discuss - Long-promised loan aid for jobless is launched; $61M earmarked for Mass.
Long-promised loan aid for jobless is launched; $61M earmarked for Mass.
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosure backlog would take decade to clear at current pace
Discuss - Mass. foreclosure backlog would take decade to clear at current pace
Mass. foreclosure backlog would take decade to clear at current pace
Info/Broken? - Mass. economic recovery shows weakness in May
Discuss - Mass. economic recovery shows weakness in May
Mass. economic recovery shows weakness in May
Info/Broken? - U.S. financial reform law sets aside $61M for Mass. unemployed
Discuss - U.S. financial reform law sets aside $61M for Mass. unemployed
U.S. financial reform law sets aside $61M for Mass. unemployed
Info/Broken? - Allston skeptical of Harvard's new vision
Discuss - Allston skeptical of Harvard's new vision
Allston skeptical of Harvard's new vision
Info/Broken? - Many who pledged to fix debt have bills of their own
Discuss - Many who pledged to fix debt have bills of their own
Many who pledged to fix debt have bills of their own
Info/Broken? - MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 29.10% YOY in May
Discuss - MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 29.10% YOY in May
MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 29.10% YOY in May
Info/Broken? - The Secret To Texas' Success (contrasted with Boston): They Build Houses There
Discuss - The Secret To Texas' Success (contrasted with Boston): They Build Houses There
The Secret To Texas' Success (contrasted with Boston): They Build Houses There
Info/Broken? - Weston #7 in Coldwell Banker's 10 most expensive cities
Discuss - Weston #7 in Coldwell Banker's 10 most expensive cities
Weston #7 in Coldwell Banker's 10 most expensive cities
Info/Broken? - Economists warn against Fed action
Discuss - Economists warn against Fed action
Economists warn against Fed action
Info/Broken? - Boston total taxable property continue to slide
Discuss - Boston total taxable property continue to slide
Boston total taxable property continue to slide
Info/Broken? - Home Affordability Ratios by State (+DC): MA is 4th worst
Discuss - Home Affordability Ratios by State (+DC): MA is 4th worst
Home Affordability Ratios by State (+DC): MA is 4th worst
Info/Broken? - Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices April 2011
Discuss - Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices April 2011
Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices April 2011
Info/Broken? - Mass. housing recovery years off; Many still face foreclosure risk
Discuss - Mass. housing recovery years off; Many still face foreclosure risk
Mass. housing recovery years off; Many still face foreclosure risk
Info/Broken? - U.S. targets poor-performing mortgage servicers
Discuss - U.S. targets poor-performing mortgage servicers
U.S. targets poor-performing mortgage servicers
Info/Broken? - Greater Boston lands on list of "lowest performing major markets"
Discuss - Greater Boston lands on list of "lowest performing major markets"
Greater Boston lands on list of "lowest performing major markets"
Info/Broken? - U.S. economic recovery falters, but Bay State sees growth
Discuss - U.S. economic recovery falters, but Bay State sees growth
U.S. economic recovery falters, but Bay State sees growth
Info/Broken? - Survey: Confidence among Mass. employers lagging
Discuss - Survey: Confidence among Mass. employers lagging
Survey: Confidence among Mass. employers lagging
Info/Broken? - Mass. economy's growth fourth in the nation
Discuss - Mass. economy's growth fourth in the nation
Mass. economy's growth fourth in the nation
Info/Broken? - Negative equity borrowers in MA average $120K underwater
Discuss - Negative equity borrowers in MA average $120K underwater
Negative equity borrowers in MA average $120K underwater
Info/Broken? - Harvard study: Housing market "terrible," but rentals look up
Discuss - Harvard study: Housing market "terrible," but rentals look up
Harvard study: Housing market "terrible," but rentals look up
Info/Broken? - Thoughts from the CEO of Redfin
Discuss - Thoughts from the CEO of Redfin
Thoughts from the CEO of Redfin
Info/Broken? - Rising cost of rent raises fears concerning inflation
Discuss - Rising cost of rent raises fears concerning inflation
Rising cost of rent raises fears concerning inflation
Info/Broken? - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston snapshot with futures: May 31, 2011
Discuss - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston snapshot with futures: May 31, 2011
S&P/Case-Shiller Boston snapshot with futures: May 31, 2011
Info/Broken? - US job growth could be slowing
Discuss - US job growth could be slowing
US job growth could be slowing
Info/Broken? - Robert Shiller Interview on U.S. Housing Market
Discuss - Robert Shiller Interview on U.S. Housing Market
Robert Shiller Interview on U.S. Housing Market
Info/Broken? - 20% down prices out buyers, Kerry says
Discuss - 20% down prices out buyers, Kerry says
20% down prices out buyers, Kerry says
Info/Broken? - Middlesex deeds and mortgages down substantially in May
Discuss - Middlesex deeds and mortgages down substantially in May
Middlesex deeds and mortgages down substantially in May
Info/Broken? - US real prices fall to 1999 levels, declines surpass Great Depression
Discuss - US real prices fall to 1999 levels, declines surpass Great Depression
US real prices fall to 1999 levels, declines surpass Great Depression
Info/Broken? - Mass. economy brightening, except on Beacon Hill
Discuss - Mass. economy brightening, except on Beacon Hill
Mass. economy brightening, except on Beacon Hill
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap, Apr 2011: Real prices plunge 11.06% YOY, moving average turns negative once again, ending government's costly Weekend at Bernie's
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap, Apr 2011: Real prices plunge 11.06% YOY, moving average turns negative once again, ending government's costly Weekend at Bernie's
Boston Bubble Wrap, Apr 2011: Real prices plunge 11.06% YOY, moving average turns negative once again, ending government's costly Weekend at Bernie's
Info/Broken? - Home shopping? Towns near Boston with biggest spring discounts
Discuss - Home shopping? Towns near Boston with biggest spring discounts
Home shopping? Towns near Boston with biggest spring discounts
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts recovery leaves out many
Discuss - Massachusetts recovery leaves out many
Massachusetts recovery leaves out many
Info/Broken? - Ex-Fannie executive defends Barney Frank
Discuss - Ex-Fannie executive defends Barney Frank
Ex-Fannie executive defends Barney Frank
Info/Broken? - Book: Frank helped partner get Fannie Mae job
Discuss - Book: Frank helped partner get Fannie Mae job
Book: Frank helped partner get Fannie Mae job
Info/Broken? - Fed knew about housing bubble from the start
Discuss - Fed knew about housing bubble from the start
Fed knew about housing bubble from the start
Info/Broken? - Massive mortgage fraud case ends
Discuss - Massive mortgage fraud case ends
Massive mortgage fraud case ends
Info/Broken? - Market for single-family homes still slow in April
Discuss - Market for single-family homes still slow in April
Market for single-family homes still slow in April
Info/Broken? - April MA SFH Apr 2011 vs Apr 2010 - MAR: nominal median -8.5%, sales -20%
Discuss - April MA SFH Apr 2011 vs Apr 2010 - MAR: nominal median -8.5%, sales -20%
April MA SFH Apr 2011 vs Apr 2010 - MAR: nominal median -8.5%, sales -20%
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales plunge 23% YOY in April, nominal median down 4.7%; brokers blame tax credit
Discuss - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales plunge 23% YOY in April, nominal median down 4.7%; brokers blame tax credit
MLSPIN: MA SFH sales plunge 23% YOY in April, nominal median down 4.7%; brokers blame tax credit
Info/Broken? - State's jobless rate hits a two-year low
Discuss - State's jobless rate hits a two-year low
State's jobless rate hits a two-year low
Info/Broken? - Forecaster: New England economy struggling to grow
Discuss - Forecaster: New England economy struggling to grow
Forecaster: New England economy struggling to grow
Info/Broken? - MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 41.51% YOY in Apr
Discuss - MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 41.51% YOY in Apr
MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 41.51% YOY in Apr
Info/Broken? - Mass. residential foreclosures down, petitions climbing
Discuss - Mass. residential foreclosures down, petitions climbing
Mass. residential foreclosures down, petitions climbing
Info/Broken? - Gary Shilling "Still Home Sick"
Discuss - Gary Shilling "Still Home Sick"
Gary Shilling "Still Home Sick"
Info/Broken? - Menino to crack down on "problem properties"
Discuss - Menino to crack down on "problem properties"
Menino to crack down on "problem properties"
Info/Broken? - CNNMoney Buy vs. Rent By City: Boston = Rent
Discuss - CNNMoney Buy vs. Rent By City: Boston = Rent
CNNMoney Buy vs. Rent By City: Boston = Rent
Info/Broken? - Winding Down Fannie and Freddie Starts with Loan Limits
Discuss - Winding Down Fannie and Freddie Starts with Loan Limits
Winding Down Fannie and Freddie Starts with Loan Limits
Info/Broken? - Inflation rises at fastest rate since October 2008
Discuss - Inflation rises at fastest rate since October 2008
Inflation rises at fastest rate since October 2008
Info/Broken? - Slipping and stalling with housing
Discuss - Slipping and stalling with housing
Slipping and stalling with housing
Info/Broken? - High rent district
Discuss - High rent district
High rent district
Info/Broken? - How the $8,000 Tax Credit Cost Home Buyers $15,000
Discuss - How the $8,000 Tax Credit Cost Home Buyers $15,000
How the $8,000 Tax Credit Cost Home Buyers $15,000
Info/Broken? - WBUR's Radio Boston at 3PM potentially covering Boston housing market
Discuss - WBUR's Radio Boston at 3PM potentially covering Boston housing market
WBUR's Radio Boston at 3PM potentially covering Boston housing market
Info/Broken? - New Fiserv Forecast Predicts Decrease In Mass. Home Prices
Discuss - New Fiserv Forecast Predicts Decrease In Mass. Home Prices
New Fiserv Forecast Predicts Decrease In Mass. Home Prices
Info/Broken? - Retreat on big mortgages may hurt upscale market
Discuss - Retreat on big mortgages may hurt upscale market
Retreat on big mortgages may hurt upscale market
Info/Broken? - Bay State property tax overrides threaten to divide communities, citizens
Discuss - Bay State property tax overrides threaten to divide communities, citizens
Bay State property tax overrides threaten to divide communities, citizens
Info/Broken? - Middlesex court executions up 50% YOY in April
Discuss - Middlesex court executions up 50% YOY in April
Middlesex court executions up 50% YOY in April
Info/Broken? - Fed event at Hynes helps homeowners behind on mortgages
Discuss - Fed event at Hynes helps homeowners behind on mortgages
Fed event at Hynes helps homeowners behind on mortgages
Info/Broken? - Mass. home vacancy rate up
Discuss - Mass. home vacancy rate up
Mass. home vacancy rate up
Info/Broken? - Poll: Massachusetts residents' confidence in economy slips
Discuss - Poll: Massachusetts residents' confidence in economy slips
Poll: Massachusetts residents' confidence in economy slips
Info/Broken? - US says Deutsche Bank profited off mortgage insurance through fraud
Discuss - US says Deutsche Bank profited off mortgage insurance through fraud
US says Deutsche Bank profited off mortgage insurance through fraud
Info/Broken? - MA SFH under agreement plunges 24.2% YOY in April
Discuss - MA SFH under agreement plunges 24.2% YOY in April
MA SFH under agreement plunges 24.2% YOY in April
Info/Broken? - Harvard report finds rental housing "affordability crisis"
Discuss - Harvard report finds rental housing "affordability crisis"
Harvard report finds rental housing "affordability crisis"
Info/Broken? - Condo sales in downtown Boston fall while (nominal) prices rise
Discuss - Condo sales in downtown Boston fall while (nominal) prices rise
Condo sales in downtown Boston fall while (nominal) prices rise
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts High Court Hears Pivotal Mortgage-Transfer Case
Discuss - Massachusetts High Court Hears Pivotal Mortgage-Transfer Case
Massachusetts High Court Hears Pivotal Mortgage-Transfer Case
Info/Broken? - For many homeowners, false hope - Firms offer mortgage relief, then fail to deliver, state says
Discuss - For many homeowners, false hope - Firms offer mortgage relief, then fail to deliver, state says
For many homeowners, false hope - Firms offer mortgage relief, then fail to deliver, state says
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: March 2011
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: March 2011
Boston Bubble Wrap: March 2011
Info/Broken? - Essex County inventory: foreclosures 5.13%, shadow 4.93%
Discuss - Essex County inventory: foreclosures 5.13%, shadow 4.93%
Essex County inventory: foreclosures 5.13%, shadow 4.93%
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts homeowners beware - State raises red flags over 'foreclosure-prevention' companies
Discuss - Massachusetts homeowners beware - State raises red flags over 'foreclosure-prevention' companies
Massachusetts homeowners beware - State raises red flags over 'foreclosure-prevention' companies
Info/Broken? - Tech sector lifts Mass. economy to start '11
Discuss - Tech sector lifts Mass. economy to start '11
Tech sector lifts Mass. economy to start '11
Info/Broken? - MAR: MA SFH nominal median down 2.3% YOY in Mar, volume plunges 22.4%
Discuss - MAR: MA SFH nominal median down 2.3% YOY in Mar, volume plunges 22.4%
MAR: MA SFH nominal median down 2.3% YOY in Mar, volume plunges 22.4%
Info/Broken? - Warren Group: MA SFH nominal median down 2.8% YOY in Mar, volume plunges 14.4%
Discuss - Warren Group: MA SFH nominal median down 2.8% YOY in Mar, volume plunges 14.4%
Warren Group: MA SFH nominal median down 2.8% YOY in Mar, volume plunges 14.4%
Info/Broken? - Pricey homes don't mean better schools
Discuss - Pricey homes don't mean better schools
Pricey homes don't mean better schools
Info/Broken? - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 1.5% YOY (nominal) in February
Discuss - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 1.5% YOY (nominal) in February
S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 1.5% YOY (nominal) in February
Info/Broken? - Obama May Consider Tax Credit for Renters
Discuss - Obama May Consider Tax Credit for Renters
Obama May Consider Tax Credit for Renters
Info/Broken? - Cheapest Homes in 40 Years? Not Even Close...
Discuss - Cheapest Homes in 40 Years? Not Even Close...
Cheapest Homes in 40 Years? Not Even Close...
Info/Broken? - Ill housing markets trump ideology for many in GOP
Discuss - Ill housing markets trump ideology for many in GOP
Ill housing markets trump ideology for many in GOP
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 16.2% YOY in March, nominal median down 0.7%
Discuss - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 16.2% YOY in March, nominal median down 0.7%
MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 16.2% YOY in March, nominal median down 0.7%
Info/Broken? - Foreclosures creeping up, April mortgages and deeds trending negative (Middlesex County)
Discuss - Foreclosures creeping up, April mortgages and deeds trending negative (Middlesex County)
Foreclosures creeping up, April mortgages and deeds trending negative (Middlesex County)
Info/Broken? - Suffolk County inventory: foreclosures 4.77%, shadow 9.66%
Discuss - Suffolk County inventory: foreclosures 4.77%, shadow 9.66%
Suffolk County inventory: foreclosures 4.77%, shadow 9.66%
Info/Broken? - Bay Staters still shellshocked by recession
Discuss - Bay Staters still shellshocked by recession
Bay Staters still shellshocked by recession
Info/Broken? - Mass. Home Sellers Sweat Slow Spring Market
Discuss - Mass. Home Sellers Sweat Slow Spring Market
Mass. Home Sellers Sweat Slow Spring Market
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosure activity falls by 60%
Discuss - Mass. foreclosure activity falls by 60%
Mass. foreclosure activity falls by 60%
Info/Broken? - Radar Logic futures coming to CBOE Futures Exchange
Discuss - Radar Logic futures coming to CBOE Futures Exchange
Radar Logic futures coming to CBOE Futures Exchange
Info/Broken? - MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 19.78% YOY in Mar
Discuss - MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 19.78% YOY in Mar
MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 19.78% YOY in Mar
Info/Broken? - Consumer Reports recommends max mortgage-to-income ratio of 2.0 - How many Boston buyers are prudent?
Discuss - Consumer Reports recommends max mortgage-to-income ratio of 2.0 - How many Boston buyers are prudent?
Consumer Reports recommends max mortgage-to-income ratio of 2.0 - How many Boston buyers are prudent?
Info/Broken? - Middlesex County inventory: foreclosures 3.10%, shadow 8.01%
Discuss - Middlesex County inventory: foreclosures 3.10%, shadow 8.01%
Middlesex County inventory: foreclosures 3.10%, shadow 8.01%
Info/Broken? - IRS paid $513M in undeserved homebuyer tax credits
Discuss - IRS paid $513M in undeserved homebuyer tax credits
IRS paid $513M in undeserved homebuyer tax credits
Info/Broken? - Are foreclosures picking up?
Discuss - Are foreclosures picking up?
Are foreclosures picking up?
Info/Broken? - Government orders 14 lenders to reimburse homeowners
Discuss - Government orders 14 lenders to reimburse homeowners
Government orders 14 lenders to reimburse homeowners
Info/Broken? - Lender has shed 2,000 jobs in state
Discuss - Lender has shed 2,000 jobs in state
Lender has shed 2,000 jobs in state
Info/Broken? - Hub mayor touts city's housing production efforts
Discuss - Hub mayor touts city's housing production efforts
Hub mayor touts city's housing production efforts
Info/Broken? - 20% down on homes may soon be norm - Aim is to prevent another crisis
Discuss - 20% down on homes may soon be norm - Aim is to prevent another crisis
20% down on homes may soon be norm - Aim is to prevent another crisis
Info/Broken? - The Defense Industry in Massachusetts: Current Profile and Economic Significance
Discuss - The Defense Industry in Massachusetts: Current Profile and Economic Significance
The Defense Industry in Massachusetts: Current Profile and Economic Significance
Info/Broken? - Norfolk County inventory: foreclosures 3.14%, shadow 2.88%
Discuss - Norfolk County inventory: foreclosures 3.14%, shadow 2.88%
Norfolk County inventory: foreclosures 3.14%, shadow 2.88%
Info/Broken? - Weaker recovery is projected for Mass. - State economy may be as vulnerable as rest of US, revised data suggest
Discuss - Weaker recovery is projected for Mass. - State economy may be as vulnerable as rest of US, revised data suggest
Weaker recovery is projected for Mass. - State economy may be as vulnerable as rest of US, revised data suggest
Info/Broken? - Stretching to buy - a fact of life in Greater Boston - may soon become a lot harder
Discuss - Stretching to buy - a fact of life in Greater Boston - may soon become a lot harder
Stretching to buy - a fact of life in Greater Boston - may soon become a lot harder
Info/Broken? - Banks get edge in foreclosure talks
Discuss - Banks get edge in foreclosure talks
Banks get edge in foreclosure talks
Info/Broken? - Surging oil prices squeezing a still-recovering economy
Discuss - Surging oil prices squeezing a still-recovering economy
Surging oil prices squeezing a still-recovering economy
Info/Broken? - Pulling state money from Bank of America
Discuss - Pulling state money from Bank of America
Pulling state money from Bank of America
Info/Broken? - MAR: Massachusetts March 2011 Pending Homes Sales Down 16.33% YOY
Discuss - MAR: Massachusetts March 2011 Pending Homes Sales Down 16.33% YOY
MAR: Massachusetts March 2011 Pending Homes Sales Down 16.33% YOY
Info/Broken? - Rising oil prices beginning to hurt US economy
Discuss - Rising oil prices beginning to hurt US economy
Rising oil prices beginning to hurt US economy
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Mar 2011 vs Mar 2010: Deeds down 2%, foreclosure deeds down 42%
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Mar 2011 vs Mar 2010: Deeds down 2%, foreclosure deeds down 42%
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Mar 2011 vs Mar 2010: Deeds down 2%, foreclosure deeds down 42%
Info/Broken? - Polls reveals baby boomers' retirement fears
Discuss - Polls reveals baby boomers' retirement fears
Polls reveals baby boomers' retirement fears
Info/Broken? - Fed's Low Interest Rates Crack Retirees' Nest Eggs
Discuss - Fed's Low Interest Rates Crack Retirees' Nest Eggs
Fed's Low Interest Rates Crack Retirees' Nest Eggs
Info/Broken? - New Rule: Banks Exempt from New Mortgage Rules
Discuss - New Rule: Banks Exempt from New Mortgage Rules
New Rule: Banks Exempt from New Mortgage Rules
Info/Broken? - Middleton Says U.S. Housing Data "Overly Optimistic" (video)
Discuss - Middleton Says U.S. Housing Data "Overly Optimistic" (video)
Middleton Says U.S. Housing Data "Overly Optimistic" (video)
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: February 2011
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: February 2011
Boston Bubble Wrap: February 2011
Info/Broken? - Essex County inventory: foreclosures 6.11%, shadow 3.64%
Discuss - Essex County inventory: foreclosures 6.11%, shadow 3.64%
Essex County inventory: foreclosures 6.11%, shadow 3.64%
Info/Broken? - Southborough family imprisoned in a home of horrors
Discuss - Southborough family imprisoned in a home of horrors
Southborough family imprisoned in a home of horrors
Info/Broken? - Bay State foreclosure activity continued to decline in February
Discuss - Bay State foreclosure activity continued to decline in February
Bay State foreclosure activity continued to decline in February
Info/Broken? - Experts say housing costs, schools key to job creation in Massachusetts
Discuss - Experts say housing costs, schools key to job creation in Massachusetts
Experts say housing costs, schools key to job creation in Massachusetts
Info/Broken? - Inflation wrecking recovery; Massachusetts job fair canceled due to lack of employer participation
Discuss - Inflation wrecking recovery; Massachusetts job fair canceled due to lack of employer participation
Inflation wrecking recovery; Massachusetts job fair canceled due to lack of employer participation
Info/Broken? - Home sales plunge to slowest February on record
Discuss - Home sales plunge to slowest February on record
Home sales plunge to slowest February on record
Info/Broken? - Evergreen, Fidelity defend site closures
Discuss - Evergreen, Fidelity defend site closures
Evergreen, Fidelity defend site closures
Info/Broken? - House votes to end mortgage reduction program
Discuss - House votes to end mortgage reduction program
House votes to end mortgage reduction program
Info/Broken? - Boston's suburbs feel the pain of corporate relocations
Discuss - Boston's suburbs feel the pain of corporate relocations
Boston's suburbs feel the pain of corporate relocations
Info/Broken? - MAR: MA SFH nominal median down 0.7% YOY in Feb, volume down 12.5%
Discuss - MAR: MA SFH nominal median down 0.7% YOY in Feb, volume down 12.5%
MAR: MA SFH nominal median down 0.7% YOY in Feb, volume down 12.5%
Info/Broken? - Warren Group: MA SFH nominal median down 5.6% YOY in Feb, volume plunges 15.7%
Discuss - Warren Group: MA SFH nominal median down 5.6% YOY in Feb, volume plunges 15.7%
Warren Group: MA SFH nominal median down 5.6% YOY in Feb, volume plunges 15.7%
Info/Broken? - Best and Worst States for Retirement (MA #43)
Discuss - Best and Worst States for Retirement (MA #43)
Best and Worst States for Retirement (MA #43)
Info/Broken? - Growth slow in Boston metro area
Discuss - Growth slow in Boston metro area
Growth slow in Boston metro area
Info/Broken? - Suffolk County inventory: foreclosures 6.30%, shadow 9.48%
Discuss - Suffolk County inventory: foreclosures 6.30%, shadow 9.48%
Suffolk County inventory: foreclosures 6.30%, shadow 9.48%
Info/Broken? - US sales of new homes slowest in at least half-century
Discuss - US sales of new homes slowest in at least half-century
US sales of new homes slowest in at least half-century
Info/Broken? - Newton's population up less than 2% from 2000, elderly population dives
Discuss - Newton's population up less than 2% from 2000, elderly population dives
Newton's population up less than 2% from 2000, elderly population dives
Info/Broken? - U.S. Census Bureau Delivers Massachusetts' 2010 Census Population Totals
Discuss - U.S. Census Bureau Delivers Massachusetts' 2010 Census Population Totals
U.S. Census Bureau Delivers Massachusetts' 2010 Census Population Totals
Info/Broken? - Treasury to sell mortgage securities - US has $142b in holdings bought to prop up market
Discuss - Treasury to sell mortgage securities - US has $142b in holdings bought to prop up market
Treasury to sell mortgage securities - US has $142b in holdings bought to prop up market
Info/Broken? - Jobs Up In Massachusetts, But Confidence Low
Discuss - Jobs Up In Massachusetts, But Confidence Low
Jobs Up In Massachusetts, But Confidence Low
Info/Broken? - Middlesex County inventory: foreclosures 4.15%, shadow ratio 3.80%
Discuss - Middlesex County inventory: foreclosures 4.15%, shadow ratio 3.80%
Middlesex County inventory: foreclosures 4.15%, shadow ratio 3.80%
Info/Broken? - Editorial: Fidelity's decision
Discuss - Editorial: Fidelity's decision
Editorial: Fidelity's decision
Info/Broken? - Fidelity move will have ripple effect
Discuss - Fidelity move will have ripple effect
Fidelity move will have ripple effect
Info/Broken? - Patrick says Fidelity left him in dark on jobs move
Discuss - Patrick says Fidelity left him in dark on jobs move
Patrick says Fidelity left him in dark on jobs move
Info/Broken? - Mass. could lose 10,000 units of affordable housing
Discuss - Mass. could lose 10,000 units of affordable housing
Mass. could lose 10,000 units of affordable housing
Info/Broken? - Hub area price index rose 1.6% last year, but housing down
Discuss - Hub area price index rose 1.6% last year, but housing down
Hub area price index rose 1.6% last year, but housing down
Info/Broken? - Freddie Mac's Former Chief May Face S.E.C. Action
Discuss - Freddie Mac's Former Chief May Face S.E.C. Action
Freddie Mac's Former Chief May Face S.E.C. Action
Info/Broken? - Fidelity to close Marlboro office, move 1,100 jobs out of Mass.
Discuss - Fidelity to close Marlboro office, move 1,100 jobs out of Mass.
Fidelity to close Marlboro office, move 1,100 jobs out of Mass.
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts REALTOR(R) sentiment down 32% YOY
Discuss - Massachusetts REALTOR(R) sentiment down 32% YOY
Massachusetts REALTOR(R) sentiment down 32% YOY
Info/Broken? - Republicans Set to Begin Chipping Away at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Discuss - Republicans Set to Begin Chipping Away at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Republicans Set to Begin Chipping Away at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Info/Broken? - Zillow Launches Rent Zestimates
Discuss - Zillow Launches Rent Zestimates
Zillow Launches Rent Zestimates
Info/Broken? - Bank of America to put almost half of mortgages into "bad bank"
Discuss - Bank of America to put almost half of mortgages into "bad bank"
Bank of America to put almost half of mortgages into "bad bank"
Info/Broken? - 1 in 5 Boston homeowners has no equity
Discuss - 1 in 5 Boston homeowners has no equity
1 in 5 Boston homeowners has no equity
Info/Broken? - Counties Seek Millions From Mortgage Giant
Discuss - Counties Seek Millions From Mortgage Giant
Counties Seek Millions From Mortgage Giant
Info/Broken? - AGs say they aim to repair foreclosure system
Discuss - AGs say they aim to repair foreclosure system
AGs say they aim to repair foreclosure system
Info/Broken? - Property is widely seen as a safe asset. It is arguably the most dangerous of all, says Andrew Palmer
Discuss - Property is widely seen as a safe asset. It is arguably the most dangerous of all, says Andrew Palmer
Property is widely seen as a safe asset. It is arguably the most dangerous of all, says Andrew Palmer
Info/Broken? - Promised relief, many instead deeper in debt
Discuss - Promised relief, many instead deeper in debt
Promised relief, many instead deeper in debt
Info/Broken? - Norfolk County inventory: foreclosures 4.35%, shadow ratio 7.39%
Discuss - Norfolk County inventory: foreclosures 4.35%, shadow ratio 7.39%
Norfolk County inventory: foreclosures 4.35%, shadow ratio 7.39%
Info/Broken? - Drop in Mass. foreclosures tied to fewer seizures
Discuss - Drop in Mass. foreclosures tied to fewer seizures
Drop in Mass. foreclosures tied to fewer seizures
Info/Broken? - The end of 30-year fixed-rate mortgage?
Discuss - The end of 30-year fixed-rate mortgage?
The end of 30-year fixed-rate mortgage?
Info/Broken? - Bernanke won't rule out more bond buying to lift economy
Discuss - Bernanke won't rule out more bond buying to lift economy
Bernanke won't rule out more bond buying to lift economy
Info/Broken? - Fed reports growth in region's manufacturing, tech and staffing industries
Discuss - Fed reports growth in region's manufacturing, tech and staffing industries
Fed reports growth in region's manufacturing, tech and staffing industries
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosures fall in January, likely due to lender slowing rather than borrower stability
Discuss - Mass. foreclosures fall in January, likely due to lender slowing rather than borrower stability
Mass. foreclosures fall in January, likely due to lender slowing rather than borrower stability
Info/Broken? - New England's largest technology employers
Discuss - New England's largest technology employers
New England's largest technology employers
Info/Broken? - Pending home sales down 17.6% YOY in February
Discuss - Pending home sales down 17.6% YOY in February
Pending home sales down 17.6% YOY in February
Info/Broken? - Geithner wants housing overhaul bill in 2 years
Discuss - Geithner wants housing overhaul bill in 2 years
Geithner wants housing overhaul bill in 2 years
Info/Broken? - Real estate signs of shame in Webster
Discuss - Real estate signs of shame in Webster
Real estate signs of shame in Webster
Info/Broken? - Foreclosures cost Rhode Island $5.6 billion
Discuss - Foreclosures cost Rhode Island $5.6 billion
Foreclosures cost Rhode Island $5.6 billion
Info/Broken? - Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices January 2011
Discuss - Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices January 2011
Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices January 2011
Info/Broken? - Big banks may have to take cut on housing crisis
Discuss - Big banks may have to take cut on housing crisis
Big banks may have to take cut on housing crisis
Info/Broken? - Salem witch brews up remedy for foreclosures
Discuss - Salem witch brews up remedy for foreclosures
Salem witch brews up remedy for foreclosures
Info/Broken? - Buffett on Housing: "Within a year or so residential housing problems should largely be behind us, the exceptions being only high-value houses and..."
Discuss - Buffett on Housing: "Within a year or so residential housing problems should largely be behind us, the exceptions being only high-value houses and..."
Buffett on Housing: "Within a year or so residential housing problems should largely be behind us, the exceptions being only high-value houses and..."
Info/Broken? - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Snapshot: Futures price in real bottom at end of 2011
Discuss - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Snapshot: Futures price in real bottom at end of 2011
S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Snapshot: Futures price in real bottom at end of 2011
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap, Jan 2011: MA SFH real median down 6.64% YOY
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap, Jan 2011: MA SFH real median down 6.64% YOY
Boston Bubble Wrap, Jan 2011: MA SFH real median down 6.64% YOY
Info/Broken? - Essex County inventory: foreclosures 6.66%, shadow ratio 2.60%
Discuss - Essex County inventory: foreclosures 6.66%, shadow ratio 2.60%
Essex County inventory: foreclosures 6.66%, shadow ratio 2.60%
Info/Broken? - Fannie, Freddie narrow losses but seek more aid
Discuss - Fannie, Freddie narrow losses but seek more aid
Fannie, Freddie narrow losses but seek more aid
Info/Broken? - Redfin: The Double-Dip (Probably) Stops Dipping in March
Discuss - Redfin: The Double-Dip (Probably) Stops Dipping in March
Redfin: The Double-Dip (Probably) Stops Dipping in March
Info/Broken? - Foreclosures Jump on Martha's Vineyard
Discuss - Foreclosures Jump on Martha's Vineyard
Foreclosures Jump on Martha's Vineyard
Info/Broken? - MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 38% YOY in Jan
Discuss - MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 38% YOY in Jan
MAR REALTOR(R) sentiment index down 38% YOY in Jan
Info/Broken? - MAR: MA SFH nominal median down 5.2% YOY in Jan
Discuss - MAR: MA SFH nominal median down 5.2% YOY in Jan
MAR: MA SFH nominal median down 5.2% YOY in Jan
Info/Broken? - Tim Warren: "By the end of this year, we'll be saying that the bust is over."
Discuss - Tim Warren: "By the end of this year, we'll be saying that the bust is over."
Tim Warren: "By the end of this year, we'll be saying that the bust is over."
Info/Broken? - Case Shiller Confirms Housing Double Dip Accelerated, 20-City Composite At Lowest Since June 2009
Discuss - Case Shiller Confirms Housing Double Dip Accelerated, 20-City Composite At Lowest Since June 2009
Case Shiller Confirms Housing Double Dip Accelerated, 20-City Composite At Lowest Since June 2009
Info/Broken? - Warren Group: MA SFH nominal median down 7% YOY in Jan
Discuss - Warren Group: MA SFH nominal median down 7% YOY in Jan
Warren Group: MA SFH nominal median down 7% YOY in Jan
Info/Broken? - Chinatown complex gets green light from city
Discuss - Chinatown complex gets green light from city
Chinatown complex gets green light from city
Info/Broken? - Suffolk County Feb 4 inventory: foreclosures 6.69%, shadow ratio 8.61%
Discuss - Suffolk County Feb 4 inventory: foreclosures 6.69%, shadow ratio 8.61%
Suffolk County Feb 4 inventory: foreclosures 6.69%, shadow ratio 8.61%
Info/Broken? - New Newton zoning regulations cause controversy
Discuss - New Newton zoning regulations cause controversy
New Newton zoning regulations cause controversy
Info/Broken? - Rips in the mortgage blueprint
Discuss - Rips in the mortgage blueprint
Rips in the mortgage blueprint
Info/Broken? - Digging deep to keep roofs over their heads
Discuss - Digging deep to keep roofs over their heads
Digging deep to keep roofs over their heads
Info/Broken? - Mass. bankruptcy claims still on the rise
Discuss - Mass. bankruptcy claims still on the rise
Mass. bankruptcy claims still on the rise
Info/Broken? - Hoping Obama Housing Plan is For Real
Discuss - Hoping Obama Housing Plan is For Real
Hoping Obama Housing Plan is For Real
Info/Broken? - Ameriquest coverage was near breaking point for Patrick
Discuss - Ameriquest coverage was near breaking point for Patrick
Ameriquest coverage was near breaking point for Patrick
Info/Broken? - MIT's Billion Prices Project massively expands depth of inflation tracking
Discuss - MIT's Billion Prices Project massively expands depth of inflation tracking
MIT's Billion Prices Project massively expands depth of inflation tracking
Info/Broken? - Middlesex County Feb 4 inventory: foreclosures 4.82%, shadow ratio 1.44%
Discuss - Middlesex County Feb 4 inventory: foreclosures 4.82%, shadow ratio 1.44%
Middlesex County Feb 4 inventory: foreclosures 4.82%, shadow ratio 1.44%
Info/Broken? - Obama wants big changes in mortgages
Discuss - Obama wants big changes in mortgages
Obama wants big changes in mortgages
Info/Broken? - Foreclosures hit high-end Boston properties
Discuss - Foreclosures hit high-end Boston properties
Foreclosures hit high-end Boston properties
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure drop not all good news
Discuss - Foreclosure drop not all good news
Foreclosure drop not all good news
Info/Broken? - Rate on 30-year mortgage hits 5.05%
Discuss - Rate on 30-year mortgage hits 5.05%
Rate on 30-year mortgage hits 5.05%
Info/Broken? - Boston area homes sold at a loss hit 30% in December
Discuss - Boston area homes sold at a loss hit 30% in December
Boston area homes sold at a loss hit 30% in December
Info/Broken? - State officials attempt to promote right-to-cure law
Discuss - State officials attempt to promote right-to-cure law
State officials attempt to promote right-to-cure law
Info/Broken? - Shiller: Housing Bubbles Are Few and Far Between
Discuss - Shiller: Housing Bubbles Are Few and Far Between
Shiller: Housing Bubbles Are Few and Far Between
Info/Broken? - S&P raises MA rating from stable to positive
Discuss - S&P raises MA rating from stable to positive
S&P raises MA rating from stable to positive
Info/Broken? - MIT: Is US Housing Over- or Under-Priced? Some Historical Perspective (PDF)
Discuss - MIT: Is US Housing Over- or Under-Priced? Some Historical Perspective (PDF)
MIT: Is US Housing Over- or Under-Priced? Some Historical Perspective (PDF)
Info/Broken? - MAR: Massachusetts January 2011 Pending Homes Sales Down as Snow Plays Factor
Discuss - MAR: Massachusetts January 2011 Pending Homes Sales Down as Snow Plays Factor
MAR: Massachusetts January 2011 Pending Homes Sales Down as Snow Plays Factor
Info/Broken? - Norfolk County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures for sale 3.58%, shadow ratio 9.94%
Discuss - Norfolk County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures for sale 3.58%, shadow ratio 9.94%
Norfolk County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures for sale 3.58%, shadow ratio 9.94%
Info/Broken? - In a jam, more skip mortgage payments in Mass.
Discuss - In a jam, more skip mortgage payments in Mass.
In a jam, more skip mortgage payments in Mass.
Info/Broken? - Cape home lottery winners decline to buy
Discuss - Cape home lottery winners decline to buy
Cape home lottery winners decline to buy
Info/Broken? - Long-stalled residences back in play
Discuss - Long-stalled residences back in play
Long-stalled residences back in play
Info/Broken? - Delayed mortgage aid set for March - US to provide bridge loans to unemployed
Discuss - Delayed mortgage aid set for March - US to provide bridge loans to unemployed
Delayed mortgage aid set for March - US to provide bridge loans to unemployed
Info/Broken? - Would 30% down cure or kill the housing market?
Discuss - Would 30% down cure or kill the housing market?
Would 30% down cure or kill the housing market?
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts ranked 3 most likely to go bankrupt
Discuss - Massachusetts ranked 3 most likely to go bankrupt
Massachusetts ranked 3 most likely to go bankrupt
Info/Broken? - Local business confidence rose in January
Discuss - Local business confidence rose in January
Local business confidence rose in January
Info/Broken? - Homeowners face abatement deadline
Discuss - Homeowners face abatement deadline
Homeowners face abatement deadline
Info/Broken? - Ruling staves off foreclosure for W hotel developer
Discuss - Ruling staves off foreclosure for W hotel developer
Ruling staves off foreclosure for W hotel developer
Info/Broken? - 1 of 5 mortgages in default after aid
Discuss - 1 of 5 mortgages in default after aid
1 of 5 mortgages in default after aid
Info/Broken? - U.S. growing, Massachusetts slowing
Discuss - U.S. growing, Massachusetts slowing
U.S. growing, Massachusetts slowing
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap, Dec 2010: Declines return; lowest real median since 1999 estimate
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap, Dec 2010: Declines return; lowest real median since 1999 estimate
Boston Bubble Wrap, Dec 2010: Declines return; lowest real median since 1999 estimate
Info/Broken? - Essex County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures for sale 5.98%, shadow ratio 4.26%
Discuss - Essex County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures for sale 5.98%, shadow ratio 4.26%
Essex County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures for sale 5.98%, shadow ratio 4.26%
Info/Broken? - Number of people filing for bankruptcy jumps in state
Discuss - Number of people filing for bankruptcy jumps in state
Number of people filing for bankruptcy jumps in state
Info/Broken? - Mass. lawyer pleads guilty in condo fraud
Discuss - Mass. lawyer pleads guilty in condo fraud
Mass. lawyer pleads guilty in condo fraud
Info/Broken? - Patrick plan will cut spending by $570M
Discuss - Patrick plan will cut spending by $570M
Patrick plan will cut spending by $570M
Info/Broken? - Globe: Mass. housing market held steady for 2010
Discuss - Globe: Mass. housing market held steady for 2010
Globe: Mass. housing market held steady for 2010
Info/Broken? - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 0.8% YOY (nominal) in November
Discuss - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 0.8% YOY (nominal) in November
S&P/Case-Shiller Boston down 0.8% YOY (nominal) in November
Info/Broken? - Declines resume in MA SFH nominal median - MAR: prices down 6.2% YOY
Discuss - Declines resume in MA SFH nominal median - MAR: prices down 6.2% YOY
Declines resume in MA SFH nominal median - MAR: prices down 6.2% YOY
Info/Broken? - Let home buyer beware
Discuss - Let home buyer beware
Let home buyer beware
Info/Broken? - Suffolk County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures for sale 5.46%, shadow ratio 7.14%
Discuss - Suffolk County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures for sale 5.46%, shadow ratio 7.14%
Suffolk County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures for sale 5.46%, shadow ratio 7.14%
Info/Broken? - Where Massachusetts foreclosures rose, fell most in 2010
Discuss - Where Massachusetts foreclosures rose, fell most in 2010
Where Massachusetts foreclosures rose, fell most in 2010
Info/Broken? - S&P: Boston's shadow inventory at 62 months
Discuss - S&P: Boston's shadow inventory at 62 months
S&P: Boston's shadow inventory at 62 months
Info/Broken? - MA foreclosures drop 44% YOY in Dec, but problems could still loom
Discuss - MA foreclosures drop 44% YOY in Dec, but problems could still loom
MA foreclosures drop 44% YOY in Dec, but problems could still loom
Info/Broken? - MA foreclosures spiked 32% in 2010, despite grinding halt at end of year
Discuss - MA foreclosures spiked 32% in 2010, despite grinding halt at end of year
MA foreclosures spiked 32% in 2010, despite grinding halt at end of year
Info/Broken? - State bills target rules on foreclosure
Discuss - State bills target rules on foreclosure
State bills target rules on foreclosure
Info/Broken? - MAR Realtor sentiment down 43% YOY in December
Discuss - MAR Realtor sentiment down 43% YOY in December
MAR Realtor sentiment down 43% YOY in December
Info/Broken? - Middlesex County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures 4.63%, shadow ratio 5.50%
Discuss - Middlesex County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures 4.63%, shadow ratio 5.50%
Middlesex County Jan 6 inventory: foreclosures 4.63%, shadow ratio 5.50%
Info/Broken? - A new act in foreclosure circus
Discuss - A new act in foreclosure circus
A new act in foreclosure circus
Info/Broken? - Boston Fed: outlook for 2011 moderately positive; residential real estate gloomy
Discuss - Boston Fed: outlook for 2011 moderately positive; residential real estate gloomy
Boston Fed: outlook for 2011 moderately positive; residential real estate gloomy
Info/Broken? - A rental revival
Discuss - A rental revival
A rental revival
Info/Broken? - Developer sued over failed condo deal - Natick woman alleges discrimination
Discuss - Developer sued over failed condo deal - Natick woman alleges discrimination
Developer sued over failed condo deal - Natick woman alleges discrimination
Info/Broken? - Plant will shut after $58m in state aid - Evergreen Solar to cut 800 jobs
Discuss - Plant will shut after $58m in state aid - Evergreen Solar to cut 800 jobs
Plant will shut after $58m in state aid - Evergreen Solar to cut 800 jobs
Info/Broken? - Thoughts on Ibanez from Middlesex North Registry of Deeds
Discuss - Thoughts on Ibanez from Middlesex North Registry of Deeds
Thoughts on Ibanez from Middlesex North Registry of Deeds
Info/Broken? - Housing reports a mixed bag for Boston, state
Discuss - Housing reports a mixed bag for Boston, state
Housing reports a mixed bag for Boston, state
Info/Broken? - Galvin wants foreclosure tribunal - Seeks to ease uncertainty following SJC ruling on mortgage ownership
Discuss - Galvin wants foreclosure tribunal - Seeks to ease uncertainty following SJC ruling on mortgage ownership
Galvin wants foreclosure tribunal - Seeks to ease uncertainty following SJC ruling on mortgage ownership
Info/Broken? - Small towns besieged by foreclosures - Job losses, slow economy plague many outside cities
Discuss - Small towns besieged by foreclosures - Job losses, slow economy plague many outside cities
Small towns besieged by foreclosures - Job losses, slow economy plague many outside cities
Info/Broken? - Could Mass. Court Ruling Prolong Housing Slump?
Discuss - Could Mass. Court Ruling Prolong Housing Slump?
Could Mass. Court Ruling Prolong Housing Slump?
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: Dec 2010 recording statistics
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: Dec 2010 recording statistics
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: Dec 2010 recording statistics
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Foreclosure Case Reveals Bad Practices Behind the Mortgage Scene
Discuss - Massachusetts Foreclosure Case Reveals Bad Practices Behind the Mortgage Scene
Massachusetts Foreclosure Case Reveals Bad Practices Behind the Mortgage Scene
Info/Broken? - Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices November 2010
Discuss - Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices November 2010
Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices November 2010
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: 2010 Recording Statistics
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: 2010 Recording Statistics
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: 2010 Recording Statistics
Info/Broken? - "Lots of optimism" in state's housing market
Discuss - "Lots of optimism" in state's housing market
"Lots of optimism" in state's housing market
Info/Broken? - MA SFH under agreement in Dec up 5.3% YOY, all of 2010 down 2.5% from 2009
Discuss - MA SFH under agreement in Dec up 5.3% YOY, all of 2010 down 2.5% from 2009
MA SFH under agreement in Dec up 5.3% YOY, all of 2010 down 2.5% from 2009
Info/Broken? - Calculated Risk's predictions for housing prices in 2011
Discuss - Calculated Risk's predictions for housing prices in 2011
Calculated Risk's predictions for housing prices in 2011
Info/Broken? - Citing Mass. income drop, gov cuts lawmaker pay
Discuss - Citing Mass. income drop, gov cuts lawmaker pay
Citing Mass. income drop, gov cuts lawmaker pay
Info/Broken? - Boston hit hardest by Mass. construction declines
Discuss - Boston hit hardest by Mass. construction declines
Boston hit hardest by Mass. construction declines
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds on 2010: Deeds down 3%, foreclosures up 40%
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds on 2010: Deeds down 3%, foreclosures up 40%
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds on 2010: Deeds down 3%, foreclosures up 40%
Info/Broken? - Mass. is slowest in the nation to initiate foreclosures at 373 days
Discuss - Mass. is slowest in the nation to initiate foreclosures at 373 days
Mass. is slowest in the nation to initiate foreclosures at 373 days
Info/Broken? - Is the mortgage deduction dying? Lawmakers weigh big revamp of tax break
Discuss - Is the mortgage deduction dying? Lawmakers weigh big revamp of tax break
Is the mortgage deduction dying? Lawmakers weigh big revamp of tax break
Info/Broken? - Schiff: Home prices still too high, would have to decline another 20% just to get back to the historical trend line, likely to overshoot
Discuss - Schiff: Home prices still too high, would have to decline another 20% just to get back to the historical trend line, likely to overshoot
Schiff: Home prices still too high, would have to decline another 20% just to get back to the historical trend line, likely to overshoot
Info/Broken? - In a time of shrinking wallets, dreams shrinking too
Discuss - In a time of shrinking wallets, dreams shrinking too
In a time of shrinking wallets, dreams shrinking too
Info/Broken? - Home-loan modifications decline
Discuss - Home-loan modifications decline
Home-loan modifications decline
Info/Broken? - Mass. home foreclosures fall in November
Discuss - Mass. home foreclosures fall in November
Mass. home foreclosures fall in November
Info/Broken? - Boston home prices resumed nominal decline in October, 1st month after credit
Discuss - Boston home prices resumed nominal decline in October, 1st month after credit
Boston home prices resumed nominal decline in October, 1st month after credit
Info/Broken? - Opinion: Mass. zoning keeps doors closed to newcomers
Discuss - Opinion: Mass. zoning keeps doors closed to newcomers
Opinion: Mass. zoning keeps doors closed to newcomers
Info/Broken? - Experts: Foreclosure Crisis Far From Over In The Bay State
Discuss - Experts: Foreclosure Crisis Far From Over In The Bay State
Experts: Foreclosure Crisis Far From Over In The Bay State
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: Nov 2010
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: Nov 2010
Boston Bubble Wrap: Nov 2010
Info/Broken? - Top execs take on Bay State "brain drain"
Discuss - Top execs take on Bay State "brain drain"
Top execs take on Bay State "brain drain"
Info/Broken? - Hub is third best business city, survey says
Discuss - Hub is third best business city, survey says
Hub is third best business city, survey says
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Nov 2010 vs. Nov 2009 - MAR: sales down 31.5%, nominal median up 5.2%; Warren Group: sales down 30%, nominal median up 7.3%
Discuss - MA SFH Nov 2010 vs. Nov 2009 - MAR: sales down 31.5%, nominal median up 5.2%; Warren Group: sales down 30%, nominal median up 7.3%
MA SFH Nov 2010 vs. Nov 2009 - MAR: sales down 31.5%, nominal median up 5.2%; Warren Group: sales down 30%, nominal median up 7.3%
Info/Broken? - Census count confirms Mass. to lose House seat
Discuss - Census count confirms Mass. to lose House seat
Census count confirms Mass. to lose House seat
Info/Broken? - Mass. "hoping for miracle" - Expected to lose congressional seat
Discuss - Mass. "hoping for miracle" - Expected to lose congressional seat
Mass. "hoping for miracle" - Expected to lose congressional seat
Info/Broken? - Boston lawyer charged with mortgage fraud
Discuss - Boston lawyer charged with mortgage fraud
Boston lawyer charged with mortgage fraud
Info/Broken? - Wary lenders denying short sales - Citing price concerns, many opt to foreclose
Discuss - Wary lenders denying short sales - Citing price concerns, many opt to foreclose
Wary lenders denying short sales - Citing price concerns, many opt to foreclose
Info/Broken? - Homestead law revision clarifies protections for Mass. home owners
Discuss - Homestead law revision clarifies protections for Mass. home owners
Homestead law revision clarifies protections for Mass. home owners
Info/Broken? - MA REALTOR(R) sentiment down 51.91% YOY in November
Discuss - MA REALTOR(R) sentiment down 51.91% YOY in November
MA REALTOR(R) sentiment down 51.91% YOY in November
Info/Broken? - Jobless rate in state rises slightly
Discuss - Jobless rate in state rises slightly
Jobless rate in state rises slightly
Info/Broken? - Firm may skirt millions in property fees - Attorney general, others probe system created by lenders
Discuss - Firm may skirt millions in property fees - Attorney general, others probe system created by lenders
Firm may skirt millions in property fees - Attorney general, others probe system created by lenders
Info/Broken? - Number of homes taken back by lenders tumbles
Discuss - Number of homes taken back by lenders tumbles
Number of homes taken back by lenders tumbles
Info/Broken? - The Next Housing Bubble - Is This the Perfect Storm?  Massachusetts considered particularly problematic.
Discuss - The Next Housing Bubble - Is This the Perfect Storm?  Massachusetts considered particularly problematic.
The Next Housing Bubble - Is This the Perfect Storm? Massachusetts considered particularly problematic.
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 32% YOY in November, nominal median up 5.3%
Discuss - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 32% YOY in November, nominal median up 5.3%
MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 32% YOY in November, nominal median up 5.3%
Info/Broken? - Sales of homes in toney towns up, but prices keep plunging
Discuss - Sales of homes in toney towns up, but prices keep plunging
Sales of homes in toney towns up, but prices keep plunging
Info/Broken? - Zillow: Hub home values up by $11B
Discuss - Zillow: Hub home values up by $11B
Zillow: Hub home values up by $11B
Info/Broken? - US home values tumble $1.7 trillion in 2010 despite tax credit gimmick
Discuss - US home values tumble $1.7 trillion in 2010 despite tax credit gimmick
US home values tumble $1.7 trillion in 2010 despite tax credit gimmick
Info/Broken? - Boston Foreclosure Fighters: Banks Are 'Deceptive In Hosts of Ways'
Discuss - Boston Foreclosure Fighters: Banks Are 'Deceptive In Hosts of Ways'
Boston Foreclosure Fighters: Banks Are 'Deceptive In Hosts of Ways'
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts among 10 worst states for retirement
Discuss - Massachusetts among 10 worst states for retirement
Massachusetts among 10 worst states for retirement
Info/Broken? - MA Nov pending home sales unchanged from 2009
Discuss - MA Nov pending home sales unchanged from 2009
MA Nov pending home sales unchanged from 2009
Info/Broken? - Rentals soar as more people steer clear of homeownership
Discuss - Rentals soar as more people steer clear of homeownership
Rentals soar as more people steer clear of homeownership
Info/Broken? - Bill Galvin to propose court OK for foreclosures
Discuss - Bill Galvin to propose court OK for foreclosures
Bill Galvin to propose court OK for foreclosures
Info/Broken? - 3 reasons why the mortgage tax break isn't a break
Discuss - 3 reasons why the mortgage tax break isn't a break
3 reasons why the mortgage tax break isn't a break
Info/Broken? - Construction Jobs Down In Mass.
Discuss - Construction Jobs Down In Mass.
Construction Jobs Down In Mass.
Info/Broken? - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Snapshot: Nov 30, 2010
Discuss - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Snapshot: Nov 30, 2010
S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Snapshot: Nov 30, 2010
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Nov 2010 vs Nov 2009: Deeds down 15%, foreclosure deeds down 50%
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Nov 2010 vs Nov 2009: Deeds down 15%, foreclosure deeds down 50%
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Nov 2010 vs Nov 2009: Deeds down 15%, foreclosure deeds down 50%
Info/Broken? - Loss of equity since expiration of tax credit already exceeds value of credit (US)
Discuss - Loss of equity since expiration of tax credit already exceeds value of credit (US)
Loss of equity since expiration of tax credit already exceeds value of credit (US)
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts on the mend - Study 'upbeat'on economy, but cites real estate as weak link
Discuss - Massachusetts on the mend - Study 'upbeat'on economy, but cites real estate as weak link
Massachusetts on the mend - Study 'upbeat'on economy, but cites real estate as weak link
Info/Broken? - 7 Towns Where Land is Free
Discuss - 7 Towns Where Land is Free
7 Towns Where Land is Free
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: October 2010
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: October 2010
Boston Bubble Wrap: October 2010
Info/Broken? - State braces for end to federal unemployment benefits
Discuss - State braces for end to federal unemployment benefits
State braces for end to federal unemployment benefits
Info/Broken? - State Street to cut 400 Mass. jobs
Discuss - State Street to cut 400 Mass. jobs
State Street to cut 400 Mass. jobs
Info/Broken? - NIMBYs ruin national economy, Newton provides example
Discuss - NIMBYs ruin national economy, Newton provides example
NIMBYs ruin national economy, Newton provides example
Info/Broken? - Boston S&P/Case-Shiller up 0.4% nominally YOY in September
Discuss - Boston S&P/Case-Shiller up 0.4% nominally YOY in September
Boston S&P/Case-Shiller up 0.4% nominally YOY in September
Info/Broken? - Study puts Bay State on top of tech heap
Discuss - Study puts Bay State on top of tech heap
Study puts Bay State on top of tech heap
Info/Broken? - Boston broker gets jail time in mortgage scam
Discuss - Boston broker gets jail time in mortgage scam
Boston broker gets jail time in mortgage scam
Info/Broken? - Incentive gone, Oct. home sales dive - Worst showing since 1990 blamed on end of tax credit
Discuss - Incentive gone, Oct. home sales dive - Worst showing since 1990 blamed on end of tax credit
Incentive gone, Oct. home sales dive - Worst showing since 1990 blamed on end of tax credit
Info/Broken? - Panel calls lenders' handling of foreclosures "inexcusable"
Discuss - Panel calls lenders' handling of foreclosures "inexcusable"
Panel calls lenders' handling of foreclosures "inexcusable"
Info/Broken? - MAR: Oct 2010 MA SFH sales down 27.6% YOY, nominal medial up 3.2%
Discuss - MAR: Oct 2010 MA SFH sales down 27.6% YOY, nominal medial up 3.2%
MAR: Oct 2010 MA SFH sales down 27.6% YOY, nominal medial up 3.2%
Info/Broken? - Warren Group: Oct 2010 MA SFH sales down 28% YOY, nominal median up 3.2%
Discuss - Warren Group: Oct 2010 MA SFH sales down 28% YOY, nominal median up 3.2%
Warren Group: Oct 2010 MA SFH sales down 28% YOY, nominal median up 3.2%
Info/Broken? - Dollar War in Detail
Discuss - Dollar War in Detail
Dollar War in Detail
Info/Broken? - 3rd-qtr mortgage delinquency jumps in Northeast
Discuss - 3rd-qtr mortgage delinquency jumps in Northeast
3rd-qtr mortgage delinquency jumps in Northeast
Info/Broken? - A reform both parties should love: mortgage interest deduction reform
Discuss - A reform both parties should love: mortgage interest deduction reform
A reform both parties should love: mortgage interest deduction reform
Info/Broken? - Mass. jobless rate falls to 8.1%
Discuss - Mass. jobless rate falls to 8.1%
Mass. jobless rate falls to 8.1%
Info/Broken? - Bay State retailers foresee bounce-back shopping season
Discuss - Bay State retailers foresee bounce-back shopping season
Bay State retailers foresee bounce-back shopping season
Info/Broken? - Springfield dominating state's foreclosures
Discuss - Springfield dominating state's foreclosures
Springfield dominating state's foreclosures
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure activity drops sharply in Massachusetts as some banks temporarily suspend mortgage reviews
Discuss - Foreclosure activity drops sharply in Massachusetts as some banks temporarily suspend mortgage reviews
Foreclosure activity drops sharply in Massachusetts as some banks temporarily suspend mortgage reviews
Info/Broken? - Mass. economy will slow, report says
Discuss - Mass. economy will slow, report says
Mass. economy will slow, report says
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Man Pleads Guilty, Sentenced to State Prison for Orchestrating Complex Mortgage Fraud Scheme
Discuss - Massachusetts Man Pleads Guilty, Sentenced to State Prison for Orchestrating Complex Mortgage Fraud Scheme
Massachusetts Man Pleads Guilty, Sentenced to State Prison for Orchestrating Complex Mortgage Fraud Scheme
Info/Broken? - October US housing construction falls sharply
Discuss - October US housing construction falls sharply
October US housing construction falls sharply
Info/Broken? - Mortgage industry problems broad, Iowa AG says
Discuss - Mortgage industry problems broad, Iowa AG says
Mortgage industry problems broad, Iowa AG says
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure auctions in Mass. at record pace; Lenders usually end up owning the properties
Discuss - Foreclosure auctions in Mass. at record pace; Lenders usually end up owning the properties
Foreclosure auctions in Mass. at record pace; Lenders usually end up owning the properties
Info/Broken? - Reducing tax Deductions on Mortgage Interest?
Discuss - Reducing tax Deductions on Mortgage Interest?
Reducing tax Deductions on Mortgage Interest?
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 29.5% in October, nominal median up 1.75%
Discuss - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 29.5% in October, nominal median up 1.75%
MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 29.5% in October, nominal median up 1.75%
Info/Broken? - Nassim Taleb on QE2
Discuss - Nassim Taleb on QE2
Nassim Taleb on QE2
Info/Broken? - Mortgage rates continue record slide
Discuss - Mortgage rates continue record slide
Mortgage rates continue record slide
Info/Broken? - Legal twist forces foreclosure redos
Discuss - Legal twist forces foreclosure redos
Legal twist forces foreclosure redos
Info/Broken? - Foreclosures rise in suburbs, rural areas
Discuss - Foreclosures rise in suburbs, rural areas
Foreclosures rise in suburbs, rural areas
Info/Broken? - W woes could cost Hub $10M - Prudential argues for foreclosure
Discuss - W woes could cost Hub $10M - Prudential argues for foreclosure
W woes could cost Hub $10M - Prudential argues for foreclosure
Info/Broken? - Mass. housing market sagging
Discuss - Mass. housing market sagging
Mass. housing market sagging
Info/Broken? - Homeowners Say Loan Mods Led Them To Foreclosure
Discuss - Homeowners Say Loan Mods Led Them To Foreclosure
Homeowners Say Loan Mods Led Them To Foreclosure
Info/Broken? - Boston MSA Price/Rent Jan 1987 - Aug 2010
Discuss - Boston MSA Price/Rent Jan 1987 - Aug 2010
Boston MSA Price/Rent Jan 1987 - Aug 2010
Info/Broken? - Pending home sales in Mass. fell 22% YOY in Oct
Discuss - Pending home sales in Mass. fell 22% YOY in Oct
Pending home sales in Mass. fell 22% YOY in Oct
Info/Broken? - Chapter 40B affordable housing law avoids repeal effort
Discuss - Chapter 40B affordable housing law avoids repeal effort
Chapter 40B affordable housing law avoids repeal effort
Info/Broken? - Freddie Mac posts $4.1B loss for Q3
Discuss - Freddie Mac posts $4.1B loss for Q3
Freddie Mac posts $4.1B loss for Q3
Info/Broken? - US homeownership stays at lowest level in a decade
Discuss - US homeownership stays at lowest level in a decade
US homeownership stays at lowest level in a decade
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: Substantial decline in foreclosures in October
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: Substantial decline in foreclosures in October
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds: Substantial decline in foreclosures in October
Info/Broken? - Brokers' funding of candidates for governor
Discuss - Brokers' funding of candidates for governor
Brokers' funding of candidates for governor
Info/Broken? - Homeowners: Proceed with caution with the feds
Discuss - Homeowners: Proceed with caution with the feds
Homeowners: Proceed with caution with the feds
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: September 2010 - Real prices dip back below 2008 (but still above 2009)
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: September 2010 - Real prices dip back below 2008 (but still above 2009)
Boston Bubble Wrap: September 2010 - Real prices dip back below 2008 (but still above 2009)
Info/Broken? - Gary Shilling: Further 20% drop in single-family prices over next few years
Discuss - Gary Shilling: Further 20% drop in single-family prices over next few years
Gary Shilling: Further 20% drop in single-family prices over next few years
Info/Broken? - No return to boom years for the US real estate industry, new analysis suggests
Discuss - No return to boom years for the US real estate industry, new analysis suggests
No return to boom years for the US real estate industry, new analysis suggests
Info/Broken? - Worries about paying the mortgage on rise, poll says
Discuss - Worries about paying the mortgage on rise, poll says
Worries about paying the mortgage on rise, poll says
Info/Broken? - The Real Estate Market in 2030
Discuss - The Real Estate Market in 2030
The Real Estate Market in 2030
Info/Broken? - The Fed's impending blunder
Discuss - The Fed's impending blunder
The Fed's impending blunder
Info/Broken? - Natick home sales down 66% YOY, nominal median down 18%
Discuss - Natick home sales down 66% YOY, nominal median down 18%
Natick home sales down 66% YOY, nominal median down 18%
Info/Broken? - Owners of foreclosed homes face risk due to banks' practices
Discuss - Owners of foreclosed homes face risk due to banks' practices
Owners of foreclosed homes face risk due to banks' practices
Info/Broken? - MAR: Sep 2010 MA SFH nominal median up 1.7% YOY, volume down 13.8%
Discuss - MAR: Sep 2010 MA SFH nominal median up 1.7% YOY, volume down 13.8%
MAR: Sep 2010 MA SFH nominal median up 1.7% YOY, volume down 13.8%
Info/Broken? - Homeowners' tax benefits face cuts
Discuss - Homeowners' tax benefits face cuts
Homeowners' tax benefits face cuts
Info/Broken? - Inventory in Boston Metro up 20.7% YOY in Sep, 7th highest increase in nation
Discuss - Inventory in Boston Metro up 20.7% YOY in Sep, 7th highest increase in nation
Inventory in Boston Metro up 20.7% YOY in Sep, 7th highest increase in nation
Info/Broken? - The Economist: How to fix housing
Discuss - The Economist: How to fix housing
The Economist: How to fix housing
Info/Broken? - The policy options for alleviating America's huge negative-equity problem
Discuss - The policy options for alleviating America's huge negative-equity problem
The policy options for alleviating America's huge negative-equity problem
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosures up nearly 27% YOY in September (though petitions down)
Discuss - Mass. foreclosures up nearly 27% YOY in September (though petitions down)
Mass. foreclosures up nearly 27% YOY in September (though petitions down)
Info/Broken? - Fannie, Freddie tab could rise to $259B
Discuss - Fannie, Freddie tab could rise to $259B
Fannie, Freddie tab could rise to $259B
Info/Broken? - Mass. foreclosure petitions drop 7% YOY in September
Discuss - Mass. foreclosure petitions drop 7% YOY in September
Mass. foreclosure petitions drop 7% YOY in September
Info/Broken? - New England companies see sales rebound, but few new jobs
Discuss - New England companies see sales rebound, but few new jobs
New England companies see sales rebound, but few new jobs
Info/Broken? - Richard Peiser: A government-forced moratorium will destroy the already-crippled housing market
Discuss - Richard Peiser: A government-forced moratorium will destroy the already-crippled housing market
Richard Peiser: A government-forced moratorium will destroy the already-crippled housing market
Info/Broken? - Bank of America, GMAC say they're ready to resume foreclosures
Discuss - Bank of America, GMAC say they're ready to resume foreclosures
Bank of America, GMAC say they're ready to resume foreclosures
Info/Broken? - US issues new rules for appraisers
Discuss - US issues new rules for appraisers
US issues new rules for appraisers
Info/Broken? - Niall Ferguson - U.S. will default or inflate
Discuss - Niall Ferguson - U.S. will default or inflate
Niall Ferguson - U.S. will default or inflate
Info/Broken? - An election that could shake up Greater Boston's housing market
Discuss - An election that could shake up Greater Boston's housing market
An election that could shake up Greater Boston's housing market
Info/Broken? - MA REALTOR(R) sentiment down 51.42% YOY in September
Discuss - MA REALTOR(R) sentiment down 51.42% YOY in September
MA REALTOR(R) sentiment down 51.42% YOY in September
Info/Broken? - Boston MSA Price/Income Approximation: 1975 - 2009 (- 2014)
Discuss - Boston MSA Price/Income Approximation: 1975 - 2009 (- 2014)
Boston MSA Price/Income Approximation: 1975 - 2009 (- 2014)
Info/Broken? - Mortgage rates continue to fall
Discuss - Mortgage rates continue to fall
Mortgage rates continue to fall
Info/Broken? - US foreclosures reach a record high
Discuss - US foreclosures reach a record high
US foreclosures reach a record high
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 16% in September, nominal median up 1.5%
Discuss - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 16% in September, nominal median up 1.5%
MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 16% in September, nominal median up 1.5%
Info/Broken? - The descent of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Discuss - The descent of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
The descent of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Info/Broken? - Stance on Fannie and Freddie dogs Frank
Discuss - Stance on Fannie and Freddie dogs Frank
Stance on Fannie and Freddie dogs Frank
Info/Broken? - Boston Foundation: Greater Boston housing market might be facing period of more instability
Discuss - Boston Foundation: Greater Boston housing market might be facing period of more instability
Boston Foundation: Greater Boston housing market might be facing period of more instability
Info/Broken? - Is housing the most dangerous asset in the world?
Discuss - Is housing the most dangerous asset in the world?
Is housing the most dangerous asset in the world?
Info/Broken? - Mortgage refinancing requests climb 21%
Discuss - Mortgage refinancing requests climb 21%
Mortgage refinancing requests climb 21%
Info/Broken? - State's economy vulnerable, analysts say
Discuss - State's economy vulnerable, analysts say
State's economy vulnerable, analysts say
Info/Broken? - Financial services strong in Mass.
Discuss - Financial services strong in Mass.
Financial services strong in Mass.
Info/Broken? - Foreclosures accounted for about 1/3 of MA sales in Q2
Discuss - Foreclosures accounted for about 1/3 of MA sales in Q2
Foreclosures accounted for about 1/3 of MA sales in Q2
Info/Broken? - Wall St. against foreclosure halt
Discuss - Wall St. against foreclosure halt
Wall St. against foreclosure halt
Info/Broken? - Census: College grads hightail it from Hub
Discuss - Census: College grads hightail it from Hub
Census: College grads hightail it from Hub
Info/Broken? - Amid criticism, zero-down-payment mortgages still available
Discuss - Amid criticism, zero-down-payment mortgages still available
Amid criticism, zero-down-payment mortgages still available
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure freeze could prolong housing downturn for years
Discuss - Foreclosure freeze could prolong housing downturn for years
Foreclosure freeze could prolong housing downturn for years
Info/Broken? - CNNMoney: Renting still more advantageous than buying in Boston
Discuss - CNNMoney: Renting still more advantageous than buying in Boston
CNNMoney: Renting still more advantageous than buying in Boston
Info/Broken? - Lawyer: 'Insane' foreclosures should be undone
Discuss - Lawyer: 'Insane' foreclosures should be undone
Lawyer: 'Insane' foreclosures should be undone
Info/Broken? - U.S. charges Dorchester developer, four others in condo flips
Discuss - U.S. charges Dorchester developer, four others in condo flips
U.S. charges Dorchester developer, four others in condo flips
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure laws being reviewed - Task force seeks ways to simplify
Discuss - Foreclosure laws being reviewed - Task force seeks ways to simplify
Foreclosure laws being reviewed - Task force seeks ways to simplify
Info/Broken? - US offers mortgage aid to the jobless - MA homeowners could get $50K; Some loans may not have to be repaid
Discuss - US offers mortgage aid to the jobless - MA homeowners could get $50K; Some loans may not have to be repaid
US offers mortgage aid to the jobless - MA homeowners could get $50K; Some loans may not have to be repaid
Info/Broken? - AG asks for halt to foreclosures - Coakley wants banks to prove they comply
Discuss - AG asks for halt to foreclosures - Coakley wants banks to prove they comply
AG asks for halt to foreclosures - Coakley wants banks to prove they comply
Info/Broken? - Bay State pending single-family home sales fell 19% YOY in September
Discuss - Bay State pending single-family home sales fell 19% YOY in September
Bay State pending single-family home sales fell 19% YOY in September
Info/Broken? - State taking hard look at foreclosure practices - Lender errors raise concerns about lack of judicial review
Discuss - State taking hard look at foreclosure practices - Lender errors raise concerns about lack of judicial review
State taking hard look at foreclosure practices - Lender errors raise concerns about lack of judicial review
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Sep 2010 vs Sep 2009: Deeds down 18%, foreclosure deeds up 165%
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Sep 2010 vs Sep 2009: Deeds down 18%, foreclosure deeds up 165%
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Sep 2010 vs Sep 2009: Deeds down 18%, foreclosure deeds up 165%
Info/Broken? - Study: Many in Hub still can't afford to buy homes
Discuss - Study: Many in Hub still can't afford to buy homes
Study: Many in Hub still can't afford to buy homes
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: August 2010
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: August 2010
Boston Bubble Wrap: August 2010
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure Errors Cloud Homeownership With "Blighted Titles"
Discuss - Foreclosure Errors Cloud Homeownership With "Blighted Titles"
Foreclosure Errors Cloud Homeownership With "Blighted Titles"
Info/Broken? - 30-year mortgage rate sinks to 4.32%
Discuss - 30-year mortgage rate sinks to 4.32%
30-year mortgage rate sinks to 4.32%
Info/Broken? - Congress holds mortgage limits at nearly $730K
Discuss - Congress holds mortgage limits at nearly $730K
Congress holds mortgage limits at nearly $730K
Info/Broken? - Mass. buoyed in recession, data indicate - Poverty stable, but facts may mask trouble
Discuss - Mass. buoyed in recession, data indicate - Poverty stable, but facts may mask trouble
Mass. buoyed in recession, data indicate - Poverty stable, but facts may mask trouble
Info/Broken? - Mass. August home sales drop to lowest level in 2 decades
Discuss - Mass. August home sales drop to lowest level in 2 decades
Mass. August home sales drop to lowest level in 2 decades
Info/Broken? - Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices August 2010
Discuss - Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices August 2010
Beantown Bust: Boston Home Sales and Prices August 2010
Info/Broken? - Study: Massachusetts stays on track to lose U.S. House seat
Discuss - Study: Massachusetts stays on track to lose U.S. House seat
Study: Massachusetts stays on track to lose U.S. House seat
Info/Broken? - One way to fix the U.S. real estate market: MIT
Discuss - One way to fix the U.S. real estate market: MIT
One way to fix the U.S. real estate market: MIT
Info/Broken? - MA right-to-cure law extended from 90 to 150 days, other lending legislation expanded
Discuss - MA right-to-cure law extended from 90 to 150 days, other lending legislation expanded
MA right-to-cure law extended from 90 to 150 days, other lending legislation expanded
Info/Broken? - Big downward shift looming in jumbo loan limits?
Discuss - Big downward shift looming in jumbo loan limits?
Big downward shift looming in jumbo loan limits?
Info/Broken? - MA foreclosures double
Discuss - MA foreclosures double
MA foreclosures double
Info/Broken? - RI home sales drop 29% in August
Discuss - RI home sales drop 29% in August
RI home sales drop 29% in August
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure petitions hit highest level in a year
Discuss - Foreclosure petitions hit highest level in a year
Foreclosure petitions hit highest level in a year
Info/Broken? - Wellesley 7th most expensive address in US
Discuss - Wellesley 7th most expensive address in US
Wellesley 7th most expensive address in US
Info/Broken? - Housing recovery apt to take years
Discuss - Housing recovery apt to take years
Housing recovery apt to take years
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts lags U.S. in income growth
Discuss - Massachusetts lags U.S. in income growth
Massachusetts lags U.S. in income growth
Info/Broken? - Ambitious plans may reshape Boston's waterfront skyline
Discuss - Ambitious plans may reshape Boston's waterfront skyline
Ambitious plans may reshape Boston's waterfront skyline
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, mid-month stats for Sep 2010 vs Sep 2009: Deeds down 22%, foreclosure deeds up 136%
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, mid-month stats for Sep 2010 vs Sep 2009: Deeds down 22%, foreclosure deeds up 136%
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, mid-month stats for Sep 2010 vs Sep 2009: Deeds down 22%, foreclosure deeds up 136%
Info/Broken? - Some Mass. Real Estate "Treading Water"
Discuss - Some Mass. Real Estate "Treading Water"
Some Mass. Real Estate "Treading Water"
Info/Broken? - Mass. unemployment rate drops to 8.8%
Discuss - Mass. unemployment rate drops to 8.8%
Mass. unemployment rate drops to 8.8%
Info/Broken? - Banks must help Fannie, Freddie, regulator says
Discuss - Banks must help Fannie, Freddie, regulator says
Banks must help Fannie, Freddie, regulator says
Info/Broken? - U.S. Home Prices Face Three-Year Drop as Inventory Surge Looms
Discuss - U.S. Home Prices Face Three-Year Drop as Inventory Surge Looms
U.S. Home Prices Face Three-Year Drop as Inventory Surge Looms
Info/Broken? - Foreclosures sold for about 45% below assessment in Lowell
Discuss - Foreclosures sold for about 45% below assessment in Lowell
Foreclosures sold for about 45% below assessment in Lowell
Info/Broken? - Fannie, Freddie Future in Balance as Congress Ponders How to End Bailout
Discuss - Fannie, Freddie Future in Balance as Congress Ponders How to End Bailout
Fannie, Freddie Future in Balance as Congress Ponders How to End Bailout
Info/Broken? - MA REALTOR(R) sentiment down 51.73% YOY in August
Discuss - MA REALTOR(R) sentiment down 51.73% YOY in August
MA REALTOR(R) sentiment down 51.73% YOY in August
Info/Broken? - Karl Case "optimistic" about the housing market
Discuss - Karl Case "optimistic" about the housing market
Karl Case "optimistic" about the housing market
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 20% in August, but nominal median up 4.8%
Discuss - MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 20% in August, but nominal median up 4.8%
MLSPIN: MA SFH sales fall 20% in August, but nominal median up 4.8%
Info/Broken? - Government sponsoring no/very-low down payment loans again in MA and 3 other states
Discuss - Government sponsoring no/very-low down payment loans again in MA and 3 other states
Government sponsoring no/very-low down payment loans again in MA and 3 other states
Info/Broken? - Mortgage rates rise for first time in 12 weeks
Discuss - Mortgage rates rise for first time in 12 weeks
Mortgage rates rise for first time in 12 weeks
Info/Broken? - Homebuyer tax credit: 950,000 must repay
Discuss - Homebuyer tax credit: 950,000 must repay
Homebuyer tax credit: 950,000 must repay
Info/Broken? - Attorney charged in alleged condo-flipping scheme
Discuss - Attorney charged in alleged condo-flipping scheme
Attorney charged in alleged condo-flipping scheme
Info/Broken? - Fed: Hub faring better than US economy, but housing acting as a drag
Discuss - Fed: Hub faring better than US economy, but housing acting as a drag
Fed: Hub faring better than US economy, but housing acting as a drag
Info/Broken? - Massachusetts Pending Home Sales Down 10% YOY
Discuss - Massachusetts Pending Home Sales Down 10% YOY
Massachusetts Pending Home Sales Down 10% YOY
Info/Broken? - First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit, an Unmitigated Failure
Discuss - First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit, an Unmitigated Failure
First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit, an Unmitigated Failure
Info/Broken? - Obama administration incentivizes lenders to forgive 10%+ of mortgage debt
Discuss - Obama administration incentivizes lenders to forgive 10%+ of mortgage debt
Obama administration incentivizes lenders to forgive 10%+ of mortgage debt
Info/Broken? - Will America's universities go the way of its car companies?
Discuss - Will America's universities go the way of its car companies?
Will America's universities go the way of its car companies?
Info/Broken? - Tech remains vital to Bay State economy
Discuss - Tech remains vital to Bay State economy
Tech remains vital to Bay State economy
Info/Broken? - Government's dilemma: Help current or future owners?
Discuss - Government's dilemma: Help current or future owners?
Government's dilemma: Help current or future owners?
Info/Broken? - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Snapshot: Aug 31, 2010
Discuss - S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Snapshot: Aug 31, 2010
S&P/Case-Shiller Boston Snapshot: Aug 31, 2010
Info/Broken? - Mortgage rates hit decades-low of 4.32%
Discuss - Mortgage rates hit decades-low of 4.32%
Mortgage rates hit decades-low of 4.32%
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Aug 2010 vs Aug 2009: Deeds down 11%, foreclosure deeds up 165%
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Aug 2010 vs Aug 2009: Deeds down 11%, foreclosure deeds up 165%
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Aug 2010 vs Aug 2009: Deeds down 11%, foreclosure deeds up 165%
Info/Broken? - Why The S&P/Case-Shiller Index is rising while sentiment is falling
Discuss - Why The S&P/Case-Shiller Index is rising while sentiment is falling
Why The S&P/Case-Shiller Index is rising while sentiment is falling
Info/Broken? - MA foreclosures spike ~80% YOY in July - Vincent M. Valvo: increasing foreclosure activity likely for next few months
Discuss - MA foreclosures spike ~80% YOY in July - Vincent M. Valvo: increasing foreclosure activity likely for next few months
MA foreclosures spike ~80% YOY in July - Vincent M. Valvo: increasing foreclosure activity likely for next few months
Info/Broken? - MA months of supply jumps from 6.4 to 9.9
Discuss - MA months of supply jumps from 6.4 to 9.9
MA months of supply jumps from 6.4 to 9.9
Info/Broken? - W Boston faces foreclosure
Discuss - W Boston faces foreclosure
W Boston faces foreclosure
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: July 2010
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: July 2010
Boston Bubble Wrap: July 2010
Info/Broken? - Mass. misery on the rise
Discuss - Mass. misery on the rise
Mass. misery on the rise
Info/Broken? - Boston buyers still wildly irrational, expect 12% yearly appreciation over next decade
Discuss - Boston buyers still wildly irrational, expect 12% yearly appreciation over next decade
Boston buyers still wildly irrational, expect 12% yearly appreciation over next decade
Info/Broken? - US July new home sales fall to slowest pace on record
Discuss - US July new home sales fall to slowest pace on record
US July new home sales fall to slowest pace on record
Info/Broken? - MA SFH Jul 2010 vs Jul 2009 - MAR: nominal median up 7.4%, volume down 28%; Warren Group: nominal median up 3%, volume down 26%
Discuss - MA SFH Jul 2010 vs Jul 2009 - MAR: nominal median up 7.4%, volume down 28%; Warren Group: nominal median up 3%, volume down 26%
MA SFH Jul 2010 vs Jul 2009 - MAR: nominal median up 7.4%, volume down 28%; Warren Group: nominal median up 3%, volume down 26%
Info/Broken? - Housing Fades as a Means to Build Wealth, Analysts Say
Discuss - Housing Fades as a Means to Build Wealth, Analysts Say
Housing Fades as a Means to Build Wealth, Analysts Say
Info/Broken? - Economists blew the bubble
Discuss - Economists blew the bubble
Economists blew the bubble
Info/Broken? - Refinancing boom no blast for Mass. banks
Discuss - Refinancing boom no blast for Mass. banks
Refinancing boom no blast for Mass. banks
Info/Broken? - Private sector employers add another 19,000 jobs in Massachusetts
Discuss - Private sector employers add another 19,000 jobs in Massachusetts
Private sector employers add another 19,000 jobs in Massachusetts
Info/Broken? - Nearly 50% leave Obama mortgage-aid program
Discuss - Nearly 50% leave Obama mortgage-aid program
Nearly 50% leave Obama mortgage-aid program
Info/Broken? - Boston Fed's self-exoneration for lack of bubble foresight is bogus
Discuss - Boston Fed's self-exoneration for lack of bubble foresight is bogus
Boston Fed's self-exoneration for lack of bubble foresight is bogus
Info/Broken? - CME market maker fields questions on Boston housing futures contracts
Discuss - CME market maker fields questions on Boston housing futures contracts
CME market maker fields questions on Boston housing futures contracts
Info/Broken? - Frank says abolish Freddie and Fannie
Discuss - Frank says abolish Freddie and Fannie
Frank says abolish Freddie and Fannie
Info/Broken? - Mass. Realtor sentiment plunges 25.72% YOY
Discuss - Mass. Realtor sentiment plunges 25.72% YOY
Mass. Realtor sentiment plunges 25.72% YOY
Info/Broken? - Text of Geithner's speech on Fannie and Freddie
Discuss - Text of Geithner's speech on Fannie and Freddie
Text of Geithner's speech on Fannie and Freddie
Info/Broken? - Somerville real estate broker charged with embezzlement
Discuss - Somerville real estate broker charged with embezzlement
Somerville real estate broker charged with embezzlement
Info/Broken? - Mortgage eligibility at heart of Fannie, Freddie debate
Discuss - Mortgage eligibility at heart of Fannie, Freddie debate
Mortgage eligibility at heart of Fannie, Freddie debate
Info/Broken? - A special case - The demand for financial assets is not like the demand for iPods
Discuss - A special case - The demand for financial assets is not like the demand for iPods
A special case - The demand for financial assets is not like the demand for iPods
Info/Broken? - MLSPIN: Bay State home sales dive 30% in July, but nominal median up 6%
Discuss - MLSPIN: Bay State home sales dive 30% in July, but nominal median up 6%
MLSPIN: Bay State home sales dive 30% in July, but nominal median up 6%
Info/Broken? - Only 36.1% of home sale attempts were successful in Suffolk county in 2009
Discuss - Only 36.1% of home sale attempts were successful in Suffolk county in 2009
Only 36.1% of home sale attempts were successful in Suffolk county in 2009
Info/Broken? - Barney Frank: "I work closely with the National Association of Realtors. So I'll say the policies I support are ones realtors support."
Discuss - Barney Frank: "I work closely with the National Association of Realtors. So I'll say the policies I support are ones realtors support."
Barney Frank: "I work closely with the National Association of Realtors. So I'll say the policies I support are ones realtors support."
Info/Broken? - Locally, foreclosures still a problem
Discuss - Locally, foreclosures still a problem
Locally, foreclosures still a problem
Info/Broken? - New wave of foreclosures
Discuss - New wave of foreclosures
New wave of foreclosures
Info/Broken? - Mortgage rates hit low of 4.44%
Discuss - Mortgage rates hit low of 4.44%
Mortgage rates hit low of 4.44%
Info/Broken? - The return to Mass. of no money down mortgages
Discuss - The return to Mass. of no money down mortgages
The return to Mass. of no money down mortgages
Info/Broken? - Rise in executions evidence that bill for decade of consumer credit is still outstanding
Discuss - Rise in executions evidence that bill for decade of consumer credit is still outstanding
Rise in executions evidence that bill for decade of consumer credit is still outstanding
Info/Broken? - Rentals in Boston area harder to find, afford
Discuss - Rentals in Boston area harder to find, afford
Rentals in Boston area harder to find, afford
Info/Broken? - Mortgage giants' fate unclear - US weighs value of huge subsidies
Discuss - Mortgage giants' fate unclear - US weighs value of huge subsidies
Mortgage giants' fate unclear - US weighs value of huge subsidies
Info/Broken? - Bachus Seeks Hearing on Fannie Mae Whistleblower
Discuss - Bachus Seeks Hearing on Fannie Mae Whistleblower
Bachus Seeks Hearing on Fannie Mae Whistleblower
Info/Broken? - Patrick signs foreclosure relief bill into law
Discuss - Patrick signs foreclosure relief bill into law
Patrick signs foreclosure relief bill into law
Info/Broken? - Pending condo sales in East Cambridge reveal market weakness
Discuss - Pending condo sales in East Cambridge reveal market weakness
Pending condo sales in East Cambridge reveal market weakness
Info/Broken? - Patrick signs sweeping economic bill
Discuss - Patrick signs sweeping economic bill
Patrick signs sweeping economic bill
Info/Broken? - 15-year mortgage rate sinks below 4%
Discuss - 15-year mortgage rate sinks below 4%
15-year mortgage rate sinks below 4%
Info/Broken? - Aid bill contains $655m for Mass.
Discuss - Aid bill contains $655m for Mass.
Aid bill contains $655m for Mass.
Info/Broken? - Developer plans two 15-story towers in Fenway
Discuss - Developer plans two 15-story towers in Fenway
Developer plans two 15-story towers in Fenway
Info/Broken? - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Jul 2010: Deeds down 12%, foreclosure deeds up 87%
Discuss - Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Jul 2010: Deeds down 12%, foreclosure deeds up 87%
Middlesex North Registry of Deeds, Jul 2010: Deeds down 12%, foreclosure deeds up 87%
Info/Broken? - MacroMarkets pre-bubble trend: US now undervalued, Boston still overvalued by ~15%
Discuss - MacroMarkets pre-bubble trend: US now undervalued, Boston still overvalued by ~15%
MacroMarkets pre-bubble trend: US now undervalued, Boston still overvalued by ~15%
Info/Broken? - MA pending home sales down 18% YOY in July, 3rd straight month of declines
Discuss - MA pending home sales down 18% YOY in July, 3rd straight month of declines
MA pending home sales down 18% YOY in July, 3rd straight month of declines
Info/Broken? - Foreclosure looms - Everett family caught in housing crash seeks to save "dream"
Discuss - Foreclosure looms - Everett family caught in housing crash seeks to save "dream"
Foreclosure looms - Everett family caught in housing crash seeks to save "dream"
Info/Broken? - Boston Bubble Wrap: June 2010
Discuss - Boston Bubble Wrap: June 2010
Boston Bubble Wrap: June 2010
Info/Broken? - Homeowners, renters may get more help - MA legislation would increase protections against foreclosures
Discuss - Homeowners, renters may get more help - MA legislation would increase protections against foreclosures
Homeowners, renters may get more help - MA legislation would increase protections against foreclosures
Info/Broken? - 10 homes for $375K - Boston 2nd worst space
Discuss - 10 homes for $375K - Boston 2nd worst space
10 homes for $375K - Boston 2nd worst space
Info/Broken? - This American Life: Household budget cutting stories (audio)
Discuss - This American Life: Household budget cutting stories (audio)
This American Life: Household budget cutting stories (audio)
Info/Broken? - Savings from price reductions make housing tax credit look foolish
Discuss - Savings from price reductions make housing tax credit look foolish
Savings from price reductions make housing tax credit look foolish
Info/Broken? - Report: Recovery slows in regions
Discuss - Report: Recovery slows in regions